A Big Adventure

Chapter 1004 - Chasing the immortal

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Time flies, spring comes autumn … erm, it’s wrong, but it’s not that long.

“According to the statistics on the forum, as of 12 o’clock noon today, eight-star players have exceeded 1,000.” Shen Qi looked at sitting on the grass, leaning on the sharp gun Kun Gunier as a false sleepy husband, Sighed softly.

“You haven’t been fighting monsters for half a month, and even daily practice has stopped.”

“I’m retreating.” Cheng Peng didn’t open his eyes.

“Does the practice of retreat do not need to go offline, eat, drink or sleep?”

“Sorry, but it shouldn’t take long.”

“You told me this last week.” Shen Qi smiled helplessly. “To be honest, I really can’t see how long you have to persist.”

“I always think it shouldn’t take long.” Cheng Peng murmured, “I shouldn’t be wrong.”

His feelings rarely go wrong. This is not only known by himself, but also by his friends, even everyone who knows him well.

But this time, his feelings seem to be really wrong.

The result of the error is that he has been sleeping here for almost half a month.

“I have been thinking these days, and studying why your instincts are wrong. Today, I finally have a clue. Do you want to hear it?”

“of course.”

“Your instinct comes from two aspects. On the one hand, you have a wealth of knowledge accumulated in the past and present, and on the other hand, your innate spiritual consciousness acquired by your game character’s profound martial arts, is this right?


“Your own knowledge will not change, and this is unlikely to go wrong. It is always a reliable way to use history as a mirror, then the error can only be your spiritual consciousness.” Shen Qi’s tone gradually became deeper, “Someone is secretly Disruption has affected your innate spiritual consciousness and caused it to make mistakes, so that you have come to a wrong judgment. “

For a moment, Cheng Peng opened his eyes. His eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he was very haggard.

“This is indeed not easy in other worlds, but it is not impossible in this world.” Shen Qi continued, “Since you are in the great enchantment of Boli, then the administrator of the enchantment is likely to pass the enchantment To influence anyone in the enchantment, to dream of seals, to dream of being born, that is the ability to subvert any law, even if it can hinder your innate spiritual consciousness. “

“This is unreasonable!” Cheng Peng shook his head immediately. “Boli Lingmeng has no reason to hinder me … In fact, I think she should come to help me!”

“That’s your idea, not hers.” Shen Qi said unkindly, “With her ability, if you really want to help, this matter is probably over now! She has been until now It hasn’t appeared yet, in fact, she has proved her attitude. “

“Just your guess.”

“The **** person is not dead, but this is a change!” Shen Qi said the word “change” very heavily, just like hammering in Cheng Peng’s heart.

Cheng Peng took a deep breath and smiled bitterly.

The so-called mutations are those events that are unconventional and disturb people’s lives or the order in which the world operates. The **** people’s immortality violates the order of life and death, and it can indeed be called the degree of change.

The responsibility of the Boli Witch is to eliminate the mutation!

Although Cheng Peng said quite confidently, he knew in his heart that if the contemporary Ms. Ling Meng Lingmeng really appeared in front of herself, she was afraid that the possibility of being an enemy was greater than the possibility of being a friend.

“Should there be other possibilities?”

“Of course, there are many powerful people with all kinds of weird abilities in Fantasy Township. Among them, there are many people who see that black and white is not good. Maybe someone will deliberately disturb your spiritual consciousness and make you make a wrong judgment. “

“It’s not reasonable! If they really want to get in the way, isn’t it easier to call them directly?”

“The assassin sent by the underworld has been repelled by you for three waves. A few days ago, even Onozuzu Komachi was also repulsed by you. Even if the master in Fantasy Township is like a cloud, she can win the mission. not much.”

