A Big Adventure

Chapter 90 - Employment contract of Knights of Light

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To be honest, Cheng Peng was a little surprised.

When he issued that almost arrogant advertisement, he was already prepared for dozens of battles, and he was even conscious of the cross-street mice that became unpopular in the dark world and even the entire European region.

But it was completely unexpected that things would be solved in such a vicious manner.

“The thunder and rain are small? No, no, it’s not the case at all.” Said Sean, the Paladin’s top powerhouse. “You were just resting, so you didn’t see it. Your friend is very powerful.”

Cheng Peng looked at Li Wei.

Li Wei smiled happily.

“Are you satisfied with the fight just now?” Cheng Peng asked.

Li Wei nodded: “It’s okay, okay, the quantity is quite satisfactory, but the quality is a bit poor.”

Cheng Peng opened the system log and saw a dense row of PK records.

Your team is attacked by player Rhodes.

Your teammate Li Wei killed Rod.

Your team is attacked by the “Flying Italian” team.

Your teammate Li Wei killed Ben, Renault, Sigma, Aihua, and wiped out the “Flying Italian” team.

Your teammate Li Wei took the initiative to attack the “Blue Moon” team.

Your teammate Li Wei killed the players Bradley, Von, and Bentlow, and wiped out the “Blue Moon” team.

Your team.

Your teammate.

He counted about it. During his break, Li Wei killed nearly eighty players.

No wonder he is so satisfied with the quantity.

“Your style of play is so powerful!” A dark-haired female knight sighed. “Bradley of the Blue Moon Squad is a barbarian who is famous for his strength. He was shot to death by the shield directly. … you have at least a shield strike of level 10 or higher! “

“The most terrifying thing is not the fighting power, but the momentum during the fight!” Another blonde horsewoman sighed, “He was chopped, stabbed, and bombarded by magic … Actually, he didn’t care at all, but he laughed, how is that? Heroic! “

Cheng Peng twitched his lips twice, forcing himself not to care about the knights who were starring around Li Wei. Rarely, Li Wei would be liked by girls, or not to reveal the truth.

As for the male knights except these two female knights, I believe Li Wei will not care.

“What’s the matter with me?” He quickly adjusted his mood and asked, “I believe you found me, won’t you just say a few nonsense?”

Sean smiled.

“It’s not appropriate to stand here and talk,” he said. “I’m just a little thirsty. How about we drink a little throat?”

“Can there be a fight?” Li Wei, who was busy, could still take the time to ask, “PK or Daguai?”

Cheng Peng looked at the smiling Sean, and then looked at the excited Li Wei.

“It seems that I have no other choice.”

“You won’t regret it.” Sean said, “Absolutely good wine!”

It was indeed good wine, he did not lie.

The aged wine from a vampire castle cellar is of the highest quality, both in color and aroma.

So Li Wei soon became drunk and lay aside and slept.

“He needs a rest.” Cheng Peng said to players who tried to wake up Li Wei, “Don’t disturb him, this guy needs what he needs most now is a good night’s sleep.”

“You know, we are Chinese.” Cheng Peng said, “We are different from your time zone. It should be a rest time now. I have slept during the day. I just fell asleep again just now, but he has been online and leveling. Until now. “

“So, let him sleep well.” Sean froze for a moment, then nodded, let the knights leave the box, and turned off the music in the box.

This behavior made Cheng Peng secretly applaud, so his attitude was a little more friendly: “Your wine is really good, but I think it should be a matter of business?”

Things are like this:

There are many player organizations in the dark world, including small and large, weak and strong, both waste wood such as the Blue Moon squad that was bombed by Li Wei alone, and large enough to mobilize hundreds of two-star players union.

The Knights of Light is a powerful guild.

They used a special method to break through the two scenes of “Gravel Wasteland” and “Dry Highland” outside Lu Gaoyin. The army cleared the “Temple of Death” located in the dry highland, but the copy deep into the Death Temple The Chinese operations were unfavorable, and they failed to break through for several days. In desperation, he had to seek foreign aid.

“The first thing we think of is the Hawkeye Squad. Their captain, Miss Arris, is a very talented and credible person. We have cooperated a few times in the past.” Sean said, “And there is a very good necromancer in her team. Master, one person is worth two or three. “

Cheng Peng immediately knew that he was talking about John.

“Aren’t you the Grand Guild? Why don’t you borrow help from other allies?” He asked with some doubt.

“Several big guilds on our side are fighting fiercely. People have thanked God for not giving us a hindrance. How can they help us!” Sean sighed. “The core problem is that we are too aggressive and the Temple of Death is The second mission of Diablo II has actually exceeded the strength of the current players. “

“You don’t look back with an arrow when you open the bow. You must go up with your scalp. You can’t just pull it down.”

“Yes! So we found Miss Arris.”

Cheng Peng generally understood.

The Knights of Light found Shen Qi, and Shen Qi naturally thought of Cheng Peng.

Speaking of finding helpers, where can there be a better helper than the strongest player?

