30 Years Have Passed Since the Prologue

Chapter 101

Chapter 101


Ivan fired his gun into the air, aiming directly at the front. As expected, the children of the hero party were too scared to respond, crouching down without any thought of fighting back.

If their line of fire detection was more developed, they would have rushed out and attacked the shooter before even noticing the gunshot. That was the fighting style of a superhuman.

The way to enhance line of fire detection was simple. It was about stimulating survival instincts while strengthening the body with magic.

Perhaps I should change the bullet type.

Excuse me?

One of the agents who served as his assistant sniper beside him asked, sweating coldly.

Ivan, being a rational person, chose to ponder over the question instead of answering it directly.

Even if I use an emergency treatment kit, injuries from gunshot wounds cant be completely healed without the help of a priest. Healing potions might work, but

Healing potions werent something to be used casually.

Ivan was a rational person who knew how to distinguish tools according to their purpose. It was time for appropriate training through trials, not a time to torture young kids by shooting bullets into them.


Fire at intervals of 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and 5 minutes. Aim for non-lethal areas if possible, avoiding headshots.

Ivan gave brief instructions and left his position. He needed to prepare for the next plan.

If only Dmitri or Pavel were here, things would have been easier. Under the supreme command, only field agents were deployed, resulting in a mess of orders.

Ivan couldnt help but chuckle.

It seemed like he was thinking entirely like a commander.

He holstered his gun and pulled out a wire, wrapping it around his wrist. Then, he picked up an axe and a dagger, each firmly in hand, before lifting his head.

Originally, he was closer to executing missions than giving orders.

So, now its time to return to his main job.


Be suspicious of safe places.

As soon as Elpheira leaned against the cover, she discovered a note stuck right where her head was and immediately screamed.


The ground behind the seemingly safe rock suddenly collapsed.

Upon hearing her scream, Isabelle reached out and managed to lift her up just in time.

Thankfully, there werent any spears or thorns sticking out from the ground.

What kind of insane talk is that, Oscar?

If it were an Cleansup Unit, thats what it would mean.

Im scared of this country now.

Oscar glanced at the trap and nodded. Even that was a trap design that he hadnt noticed beforehand.

Whats more malicious is that it was positioned opposite to where the gunshots were heard. In other words, if someone hid behind this rock as cover, they would be deliberately lured into falling.

Is anyone injured?

It hurts like hell, but luckily I can still move.

Did everyone get hit in the back?

I got hit in the thigh

Oscar glanced at Ecdysiss thigh at her words, then quickly averted his gaze.

It was irritating, especially for Ecdysis, to have mud smeared all over her body from tumbling on the ground wearing unnecessarily flowing clothes.

And at the same time, he realized. Hmm, if its just that level of impact, it shouldnt hinder their actions.

Snipers trained in typical shooting usually aim for the stomach or chest. If theres a different intention, they might aim for areas like the knees, shoulders, or elbows that hinder movement.

The head is out of the question. Unless youre guaranteed to accurately hit the head, its generally too small a target to aim for at a distance.

Therefore, in basic shooting training, the aim is always aligned with the center of the body.

However, none of the members of this party had suffered such lethal injuries.

Ordinary people might just think, Ah, its a training situation, so theyre tolerating it, but Oscar was an agent who had undergone a professional training course (up to the trainee level).

Therefore, at that moment, he began to feel eerie and creepy.

The agents training level is too good.

Basic shooting training is typically for conscripts or is passed over at a cultured level. Shooting skills ultimately arent applicable to decisive strongmen.

And within this forest, there would be at least over ten agents. Maybe even twenty.

To control the entire mountain, predict the actions and movements of trainees, set traps, and monitor them continuously without rest, how many personnel would be needed?

And whats the probability that all those personnel, in long-range sniping, can accurately hit the target without a single mistake?

Moreover, this isnt live ammunition.

The fact that its not live ammunition doesnt just blur the trainees vigilance. Snipers also feel relieved inwardly.

Oh, its not live ammunition, so even if I make a mistake, I wont die.

Such relief tends to dull the fingertips of snipers. Considering the number of bullets poured on them in the past 24 hours, what does it mean to hit the target accurately without a single mistake?

None of the snipers here are elite agents from the Krasilov Intelligence Directorate.

This is the hidden strength of the Krasilov Surveillance Command. At least, thats one aspect of it.

Even frontline agents mobilized for trainee guidance can achieve flawless sniping regardless of day or night and distance.

And the fact that such highly valuable personnel can be consumed solely in trainee education.

Oscar looked into the forest with a contemplative gaze before following the departing group.

Operation Area North, an altitude of 250m located at 12 oclock on the tactical map.

In the dense bushes of summer foliage, Ivan slowly raised his head. In the distance, he heard the rustling, the sound of grass leaves colliding.

When focusing on his hearing as much as possible, he could distinguish the sounds of 42 different animals. If you understand that each animal has differences in stride, weight, center of gravity, and walking style, its a level anyone can reach through training.

Therefore, the fact that he heard a sound from none of the 42 species of wild animals means only one thing.

In this place where civilians and military forces are both present, the appearance of a bipedal entity weighing over 100kg indicates the intrusion of humans or humanoid beings.

Theyve arrived.

Unable to determine the opponents audible range, Ivan slowly rose while holding his breath.

There are no traps or traces nearby. Deploying such things would only stimulate the opponents vigilance.

