500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 497 Mia, The Riftmother

The explosions and eerie music of battle rang out as if we were underwater, and Tallia gasped.

"This is beautiful," She said, and I nodded.

"This is why I wanted to show you this. No one has ever seen space like this through their own eyes before, so I thought it would be something special for us together. It is like our first place together here in the Astral Plane, where time doesn't matter, and we are just two souls with a connection that will never fade away. I love you, Tallia."

Tallia's eyes widened slightly, but then she jumped forward and kissed me deeply, and the world felt like it was frozen in time.

"I love you too, Galio. You know, I talked to Nemoria when you were fighting the Riftwalked the first time? She told me that there was beauty in destruction, and I thought she was crazy. Now that I am looking at this, I know exactly what she meant," Tallia said as she looked out of the bubble at the scene above and then back to me with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, I'm starting to get it, too," I said, and then we just stayed there in each other's arms, watching the chaos.

"Will it ever stop?" She asked, and I gave her a clueless look.

"Your guess is as good as mine."

We watched for a bit longer, but when one of the Riftwalkers spawned a mass of broods, Tallia looked up at me with a curious look. "How were you able to tame a Riftwalker?"

That made me laugh and then shiver at the same time.

"Are you sure that you want to hear this story?" I asked, and she nodded.

"I am curious because if you could tame one, then why can't you tame the ones that the Blood witch uses?" Tallia asked, and I nodded back.

"Yes, that would be nice, right? Unfortunately, that is not how it works. Riftwalkers are creations of Negative Energy, and they feed off it, so taming them normally is not something you can do with them, but there is one that is more human than the others. Long ago, in an attempt to stop the Riftwalkers permanently, I entered my mother's world and tried to kill them all, but as you can see, just those five are enough to keep up with all of them. My mother's dimension is filled with them, and there is one that makes the Brood Mothers, Mia, The Riftmother, " I explained, and Tallia rolled her eyes with a smile.

"I see where this story is going," she giggled, and I smiled.

"True, I did mate with her, and now our five children protect us all. I call them tame, but I just gave them something to do that they will never get tired of. They eat the killed Chaos Beasts and produce more brood," I explained, and Tallia nodded.

"I guess they do look cuter than the ugly creature that you fought the first time," She said, and I grinned.

"Ready to go back?" I asked, but she shook her head and pointed at one of the Space Whales.

"Are those your children as well?" Tallia asked, but I shook my head.

"Nope, just another creature that is a glutton, so they never leave. They don't produce as fast, but they are much tougher and survive for thousands of years before dying. The two AI are from a world that was completely metal, and everything was a form of AI. They were using the planet to fight each other, so I put them in a place where they could fight endlessly. I had tried to force other monsters to do the same thing, but most of them died too fast or would gave up after a few hundred years. I had to find a group that was doing it because it was something natural to them," I explained, and Tallia laughed.

"So you are basically using them to do your bidding, but with a better purpose," She said, and I shrugged but then nodded.

"Yup, something like that. " I smiled, and then we flew away from the battle in our bubble, finally heading back home.

"This whole thing is mind-boggling. I had no idea this was even there. What happens if they break through?" Tallia asked as we re-entered Heaven's Filament, and mine and the other Astral Islands came back into view.

"They have to get past the Zodiacs', but if nothing stops them, they will consume everything and pour into the Mortal Realm once the Heavenly Realm is consumed," I said, and Tallia scoffed.

"Well, I guess you had best be sure to keep that in check! I don't want to have to start over if they break through here," She said, and I smiled.

"Don't worry, I will make sure that never happens," I said as we dropped back down to my island. "Now that I have shown you that little thing, do you think that we should go see how the others are doing? I am actually terrified to see what my father has done to Fate and Murphy."

"Sure. Since you can bring me back here anytime, I would like to come here when it is only just the two of us. I think that we are due for a few days of personal time like before soon. Maybe before you go to the Underworld?" Tallia asked as we sat down on my garden balcony.

"That I can do and would love to do!" I laughed and finally set Tallia down.

"Now, why are you worried about Kadeon? Isn't he supposed to be really good at what he does?" Tallia asked, and I groaned as she linked arms with me.

"That is the problem. I am worried that he is going to do a good job. I didn't tell you what Karma asked me," I said as we started to walk back into my palace.

"Oh? What did she ask?"

I explained, and she burst out laughing.

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