A Bio-Weapon’s Rhapsody

Chapter 28: The Fairy Team

After that had been done, most of those around had…for some reason. Kept a distance, not her meat shield or the weird windy girl. Really, these [Humans] were weird, they all spoke about fighting and defeating other [Humans], but she even mentioned how she would go about doing that to them they started to keep a distance?




“Well, we usually move the team-making to a later date. But may as well start it now, we will start assigning them now.” Cerberus said turning first to everyone else, looking each at their eyes, and ending with Alexa.


Alexa of course waved at Eleanore when she looked at her, it was only polite to do so.


*sigh* Rhapsody you will team up with Golem and…whatever name the other girl near you sticks up with,” Eleanore said turning to said fan girl.


“Sylph, I will go by Sylph.” Fan girl said.


“Fair enough, you three will be Team Fairy, since you have two girls. Hope you don’t mind Golem.” Eleanore said to their meat shield.


“No problem, the Golems are a fantasy creature depending on the folklore you follow. So it fits.” Her Meat shield said, it seemed that they had another name already. Alexa had gotten two names in a very short amount of time!


“Good, please go into that door and follow the indications on your masks, they will guide you to the armory. There you will suit up, if you have requirements tell them there.” Eleanore said turning to Alexa, “This includes anything that is needed for your power to function, we will give you enough money and classes about how to administer. So don’t include the food to subsist on this calculation.”


“...Okay?” Alexa said wondering why that was even a thing.


Why would she put more food than needed into the operation? That was just a waste of resources. Had someone done that before? She did notice that the [Human] she ate before had way more food than needed in his [Stomach], was it because of this?


She had thought he just had a faulty organ or something.


“Let’s go Fairy Team.” Her Meat shield said moving towards the door, the fan girl took hold of her hand and pulled her toward the door afterward.


“See you later Cerberus ~” Alexa said waving at Eleanore.


As soon as they walked into the new hallway the door disappeared behind them, this one was also like the one before, so Alexa quickly walked to the side of her meat shield, this, in turn, meant that fan girl also stood close to him.


“We are only us here, you don’t need to worry about them coming for us.” Her Meat shield said, so he knew she was using him as a shield? Either way, the meat shield placed a hand atop her head, like [Frank the bettle] had done before, ruffling her hair. “Or are you worried about something?”


…Now what to do?


[Warning, giving more information than needed may compromise the…]”


Main Core of course had started giving her a warning about information security and whatnot, not that Alexa wanted to hear that, she had noticed that her thought process was diverging more and more from what [Main Core] wanted. She wasn’t quite sure if it was because of her organic brain or what.


“The walls and ceiling,” Alexa said pointing at them from behind her meat shield, “They have [Gun] type weapon emplacements in them.”


“...How sure are you?” Fan girl asked at the side, she felt a pulse of that weird energy, and afterward, a breeze flew across the hallway, “...there are indeed some microscopic openings in the walls and ceilings….I can’t sense well enough inside the walls though.”


“I have seen a similar [Design] before, and they hid [Gun] type emplacement weapons capable of great [Damage],” Alexa said, shuddering at the idea of those things pointing at her current body.


Her more [Glorious] and [powerful] previous body had barely withstood such a barrage, and it wasn’t perfect. This one? Yeah, it would turn into mush in one shot, and those shoot several barrages at once!


“What do you mean by Gun type emplacements? Machine gun? Semi-automatic? Full auto?” Her meat shield spoke, placing one of his hands near her to hide her.


“...They are capable of shooting around 100 to 200 [Rounds] per burst, each,” Alexa answered, she hadn’t counted them, but the amount of vibrations she felt when her [Previous] body took the brunt seemed to imply around those numbers. And while she knew that not all had shot at her….the number ought to be close enough.


“....That sounds like state-of-the-art, so they have Saintsworth’s Weaponry?” Her meat shield spoke, the what weaponry? “Well, if you want to deal with rogue Core Users they are the best ones…”


“So are we in danger?” Asked fan girl eyeing the walls with fear, truly a natural reaction.


