A Big Shot’s Woman Is Wild and Fierce

Chapter 537 - 537: No Time to Waste, Handing Over Evidence to the Police

Chapter 537: No Time to Waste, Handing Over Evidence to the Police

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Su family was merely a peripheral family in Beijing, constantly at risk of being expelled from the city’s elite circle. Their only significant connection was through Mrs. Su, who was the cousin of Mrs. Qian Haiqiong’s wife. She was desperately trying to climb the social ladder of the Qian family.

Seeing the name Qian Haiqiong, Wen Xin’s first thought was of Qian Meng, and with a few casual taps on her phone, she replied to Chu Yunxuan’s message.

“What’s the relationship between Qian Haiqiong and Qian Meng? Qian Meng’s father?”

“No, he’s a distant relative in the Qian family, noticeable but not prominent.”

Wen Xin smiled subtly, amused by the reply. She had thought there might be some significant connection, but it turned out to be a weak link, hardly worth her pride.

“What are you laughing at? Don’t think you can clear your name just because you wear fakes, you country bumpkin…”

Before Su Shan could finish her sentence, Wen Xin smashed her water bottle across Su her mouth, causing it to swell instantly. The pain made her cry out, tears flowing uncontrollably.

Wen Xin stood up, her dark eyes piercing as they fixed on the pitiful, teary-eyed Su Shan.

“If you insult me again, I’ll make you mute!”

Wen Xin’s gaze was intimidating. Su Shan, covering her mouth and crouching on the floor, didn’t dare to look up at Wen Xin, appearing utterly miserable.

“How can the ‘Freshman King’ be so violent? What kind of manners does she have?”

Just then, a discordant voice emerged from the crowd. While Wen Xin was being insulted, no one spoke up; but now that she retaliated, they started to morally bind her.

“Hey, sister, are you blind? Our ‘Freshman King’ is known for her temperance. Being called a thief and a bumpkin, all she did was ask Su to call the police. If it were us, we would have torn her mouth apart, alright?”

Suddenly, the bystanders split into two factions, one supporting Wen Xin and the others deeming her reaction inappropriate.

Meanwhile, in the dormitory, one girl sat on the floor crying, while the other three were sharing chocolates, a treat brought by Mu Chengxi for Wen Xin, which became popular among the girls.

When the police and the Dean arrived outside the dormitory, they saw the crowd pushing and shoving, each voicing support for their side.

“Enough! What a mess! Everyone back to your dorms now!”

The dorm supervisor, hands cupped around her mouth like a megaphone, yelled at the crowd, which quickly quieted down and stopped moving, although they showed no intention of leaving.

The two officers and Dean Tang approached Wen Xin’s dormitory door and inquired, “Who called the police? What valuable item was lost?”

“It was me. I lost my bracelet in the dormitory.”

Su Shan stood up, her lips swollen like two sausages, looking pathetically at the officers and the Dean.

Dean Tang and the police frowned upon seeing Su Shan’s condition, immediately suspecting she had been hit.

“Did you hit her?” Dean Tang asked Wen Xin with uncertainty. He was, aware of her fiery temper but surprised that violence had erupted on the first day of school.

Hearing Dean Tang’s question, Wen Xin stopped fiddling with her phone, looked up at him and the police at the door, and admitted,

“Yes, I hit her with a water bottle. She kept calling me a country bumpkin and it was too annoying, so I had to find a way to shut her up.”

Wen Xin’s candid response made the onlookers gasp in shock at her brazenness. This was the first time they had heard such an arrogant reply. How could she make it sound so natural for her to attack someone?

“Officer, I want to report a theft, she not only stole my item but also injured my mouth. I think my teeth are loose… I want a medical examination…”

Su Shan’s pain grew as her teeth throbbed, feeling as if they were about to fall out.

The officers, taken aback by Wen Xin’s attitude, felt it was a blatant disregard for their authority.

“What else do you want to say?”

“What else? Shouldn’t you be investigating? I admit to the assault and am willing to cooperate, but if someone is framing me, then the question is, what does the so-called victim have to say?”

Wen Xin had held back the evidence until now, intending to publicly expose Su Shan’s deceit.

She stood up, approached the police with her phone, and showed them the surveillance video.

After viewing the footage, the officers went to her desk and found a bracelet on Wen Xin’s bookshelf.

At this moment, the onlookers were even more shocked, not knowing what Wen Xin had shown the police, but when they saw the bracelet being retrieved, their first thought was that Wen Xin must have really stolen Su Shan’s bracelet.

“Wow, did the ‘Freshman King’ really steal Su Shan’s bracelet?”

“Can’t be, right? Wen Xin doesn’t look like someone who’s short of money. Why would she steal a bracelet?”

“Could everything Wen Xin has be stolen? Otherwise…”

The murmuring outside grew louder, with everyone suspecting Wen Xin of theft.

“Everyone, quiet down. There’s been some misunderstanding here…” Despite disliking her demeanor, the police wanted to avoid damaging Wen Xin’s reputation, and were determined to clarify the facts.

“This video, taken from Wen Xin’s phone, shows Su Shan placing the bracelet on Wen Xin’s shelf herself, attempting to frame her. So, let’s view this incident based on the facts.”

Holding up the phone, the officer showed the gathered crowd the truth. Some even took out their phones to record this revealing video.

“Ah, we knew it! How could Beijing University’s ‘Freshman King’ do such a thing? She was framed by a villain…”

“Does Su Shan have a problem with her brains? Targeting a fellow student so maliciously right after starting school is terrifying. If it weren’t for Wen Xin’s accidentally placed phone, this could have gone unresolved.”

“I always said Wen Xin’s ring looked too valuable for her to be a thief. By the way, does anyone know what material her ring is made of? It looks even prettier than diamonds.”

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