A Bond Beyond Blood

11. My Sister Won’t Sleep

She gently lifted herself off of me and pulled me up, but tripping herself in the process and embracing me to hold balance. I could still feel her body quivering as her cheecks gave off a faint red tinge. She staggered a bit while trying to walk. I put my arm over her shoulder and she was panting. On closer inspection, it seemed that she had a fever, as not only her cheeks but her entire face became burning hot.

"Are you alright?" I asked concernedly.


Her glazed eyes stared back at me in confusion, as if she didn't understand the words I was saying. Her mouth opened and closed a bit, before her eyes slowly started to shut.

Immediately I had to use more force to keep her standing up, but decided to adjust it so that I could carry her. I lifted her up making sure not to move too abruply as she laid limp in my arms. I could hear a faint murmer from her but the parts I could make out made no sense.

She was always one to get sick a little easy, as she often strained herself with the amount of effort she put in. Time and time again did I watch with a wry look as she bounced around, her mind laser focused on some arbitrary area she wanted to improve. I enjoyed those days of her cutely running up to me excitedly telling me about all the things she worked at at the time.

I wish she would do that more often again, but to be fair I am quite the letdown myself. Perfectly adequate, but far below her level. I feel that maybe I should have gone along with her sometime.

I laid her down on the bed as gently as I could, which squaked with a soft 'oomph' upon landing. Then as I usually did when she's like this, I planned to get a bucket of water and a towel. Before doing so, I assured her that I would be back very soon. But as I stood in the doorframe my sister started to suddenly speak.

"Onii... chan... stay..." I heard a faint whisper as she looked at me with droopy eyes, tears welling in the corner.

"I... will be back soon." I hesitatingly said back, as her expression became even more depressed.

"Onii chaaan~~" She whines while sobbing. Honestly, what am I supposed to do at this point?

I rubbed my hand against my temple as I went back to stop my sis' tantrum. I sat next to her while she laid down and entwined my fingers with hers. She smiled happily at me, giggling oh so softly at me.

"Onii-chan... wanna sleep together?"

She scooted over and patted a spot beside her lap. As she wished I laid down next to her, after she'd fall asleep I'd have some time remaining to finish up the work I had left off.

But as I faced her while lying down, she started unbuttoning her blouse. Letting me see as much as I want, with her expression unfazed, a bit daring even.

I calmly refused. "You're sick, you need rest for today."

However that didn't stop her at all. "Need to... cool down..." she retorted. But then immediately contradicted herself by snuggling up to me.

Now awkwardly I had to calm myself down, as she breathed into my neck and rubbed her chest against me.

Suffice it to say, I didn't last very long.









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