“Do you think this is credible?” Cheng Peng couldn’t help laughing. “The person who can hinder my innate spiritual consciousness is definitely higher than Huang Huang’s ferryman. I tried to repel her. With all my strength, everyone can see clearly in that battle. As long as the latecomer is slightly stronger than her, I will definitely lose. “

“A similar situation has happened twice.” Shen Qi laughed. “When the assassin of the Underworld first appeared, you played very hard. At that time, everyone thought that you could never win the second one. Assassin; but when the second assassin came, you still played very hard … the third time they even sent Onozuka Komachi, but they were repelled by you … since you can fight one after another. An assassin who is supposed to be stronger than you should naturally be eligible to be alerted and warned. “

“Is this the case? I wouldn’t be honored, only troubled!” Cheng Peng said with a bitter smile. “I’d rather they sent opponents similar to the first assassin. That’s not the case for everyone. It ’s fine. “

“The undead of the living is against the principles of the world. The underworld cannot tolerate this kind of thing. The assassins sent will only be stronger than once.”

“Impossible tolerance does not mean that they will not tolerate it. It is common to say that one set of things is done. Especially when the cost of ‘speaking to do’ is too high, the vast majority of people will choose to talk and not take action. “Cheng Peng’s smile is a bit ridiculous.” If it’s about to be done, then the fantasy town has already killed blood and corpses in the wild. “

“But those in the Underworld definitely belong to the type that will try their best to do it. This time you repulsed the” Sandu River ferryman “Onozuka Komachi, the next time you may come to the” Condemned King “Four Seasons Yingji.”

“That doesn’t matter. In fact, if the opponent is her, my chances of winning will be higher. The ability to punish a net crime will not work for me. With the merits I made for the whole world, as long as I don’t do things that are too damaging, It is impossible to be punished. “

“Maybe you can really repel the Four Seasons Yingji, but have you ever considered who will be next?” Shen Qi sees her husband full of confidence, knowing that he will never change his mind, and can’t help but feel very distressed, “Underworld Dominate the old hell, and the few in the old **** are not easy to deal with! “

“There is nothing wrong with it. The soldiers will cover the water and the soil.”

“The” power “of the strange power chaos, the” awareness “of peeping into the human heart, the control of nuclear fusion, and the monster that manipulates the subconscious … Are you sure you can beat these?”

“I’m not sure, but I have to try to find out.” Cheng Peng’s eyes gradually deepened, “The power of eight stars has reached the limit that Fantasy Township can allow for players. Although it has not reached the peak of eight stars, this This level of power has rarely met opponents in Fantasy Township. In fact, there are not many eight-star powerhouses in any world. There are many on the battlefield, but they are all parallels … It is a very rare experience to fight against the strong players of this level with equal strength. “

Shen Qi froze for a while, hesitating for a while, still could not help but ask: “Do you insist on staying here and not let anyone obstruct the feeding ritual of Foggy Rain Marisa, is it out of gratitude or helping friends? ? Or out of the intention to find opponents through this mutation? “

“Is the two contradictory?” Cheng Peng asked back.

“One is the idealist approach, the other is the realist approach, of course, contradictory!”

“If ideals and reality contradict each other, then most of them either have problems with the ideals, or they have not found the right way to put them into practice.” Cheng Peng’s eyebrows were raised and his smile was plain. “Ideal and reality are simply not Should conflict. “

“This is impossible!”

“What’s impossible? If a person doesn’t know how to set up his ideals based on the actual situation, then his ideals are just a castle in the sky and worthless; and if a person does not use ideals to guide his actions, then he Realism is blind and meaningless. “Cheng Peng said with a smile,” People can’t live by eating alone, but if they neglect to eat for spiritual pursuit, it is obviously a fool, even those who don’t spare their lives in pursuit of ideals. People, they are also chasing ideals from a practical perspective, rather than relying on meaningless fantasies and mouth guns. “

Shen Qi left. Although she was very willing to stay and help, she also knew that staying here would not only help Cheng Peng, but also distract him, and she had not been able to reach eight stars. In the battle that Cheng Peng has to face, it can only be a simple burden.