Alexa took that chance to grab her hand and pull the fan girl at her side, she would be protected by her meat shield like this too, she was magnanimous like that.


“So long we don’t attempt to leave this one without permission we should be fine, I was warned about being hurt if I decided to attack the facilities….well about damaging them, since my Core Power can take in the materials.” Her Meat shield said, so he was able to do like her too?


Good thing she didn’t let [Main Core] take in part of the material.


[Notice, I never attempted doing such a thing.]”


Yeah, good thing she didn’t let the silly thing do that, if not she would have been in danger.


“Let’s move on then, lest they think we are planning to damage the facilities,” Alexa said pushing forward the meat shield.


The rest of the travel was done in silence, with measured steps and with her meat shield making sure he was covering both girls, truly. She had ended with a good team, one meat shield, and one distraction shield.


Now she only needed to replenish her diminishing energy reserves and everything would be fine!


Maybe also stockpiling some extra biomass? Nah, she was around a good threshold for it, if anything she needed to study more designs to increase her options, maybe she could try an older design too?


But Eleanore told her to not change her form too much….


“There is the exit, let’s move at the same steady pace.” Her Meat shield said pointing to an open door.


She wasn’t that worried about the situation, she knew how much it took for the [Gun] type emplacement weapon to spring and attack, so Alexa was aware of how much time she would have to escape, she would not escape unscathed but she would escape nonetheless.


Fan girl on the other hand? She ran for the door as soon as she was able to, prompting a grunt from her meat shield who ushered in and stayed behind to close the door.


“Took your sweet time, did you enjoy the walk?” A new voice spoke to them, this one….didn’t have a mask, instead, it had a pair of crystal-like things on its face, the [Dictionary] referred to them as [Googles] or [Protection Lens].


An instrument to either help reading or protect against hazards that hurt the eyes.


“Didn’t enjoy the walk, not after finding out that we might have been walking surrounded by automatic Gatling guns.” The fan girl said glaring at the new [Human].


“Oh…you found out about that, you are a better batch than expected. How did you find out?” The [Human] asked, this one was…weird.


His form and figure resembled the [Elders] she had seen before, both in the state of his skin and color of his [Hair], and yet… it stood straight and proud as if it was merely in the [Adult] stage.


Its arms seemed to have muscles and his posture spoke of readiness for action, his clothes were bathed with signs of battle, mostly against the [Mechanical] type and not many of the [Biological] type, perhaps this was part of a warrior caste specialized against mechanical threats?


If it was, then it spoke greatly about this organization, for they had matched her against what could probably deal against her [Most powerful form].


“We didn’t, Rhapsody found out.” Her meat shield said pointing at her. Fan girl also nodded, and that made the [Elder] eye her with interest.


“...I have seen this [Gun] type weaponry before…” Alexa said walking closer to the meat shield. She didn’t like the look the [Elder] was giving her.


It was as if she was a [Prey] and he was the [Predator] that was eyeing its victim.


“I see…I can’t detect any enhanced organ or emissions. So you don’t have a passive detector…And yet you say you have seen these automatic defenses before? How and where did you manage to find them…and survive the encounter? Was that how you awoke your Core? No, don’t answer…” The [Elder] started going on and on from one idea to the next, it was…




Yeah that, it was as if he didn’t have control over his own [Conscience stream], as if he was merely an expectator, was this one of the ways the [Humans] moved? Was he at a higher [Evolution] stage?


“Yeah, this will keep the itch moving all night. Anyway, I’m William Armstrong. You may call me Billy.” The [Elder] said and started moving, making a motion with his hand to make them follow him.


Her Meat shield did while eyeing everyone around, fan girl didn’t seem that worried after another of her weird pulses, “No hidden compartments in the walls here…” She said in a low enough voice that only she heard. Even though she was far away.


Somehow the sound had found itself in her ears. Interesting, had she used the wind to carry the sound waves straight to her?


[Recording use, starting independent study to try an mimic.]”


Thank you Main Core. Yes, that could be a useful way to move sound waves, and perhaps she could even weaponize it.


“Okay, here we are in the forge part of Haephestus Forge. We are known as a Minion organization…do you know why?” The [Elder] asked them.


