1980s Group-Pampering: Cannon-Fodder Real Young Lady Gets a Divorce and Becomes a Billionaire

Chapter 589 Gathered

It was already the second day when Yu Xia saw her daughter again.

She went crazy the night before to see her daughter, but was stopped by Lan Sibo.

Lan Sibo was afraid that after seeing his daughter, his daughter-in-law would not be able to bear such a blow, and would become emotional again and faint.

He let his daughter-in-law calm down for one night before going to see their daughter.

Facing those who blocked her, even if it was her own man, Yu Xia cried, scratched, kicked, and scratched uncontrollably.

Lan Sibo endured it silently, his arms, neck, and even his face were covered with paint, and he didn't let his wife go to the funeral home.

In the end Yu Xia was tired from crying, she lowered her head and sat on the sofa blankly, looking extremely decadent.

When Lan Sibo saw his daughter-in-law finally calmed down, he invited his sister-in-law to come over to watch his daughter-in-law.

He went to the funeral home to guard his daughter.

The next day, accompanied by her sister-in-law Tang Chu, Yu Xia got into the car driven by her sister-in-law Lan Shu and went to the funeral home together.

The news of Xiao Yanran's death had already been informed by Lan Sibo to most of the relatives in the family.

Last night, Lan Dazhuang went from unbelievable to shocked when he heard the news!

I learned that the reason for the death of the little niece was that his mother gave the child candy, and the candy got stuck in the trachea, and the child suffocated to death.

Lan Dazhuang was silent...

An indescribable blockage in his heart.

At the same time, Lan Dazhuang also understood one thing.

——In the second half of his mother's life, the relationship with the third brother's family is completely over!

Lan Shu also received a call from her third brother last night and found out about it.

As for the cause of the incident, she could hear how heavy the third brother's heart was, so she didn't go to the bottom of the question to ask why.

It's just that after the phone call with the third brother, she called the elder brother and asked what happened.

What happened took Lan Shu by surprise.

Although she had known for a long time that her adoptive mother had behaved inappropriately since she was old.

But she never thought that her adoptive mother would cause such a big trouble because of her own will!

Thinking of the third elder brother and the third sister-in-law who only had a child in their forties, holding Xiao Yanran in their hands like a baby and loving them...

Lan Shu herself has been a mother and raised children, so she can understand the kind of affection between parents and children.

Now that the child is gone, she can't imagine how much pain the third brother and his wife have to bear in their hearts!

'Oh~! ’ Lan Shu sighed, feeling sorry for Xiao Yanran and leaving, while worrying about the third brother and his wife.

And her adoptive mother.

Lan Shu didn't know what to say.

The adoptive mother lost the elder brother's son Junjun back then, so the second brother's son Haoran just wanted to escape.

When he arrived at the third brother's house, he even single-handedly caused the death of his little niece——

Lan Shu is glad that she brought up her own children and didn't let her adoptive mother get involved!

At the same time, she was also very angry with what her adoptive mother had done!

In Linjiang City, Lan Xiuming was the first to know about it.

After hearing the news of his little niece's death on the phone yesterday afternoon, he immediately asked for leave from the hospital.

He took the train overnight and arrived in Kyoto early this morning.

Lan Xiuming didn't come alone this time, he also brought his wife Tian Na with him.

Although Tian Na was busy with work, when she knew that Yu Xia's daughter was gone, she knew how sad and fragile Yu Xia was in her heart due to the harmonious sister-in-law relationship between her and Yu Xia!

Maybe I went to the capital by myself, and after seeing Yu Xia, I can comfort Yu Xia a little...

So Tian Na asked for leave without hesitation, and went to the capital with her man.

In the Lan family, except for the brothers and sisters of Lan Shu who brought their family members to the funeral home.

Among the grandchildren, Gu Qingning, who was married, also drove to the funeral home after sending his son to kindergarten.

She still remembers the little sister in the third uncle's house.

That was her youngest cousin, Lan Yanran, who was only a little over a year old this year, younger than her son, and she just disappeared——

Gu Qingning felt sorry, but also worried about the third uncle and his wife.

The little cousin is gone, and I hope they can get out of their grief as soon as possible.

Although Gu Qingning knew it was difficult, the dead are gone, and the living must continue to live...

Because Lan Juncheng went abroad some time ago, he is currently preparing for a performance at a foreign music festival, so his family didn't tell him about it.

As for Lan Haoran, the third child among the grandchildren of the Lan family, because he is going to university in other places, he will not be able to come back for a while.

The next generation down is Gu Zerui.

Gu Zerui knew that his little cousin was gone, and after a moment of shock, he immediately asked for leave from the school to see his little cousin off for the last time.

Gu Zerui never thought that the eldest grandma would be the one who killed the little cousin!

Gu Zerui hasn't gotten along with the eldest grandma very much, and the relationship between the two is average.

Now that he learned the truth about his little cousin's death, apart from being angry, he couldn't help complaining to his grandma!

What Grandma did is really chilling!

Killing her granddaughter with her own hands, even if she didn't do it on purpose, but just happened by accident, it still can't change the fact that this tragedy was caused by her!

Gu Zerui didn't know how the grandma was feeling at the moment, did she feel guilty or guilty for what she did?

At this time, Gu Zerui remembered that Chang Chunfang, who accidentally killed her own granddaughter, had been temporarily taken away from her third son's home by her eldest son Lan Dazhuang.

Chang Chunfang locked herself in her room at her eldest son's house, unwilling to come out.

She has only lived in the third son's house for three months this time, and she has not yet moved to the place where she should live, but what she has done makes Lan Dazhuang worried that his mother will stay in the same house with the third brother's family again.

Lan Sibo also didn't want his mother and daughter-in-law to be under the same roof.

So when his mother was picked up by his elder brother, he could not see her, and felt a little better.

The death of his daughter made him not want to see his own mother again in a short time!

This morning, when most of the Lan family were heading to the funeral home.

In Lan Dazhuang's house on Chang'an Street, Chang Chunfang was deeply shocked by the accidental death of her granddaughter!

Chang Chunfang never thought that she would kill her own granddaughter with her own hands!

Her original intention was to be good to her granddaughter!

She wants her little granddaughter to be happy.

She didn't mean to!

But the little granddaughter was killed by her...

Chang Chunfang reflected that if she had listened to her third daughter-in-law and refused to let her granddaughter eat sweets, the tragedy like this would not have happened——

Chang Chunfang was frightened by the death of her little granddaughter. Last night, she blamed herself and cried for a long time, not knowing when she fell asleep.

Early this morning, she heard from her nanny that her eldest son and daughter-in-law had gone to the funeral home.

She felt sad again...

She did something unforgivably wrong!

He killed his own granddaughter~!

Chang Chunfang was emotionally sad, suffering, and blamed herself.

She even thought about paying for her little granddaughter's life!

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