Due to the need to distinguish opponents at a distance by sound, all nearby forces have been introduced. This means that friendly identification is unnecessary.

Therefore, before his eyes. Those who appeared beyond the restricted access line for civilians are all enemies.

Its a simple story.

In the forest, within the operational range, allies are alone, and any other entities are assumed to be enemies.

It was always a reconnaissance mission. And Ivan had never failed a reconnaissance mission. The opponent might not be at the level of elite soldiers residing in the Castle of Seven Dragons.

Is this the right direction?

A voice came from a distance. Ivan silently climbed onto a tree trunk, focusing on his hearing and vision.

Between trees and among lush leaves, something was rustling and moving.

There are about 30 of them. All armed except for two entities.

A small voice followed.

There are no traces of humans at all. Is this place really correct?

Are you doubting it now?

Weve never doubted the Eye. But its strange. Making a fuss about a catastrophe since morning!

Catastrophe? A magician? The expression human, its not human. Elves Of course not. Elves wouldnt speak so politely.

Ivan frowned as he caught a glimpse of the faint gleam of a sergeants insignia between the trees.

Theyre not wearing camouflage. Either they lack field experience or they belong to a tribe that dislikes camouflage.

Among demons, there were several tribes like that. Some tribes specialized in open-field combat, and they refused camouflage to demonstrate their own valor.

Naturally, most of those who made such foolish choices were extinct.

Soon, the figures beyond the forest approached closer. At that moment, Ivan identified the enemys identity.

He quickly confirmed the forces and hid deeper into the forest.

HQ. This is O1.

O1. Receiving from HQ.

Ivan pressed his ear and spoke in a low voice.

Operation A1-2 is aborted. Situation C2 has arisen.

Understood. Situation C2. Confirming.

Yes. Whats the status of the strike team on-site?

Strike team 7 is engaged.

Ivan recalled the operation map in his mind.

If Team 7 is engaged, then Team 3 is on standby, and Team 5 is on rest.

Contact 5-1. Implement response 2 for Situation C2.

Confirmed. Response 2 for Situation C2. Whats the implementation time?

10 minutes from now.

Confirmed. Operation Crisis Imposition. Implementation at 1232 hours.

After the final acknowledgment, Ivan sheathed his axe at his waist and held a dagger in his right hand, extending his arm.


The protagonists need to become stronger than they are now.

According to Academy clichs, its impossible to strengthen the protagonist through training.

Therefore, the protagonists need crisis and trials.

Up to this point, these were Ivans initial thoughts when formulating the plan.

So, if we take one step further from here.

According to Academy training camps, its common for enemies to launch attacks.

Naturally, theres no other way to reach this point. Ivan is a rational person.

And if we add another layer of thought from the perspective of an agent:

If the attackers are not all amateurs, its possible to guide them to suitable positions for attack.

If the attackers are competent enough, they could serve as good sparring partners for the reconnaissance command agents lacking real combat experience.

At this point, the hypothetical enemy forces that can be anticipated are as follows:

Prince factions, remnants of the suckling nobility, rebels from other countries, international terrorist organizations.

Up to here, these are the problems that the reconnaissance command agents need to solve. However, in this academy setting, there was one more anticipated attacking force.

A deeply-rooted antagonistic force ranging from train terrorism to surprise attacks during practical lessons.

The demons.

Naturally, this is a trial that the protagonists must overcome. The reconnaissance command is an intelligence organization, not an extermination unit. Contrary to the misconceptions of many, the extermination unit has only been deployed once in history in a full-scale battle.

The demons are to be dealt with by the protagonists. But the protagonists believe that the reconnaissance command agents will protect them.

And that is

A trial cannot be avoided.

This line appears in a famous Earth . [If you have enough courage, turn life into a trial.] In simpler terms, it means something like [Trials that cannot kill me make me stronger!]

Ivan knows this truth is correct because his life has been like that. And as a rational educator, he should be able to teach the trainees the lessons he has learned.

By skillfully arranging unbeatable trials through appropriate difficulty adjustment and situational control.



Isabelle raised her knife, aiming at the direction where the sound came from, hesitatingly stepping back.

What nonsense is he trying to pull now?

Sadly, there was no longer the kindly, warm, and gentle (there never was) gentleman in her heart. Only the monster who dragged college students to the countryside during vacation for dates and then went on a shooting spree remained.

But now, the situation was different.

With a scream, a large, well-camouflaged agent emerged from the forest, causing chaos in the group.

W-what? Whats this? Training too?

Run run away!

The agent stumbled, coughing up blood, then collapsed.

The party fell into instant disarray.

Aaah! A-are you okay?!

As Ecdysis screamed and rushed forward, bang! Gunfire rang out, and blood sprayed from the agents back.

Soon, with the next shot, a small mound of dirt flew up from Ecdysiss feet as well. She screamed and quickly hid behind cover. If Ivan had seen it, it would have earned her extra points for swift cover.

Whats happening? Whats going on?!

R-real bullets! Everyone, take cover for now!

Along with Oscars shout, gunfire continued. Groans of pain and the sound of someone running through the woods followed.

An ambush? Are those gentlemen being attacked right now?

I-I think, I think so!?

Then whos going to protect us?

The four of them looked at each other simultaneously, then scanned the forest beyond with terrified faces.

Under the sunny sky of a beautiful summer day, the forest fell eerily silent.

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