“Because you provide minion work?” Fan Girl answered, getting a grunt to her answer.


“Plenty of other organizations also train and provide minions, we aren’t that special.” Answered the [Elder], so she had other options?


“Because your Minions are better equipped and prepared for the jobs needed.” Her Meat shield answered, getting a grin thanks to his answer, “It is the reason I decided to join this organization even though I was scouted for other organizations too.”


…so she almost didn’t get a meat shield…no wait, was it that easy to join other organizations? Had she…been too hasty in her choice?


“Exactly, we are the only one that makes sure their Minions survive, also the only one to provide the needed gear, others like ‘The Flaming Avengers’ or ‘Scorcher’s Fury’ only care about doing the job, if their minions survive or not is up to them, same for their gear.” The [Elder] scoffed. “Who scouted you?”


“The Olympus Fist and The Avalanche were among the most relevant ones.” Her meat shield answered, “Neither could guarantee my livelihood unless I moved out of the urban environment…While Haephestus Forge…”


“We provide housing in our district yes, it took effort but we do keep part of the district for us.” The [Elder] said with a smile, “And we also provide help, in your case I am guessing you want help with returning to a more normal form?”


“Yes,” her meat shield answered, wait. He wanted to return to the puny normal [Blueprint] why? “Is it possible?”


The [Elder] seemed to think about that, but why? Wouldn’t it be as easy as just reversing whatever process he started?


“It may be possible, but we will need a few exotic Core users, one to do the transformation. Another to make sure we can create a trigger to keep the transformation in place. And one that deals with organics and nonorganic materials.” That many Core Users? But they only needed to create a body…


She could do that, she had one blueprint for a [Male] human already.


“Okay, I can wait. As long as Haephestus Forge grants me this I will work for you.” Her meat shield said, then turned to her, “But while I will work for you. I find your decisions of employment…odd.”


What? What about her was odd? She was a very normal [Human Child Stage - Girl]!


“Oh right, Rhapsody.” The [Elder] said turning to her, “She is…an especial case. Usually, we don’t hire them this young. But she is a special case, mostly because we can’t find anything about her.”




“How so?” Her Meat Shield asked, his voice seeming to rumble in a deeper tone.


“This is private information, we don’t release this kind of information. Do you mind if we tell them of your circumstances?” The [Elder] turned to her, she…didn’t want to, but she also wanted to know how much they knew about her.


“Sure I guess?” So Alexa answered as such, wondering what kind of information they had available of her.


“Well, in that case, masks off!” The [Elder] said in a cheery tone while taking off his goggles. “Go on, you three will work together anyway, and should you two decide to live in the apartments provided by us your rooms will be near.”


Alexa wasn’t quite sure what the problem was about removing the mask, so she just took it off, letting her short hair flow freely. Fan girl did the same after a few moments of hesitation, she…had black hair. Same color as Eleanore, only difference was that her eyes shone with green light. Perhaps a side effect of the energy manipulation she was using?


The last one had been the meat shield, whose face….was made of stone, no surprises there since most of his body was made of that material.


“Good, now, how old do you think your companions are?” The [Elder] asked, and then pointed at her meat shield first.


“Rhapsody seems to be around ten to twelve.” Her meat shield said, then turned to Sylph, “She seems to be around eighteen to twenty.”


“I think Rhapsody could pass up as fifteen but with petite built.” Sylph said turning to her, then after turning to her meat shield, “As for you…don’t know, around 30? 40? Hard to tell with your rock-hard body.”


Why was she winking while moving her eyebrows like that?


“And lastly your turn Rhapsody. How old do you think they are?” The [Elder] said turning to her.


“Sylph seems to be 21 years, six months, and 12 days old,” Alexa answered using the sample she had taken from her when she dragged her, it wasn’t enough to get a full blueprint, but determining the age was easy enough. “Mister Golem on the other hand is harder, but I think he should be around 20 years old, five months and 5 days, or I think he was that when he manifested his Core Power at least.”


“....HOW?!?” Sylph screamed at her pointing, “What kind of power do you have that you can determine the age by months and days?!? That is dangerous! AGE IS SACRED AMONG WOMEN!”




