500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 512 Growth

A slight breeze kicked up, and a few leaves and some grass blew over me, but it was lovely. There were creatures around me, and they all seemed to be keeping their distance, but there was something big moving toward me. I wanted nothing more than to just relax, but whatever was coming this way seemed to have different plans.

I rolled over on my stomach in the direction that the creature was coming from and flipped on my Mana Runes, seeing the yellow glowing outline of a familiar creature I had encountered before. The Terror Beast.

This thing was clearly a menace, so I got up and started walking toward it. The creature seemed to be in no hurry to get to me, but then I felt some Humans starting to get closer, and the creature stopped. I watched as it turned from me and started to head toward the two girls I had just sensed, making me groan.

I picked up my pace but headed to the girls. I would have never been here, so killing it myself might not be the best thing if these two could handle it.

I arrived just in time to see the two girls, Cindy and Renna, pulling out their weapons. I was not really surprised that it was them, but they both looked very prepared.

Cindy was holding up a shield and sword with a spear on her back, while Renna had a bow and daggers at her side. For the most part, both girls looked prepared for the fight, so I decided to take a seat and just watch them. So often was I doing the fighting that I hardly ever took the time to watch others.

If worse came to worst, I would have magic ready to kill the beast if needed, but this was a chance to see how much the girls had improved in the last few weeks. I jumped up to a heavy branch that was more than out of sight, but it gave me a clear view of the clearing the girls had picked to fight in.

Personally, because of its size, I would probably try to keep it in the trees, but I was just an observer, so I did just that and waited. I had saved Cindy from this creature before, so I have a rough idea of its capabilities. I was curious to see how Cindy would overcome the beast's Terror Stare that paralyzed its victim.

"This is just like we practiced!" Renna called to Cindy below as the creature got closer, and I could feel the tree shake.

"I know! I will keep my eyes down, and it's on me! You just have to take your eyes out!" Cindy said as the long-scaled face of the Terror beast came into the clearing.

It had a long crocodile-like face and shorter front legs but thick back ones. It also had a very long tail that was already being used to whip about the clearing, creating a dust cloud that made it hard to see. The beast roared, and Cindy ran forward, letting out a fierce battle cry that echoed off the trees.

The beast was obviously surprised by her sudden attack, but it also had no choice but to focus on her. Renna was already shooting arrows, and Cindy was using her shield to protect herself from the tail while still attacking with her sword.

I watched in amusement as the two girls worked together to take it down, and within moments the beast was dead. The two girls cheered, and I clapped from my tree, making them both jump in shock.

"Galio!" Cindy exclaimed, and I jumped down, landing in front of them.

"That was impressive! You two worked really well together," I said, and both girls blushed as they bowed.

"Thank you, Cat God. We were just trying to get better," Renna said, and I smiled.

"Well, you have. I was just coming to visit the village, but I was being nostalgic and visited the place where you found me. I had been relaxing, but then this ugly thing started to head in my direction. Once it noticed you two, it decided that you would be an easier target. Looks like it's a bit more than it could handle with you girls!" I said, and both girls smiled.

"Thanks for coming to help, although we were doing fine," Cindy said, and I laughed.

"Well, I just wanted to see how far you two had come since we first met. I was impressed by both of your skills," I said, and the girls blushed again.

"Thank you," Renna said, and then the three of us started walking back to the village.

As we walked, the girls talked about their training, and I listened in amusement. They had improved so much, and it made me proud. They were becoming strong women, and I knew they would do great things.

It was hard to believe that only a few weeks had gone by since Renna had found me and I had saved Cindy after our little fight. After that, I met Eliza, and everything started to move faster than I could keep up with.

Now, I was back where I had started, but I was a completely different person now that everyone knew about me for the most part. It was a reminder that I didn't need to keep a constant watch on everyone; I just needed to help a bit where it was needed and let everyone keep living their lives.

We eventually arrived at the village, and I said goodbye to the girls before heading to Trina's mother's home. There, I was greeted with a warm smile and an open door.

"Ah, Galio! It has been too long!" Elder Lily said, and I smiled back but then turned to the girls.

"I am going to chat with Lily for a bit. It was good seeing you both," I said, and both women nodded.

"We will see you later. We are going to go back and harvest what we can from the beast and then take it into the city. I hear that they are paying more for certain things, so we will take as much as we can," Cindy said, and Renna nodded along.

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