A Bond Beyond Blood

13. Getting Well Takes Lots Of Rest

Eventually I stood up, planning to finally get that water bucket. Her expression got a little bit restless as I released my hand from her grip. So I gently gave her a kiss on the head and stroking her soft, moist hair before going away. Her expression had relaxed again when I did so.

I went downstairs and grabbed a bucket, filled it up and grabbed the towel. I also decided to put some things ready in the kitchen so that I could easily make tea or rice gruel if needed. Afterward I checked around for some medication for headaches, couldn't find any.

Our parents still weren't home, so they are likely once again on overtime. It was already close to being night and we still hadn't eaten. So, being the good brother that I am, decided for something easily digestible. I made some simple miso and rice. I wasn't particularly hungry at the moment, so I didn't feel the need to make it particularly heavy. Though just in case I am underfeeding myself again, I decided to cook up some leftover meat together with it.

I was pondering over if I wanted to add some to her portion as well. I didn't want to make her stomach upset, of course. But then I remember how much she enjoyed pork, and so decided to put a little bit with her portion.

In the meantime while cooking I listened to the tv radio for a bit.

"Huaah..." I yawned.

It was getting somewhat late, so it wouldn't be smart to try and still keep studying at this point. I finished up cooking and brought both meals to my room. My sister, woken up by the smell, coughed dryly as she thanked me for making her a portion.

I just told her not to think too much of it, it was only natural. As I gave her the portion the bowl of miso wobbled around in her trembling hands.

... it's probably not a good idea to leave her to that alone.

I picked up both our portions and set a stool next to the bed, then I put both plates on it. I took the spoon out of her hand, blew on the spoonful of food and brought it to her mouth. 

Without making a fuss the opened her mouth and let me spoonfeed her. I took long breaks in between to make sure it wouldn't put too much pressure on her stomach.

Like that we sat quietly together. Her eating in the bed and me to the side of it. It felt very relaxing, very normal even. My mind started wandering a bit as I blurted out:

"I wonder if our days would look like this when we're husband and wife..."

She nodded along and smiled to my words.

"Of...course...onii-" but she started having a coughing fit before she could properly finish her sentence. I patted her on the back, saying to just take it easy.

We'll have time to discuss these issues later, ofcourse. 

As we finished up dinner, I wiped her mouth with a handkerchief and told her to lie down.

"Onii~" she pouted, but I told her I'd be back in a minute.

I set away all the dishes and decided not to wash them, our parents can do it instead if they really want to. Otherwise I'll just do it in the morning.

Coming back to my room she was already murmering half asleep. I scooted next to her and held her close to me.

'Just have to go study later then.' I thought to myself as I slowly slumbered away.

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