“So she got your ages right huh.” The [Elder] said while turning to her meat shield, “Did she get yours too?”


“...Yes, that is my actual age.” Her Meat shield answered, which made her feel a weird feeling in her chest, her emotion database had cataloged it as [Proud]. So yeah, she was proud of her achievement.


“And hers? Who got it right?” Sylph asked, turning to the [Elder].


“Neither, we have her registered as a five-year-old.” The [Elder] answered.


“HAH?!? No way that is a five-year-old, she looks at least ten.” Sylph huffed at the [Elder] then at Alexa, “At the bare minimum twelve. I was petite when growing so that is why I put her at fifteen.”


“...is it her Core Power?” Her meat shield asked.


Smart, that was a very smart meat shield.


“Yes, can you show them? I know Eleanore asked you not to, but if they are to live with you or near you they may need to know.” The [Elder] asked her, she felt as if he was doing this for another reason, but she didn’t see a reason not to do it.


“Sure I guess…” Alexa answered while prompting Main Core, sure enough, the blueprint was still available, it wasn’t on the ones registered by the weird blue screen. But it was saved in her internal memory. So that wasn’t a problem.


So with an input to her nanite swarm, her body started changing. The first step was her internal bone structure, followed by the muscles and organs. As it started changing she felt some sort of [Panic] as her clothes started being too big for her body.


Some kind of [Primal] instinct made an emergency override that forced part of her nanite swarm to focus on the clothing, making them change at the same pace as her body. It was…




To say the least, but it made her organic side happy, so she obliged.


“...that was….interesting,” Sylph said as the transformation neared the end, she had once more made her hair long.


Her clothes were the same shorts and white blouse, unlike her [Teenager] form that used loose and big clothes, her [Child] form had more skin exposed, it was weird, how one of her forms didn’t feel comfortable exposing herself while the other just didn’t care.


“I have arrived!” Alexa felt herself almost forced to say that, the world had turned a shade more bright, more happy, more….alive. It was weird, she knew that nothing had changed, but somehow her [Brain] seemed more active, more hyperaware.


“And I declare you as my mount!” More [Fun], for she climbed with ease the entity that had been a mere meat shield a few seconds before, but that it was now a mount. Why? Because Alexa said as such!


“Interesting, so there is this great swap of personality too?” The [Old Man] said pointing at her, “Rhapsody? You are the same yes?”


What kind of weird question was that?


“Of course, Alexa is still Alexa, there is only one of me, and that is the cutestests and with the bestes…tes…tes! Personalititpy of all!” So declared Alexa, and as such it must be true!


[Is host….releasing the stockpiled dextrose in the Rock candy?]”


She was found out!


“I see….Can you return to your other form?” The [Old Man] asked her, but why would she?


She was having so much fun!


“I will give you candy.” The [Old Man] said while showing her one of the most gorgeous things in existence.


Rock candy.


What flavor it was? She didn’t know, but she wanted!


So she acted!


“Aye sir!” Saluted Alexa while she reversed the transformation with haste.


Again the changes started from the inside outwards, only this time her nanites assigned work to her clothes since her body was being constricted while growing. As such the change was more sedated.


And so when it ended….


Alexa found herself with a problem at hand…”....Let’s not speak about that please.” She was sitting in the head of her meat shield, and her face…was changing shades towards the red spectrum.


And while her hair hadn’t returned to the short form she had before, she still had a somewhat long hair, she used it to hide her face, she wasn’t quite sure why she felt as such, but if it was possible, she would try to not change to her [Child] stage form while having access to dextrose like derivates of food.


“....No problem,” her meat shield said while helping her to the floor once more.


Alexa accepted the rock candy that had helped her return to this form and promptly saved it, she would not eat it…yet.


“So tell me, Alexa was it? how old are you?” Asked the [Elder].


Now…how do we answer that?


[Main Core]?

Rhapsody's Patreon is 9 chapter ahead~~~


*Coolz ad about it*


Join now so Alexa can learn about the wonders of sugar and mango!


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