“Deep in the Temple of Death” is the beginning of the “Hradick’s Staff” mission. The size of the copy is twenty people. Players need to enter the copy from the entrance of the second floor of the Temple of Death, and then hit the second and third floors, After finding the BOSS “Crazy Blood Witch” in the third floor and killing the BOSS, the originally sealed treasure chest can be opened, and everyone automatically obtains the right to use the Hradik block.

The Hladik box is a bizarre storage box. It can synthesize the contents of the box according to certain formulas into new items. This is also an important system in the game of Diablo II.

“There are too many enemies!” When Cheng Peng asked about the copy, Sean said distressedly, “Two stars are all over the ground, and three stars are also emerging. Everyone is basically exhausted when they hit the boss, but Damn it! There is no rest point in this copy at all, monsters will be constantly refreshed from anywhere! “

Cheng Peng imagined such a scene and understood Sean’s pain.

Indeed, in the face of the monsters that are constantly being brushed out, players have no possibility of full rest, and they can only hit the BOSS with a little preparation.

Such a battle is really too hard.

“How strong is that boss?” He asked again.

“The **** witch is very strong in attack and defense, and the blood is very long. It is slightly weaker than Rhodament in terms of pure combat power, but it can cast a curse, and it is a group curse!”

“There are three known types of curses. At the beginning, it will cast the group’s” weakened “curse, reducing the player’s attack power; when the blood is as low as 70%, it will cast the group’s” damage deepening “curse. , To reduce the player’s defense; when the blood is as low as 40%, it will use the “dim zero sight” curse, causing the player to lose vision. “Shaun said,” The most troublesome thing is that it is an evil creature instead of Undead, the “Holy Water” we get from other worlds has limited effect on it. “

Cheng Peng bowed his head and considered how to deal with such a BOSS.

It is really difficult to deal with the four-star BOSS with a curse.

“We have a priest who can remove curses, but he has a limited number of spells and can only be removed four times.” Sean added, “His spells are singular.”

Cheng Peng fully understood.

The priest can only guarantee that at most one player will never be cursed.

This is the core reason Sean came to him.

A few minutes later, Cheng Peng and Sean signed an employment contract.

At the cost of the dark gold equipment “Razor Fork”, the Light Knights hired Cheng Peng and Li Wei to help them get through the copy “Deep in the Temple of Death”. Cheng Peng himself did not participate in the distribution of dropped equipment in the copy. Gold equipment is enough, but Li Wei can get a first choice.

Overall, this condition is very favorable.

In an entire copy, at least one or two good things will definitely come out, Li Wei can earn one; and Cheng Peng can definitely get the dark gold trident he needs.

Sean spoke very simply, and Cheng Peng liked this way of negotiation.

But there are some things that he did not know.

Sean is the head of the core battle group of the Knights of the Light. It is supposed that he should not come to ask for help, but Shen Qi has always discussed the borrower with the deputy head of the Knights of the Light and the loan business. Guy Julian suggested that Sean should come forward instead of himself.

“Cheng won’t like the way you bargain.” She said, “My suggestion is to let Sean go, don’t be wordy, just use the razor fork as the price. He likes the straightforward style, and he also I really like that trident. “

“You must be crazy!” Julian yelled, “Hire a person with a piece of dark gold equipment? Is it possible for this person to get a copy?”

“I don’t know if Cheng can ensure that you have a copy, but I can be sure of another thing.” Shen Qi said, “If you get his help, if you can’t get through, it means that other unions can’t get through! “

“Cheng is stronger than you think, he alone can at least win half of the fighting power of your core battle group!”

In fact, Julian never believed.

However, in the spirit of “don’t let go if you make mistakes,” he still went to Cheng Peng with Sean and the Cavaliers returning to the city to rest.

Then, they witnessed the chaotic battle scene where Cheng Peng was sleeping with a gun and Li Wei was stunned and swept across the square.

“Miss Alris, you missed a person, that Li is very strong!” Yurian opened Shen Qi’s private chat, “I think he is the one we need!”

“What is Cheng doing?”

“He is sleeping.”

“No wonder.” Shen Qi smiled, “Mont Blanc (the main peak of the Alps, 4810 meters high) is very high, but it is nothing compared to Everest (the main peak of the Himalayas, 8848 meters high), don’t you Just look at Mont Blanc and climb the Tibetan Plateau anyway. The height of Mont Blanc is just the ground of the Tibetan Plateau! “

Although the letter was doubtful, Yulian finally adopted Shen Qi’s suggestion.

So there was this negotiation between Sean and Cheng Peng.

When Li Wei was awakened by Cheng Peng from reality, his thoughts remained in the game.

“How is the sky getting brighter?” He asked.

“We are very busy today.” Cheng Peng and Xiao Xiaoyi put the big man with pale face and sloppy foot on the left and right, and dragged it to the flying car driven by Wind. “There are many things to do.”

“What are we going to do? Are we still in Lugao?”

“Go to the electronic housekeeper first, and then you have to take a good rest in reality, and finally go to the copy.” Cheng Peng thought about it and added, “But I think it is necessary to send you to the comprehensive nursing home for treatment first. , Your situation looks too bad! “

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