Cheng Peng sat down again and continued to maintain the false sleepy posture leaning on the gun.

The continuous sleepless guard for half a month has caused him an extremely heavy burden. Even though the real body can maintain the health through the nutrients provided by the new game cabin, the characters in the game have been extremely tired, not to mention that he has not maintained a fairly strong field all the time in the past half a month. A large area is covered, so that no matter when the enemy strikes at any time and any place, it can be blocked at the first time … Unless he has built a source of power and has endless power, it is impossible to persist until now.

But even so, he felt his fatigue was about to reach its limit.

Three consecutive battles with eight-star enemies, especially the battle with Onozuka Komachi not long ago, caused him serious injuries, and he has not been able to heal until now.

The Santuhe Ferryman, who usually seemed lazy, was really a troublesome opponent once he got serious. When she became stronger because of her duty to “cut the rebellious life and death”, it was not just a problem of trouble, it was terrible!

Cheng Peng played with her for almost half an hour. Eventually, she relied on the sharp gun Kungunil’s strength and sharpness to discount her huge sickle.

Lectra ’s strong enemy feeling is indeed very good, but when Cheng Peng remembered that he might have to face Siji Yingji, who is still strong above Onozuka Komachi in the near future, and after defeating Siji Yingji, he might have to face Siji Yingji Big monster, there may be stronger enemies after this … he felt a little stomachache.

He turned his head to look at the house shrouded in magical light. He couldn’t help but sigh and complained to himself.

“Miss Alice, is it reliable? Even if it is really difficult for humans to be converted to magic, but a feeding ritual has not ended for half a month … It is too inefficient!”

The feeding ritual is a way to transform short-lived humans into long-lived magical envoys. The “magic envoy” in Fantasy Township is not only a profession, but also a sparse number of races. It can be transformed the day after tomorrow, and now in that fog and rain magic shop, the fog and rain marisa, who once gave him a kindness to him, is undergoing a feeding ritual, hoping to be transformed into a magical clans through this ritual.

In fact, according to her original plan, this kind of ritual should not be performed now, at least a few more years, and wait until her magic power is strong to a certain extent. But the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes. Because of long-term exposure to highly toxic mushrooms, Mist Rain Marisa was mainly for magical research, which caused too much toxin to accumulate in the body and fell ill. So even though preparation was not enough, her best friend Alice Margotroyd still decisively held a feeding ceremony for her.

So far, only dead horses can be treated as live horse doctors!

The feeding ritual itself is not a difficult magic ritual. The biggest difficulty is that when the ritual is in progress, the messenger of the underworld will come to stop this ritual that contradicts the law of life and death. If you ca n’t stop or repel them, the ritual will be It is impossible to succeed, and Marisa will surely die!

So after receiving the news, Cheng Peng and a group of players named “Black and White Magic Legion” stayed around the fog and rain magic shop, determined to block any incoming enemies for the two who are concentrating on the ceremony!

For half a month, three consecutive fierce battles, those players have lost all, only Cheng Peng is still stubbornly guarding the foggy magic shop outside.

“My instincts can’t always go wrong.” He turned his head and changed to a slightly more comfortable posture, leaning on a spear that was deeply immersed on the ground, and couldn’t help but mutter to himself, “There … it should be almost finished!”

“They won’t succeed.” A fairly familiar voice came from above, “It’s too rare for mortals to achieve magic through the feeding ritual. One hundred may not succeed.”

“Shooting Maruman, are you here to stop?” Cheng Peng asked without looking up.

“I’m just here to collect news, because news needs timeliness … Haha! Come on! The harder you work, the more news I can report!”

Cheng Peng smiled, did not continue to talk down with the shooting life Maruwen of the race for the crow Tengu professional for the paparazzi, slowly stood up, pulled up the sharp gun, and stared at the front of the fog that was slowly coming. Green-haired girl.

As they expected, the judge of the underworld, Yan Siji Yingji, came in person!

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