A Bond Beyond Blood

15. Staying Over For The Night

I stuttered out "Chi-Chihara" at the sudden question. She looked at me curiously in return.

"mm..." she silently nodded.

"And yours? What's your name?"

"My name... is not important."

"Well then, not important, nice to meet you." I replied jokingly.

"Likewise..." But she found the joke not very amusing it appeared. Actually, she looked utterly miserable. Her reddened eyes were only slightly visible under the overcast shadow of the tunnel walls. She looked like she had cried for a long time here. I felt inclined to stop joking around and decided to take on a more serious tone.

I leaned on the wall and stood beside her. I calmed down my breathing and just stayed silent for the moment. She started tearing up again while she sat in silence. The tears kept flowing and she started mumbling to herself under her breath, loud enough to be audible to me.

"... Nobody wants me." She said while sniffing and bawling, "All I am is just a burden, I should just die at this point. I don't even care anymore."

"..." I had no response to it, so I just listened quietly.

"... Why?... I just-... I didn't-" Her words became less comprehensible by the moment, however.

"Well, for now..." I interrupted, "It's midnight, and it might get a little cold later on. Come with me."

She looked up at me blankly, still having tears stream down her face. "...Why?" She asked.

I gave her a faint smile, "no reason." I answered simply. 

She seemed wary of me, likely envisioning me as someone untrustworthy or at the very least suspicious. I thought a bit about how to convey my intentions more clearly. I decided on a practical stream of logic.

"Well, if I were in your position, atleast from what I'm aware of, I don't think I would want to shiver in the cold crying while trying to sleep."

She still looked unsure however, but the next words surprised me a little.

"...Is it really fine?" She asked with an uncertain voice, strangely enough accepting my offer at face value. It was a little discomforting how easily she gave in. I expected her to just brush my offer off. 

I stretched out my hand and helped her get up off the concrete. She dusted herself off as she stood up, when suddenly a loud growl erupted from her stomach.

"I'll make something to eat later too." I casually commented.

She was only wearing a shirt, a short skirt and shoes with no socks at this time. Even though it's rather warm out, even that isn't enough to keep yourself from getting a cold. I walked at a brisk pace, the last thing I need for my studies is the duty to take care of 2 sick people. I asked her a few times if she's fine, could keep up etc. But she didn't complain at all.

To the contrary, it was as if these conditions didn't bother her at all. Even as I hear her stomach howl and churn more and more on the way back she still looks like she had no problem keeping up. Taking a closer look as she walked beside me, she looked to be underweight.

She glanced around while walking, taking in the somewhat generic view with a curious expression. Her long blue hair fluttering around with each sudden movement her face made, before once again staring off to a random spot for a few seconds.

Quickly we had already arrived back at my house. It took a little longer because I stopped jogging, but the pace was still pretty close, making the walk back only take a few minutes longer compared to how long it took to get to the bridge.

I unlocked the door and felt the warmth of the rooms inside radiate me. I took off my shoes and put on my home slippers but didn't have a pair for the guest named not important.

"Well, this is my, ehh, my parents' home. So please make sure not to be too loud or else we might end up in some trouble. I'll go make something real quick, feel free to use the tv on a lower volume. I'll also find a spare set of clothes you can use."

I went to the kitchen and started boiling a bit of the extra miso I had left. My sister didn't go for a 2nd plate today. Low appetite due to being sick. I added some extra shiitake as well to give it a bit more of a punch. As I let it boil slowly I saw my guest just sitting still, doing nothing. She looked tense while holding a straight posture sitting. So instead of letting her do it, I just turned on the tv radio and let some calm classical music play, and then got up the stairs to find a set of clothes.

Even though she was a girl, a small one at that, I felt more comfortable picking out something from my clothes rather than Chiori's. It would be impolite for me to just suddenly grab her stuff out of nowhere.

I picked up a slightly undersized shirt and a pair of elastic shorts, trying to vaguely mimic the clothing style she was already wearing. I heard a rustle when picking them out, giving me a temporary scare, but Chiori was still fast asleep in my bed, looking a bit better this time as well.

When I came downstairs against my guest was suddenly admiring the lower floor hallways' paintings. They were made by my great-grandparents if I remember correctly. I wanted to tell her about the origins but lacked time, my mind still focuse on not letting the miso overcook. I gave her the pieces of clothing.

"If you want you can change in the bathroom, the soup should be almost done as well."

She got surprised when I started talking to her as she was spacing out, but quickly calmed down and nodded at my words.

I hurriedly went to the kitchen and saw that I was still on time. The aroma that came from the pan, even saying so myself, was quite appetizing.

So I got myself a spoon and took a few sips while waiting a minute or so before turning the gas off.

I set out a plate and a spoon on the dining table for  her, and waited until she would come back while still somewhat hearing the radio playing in the background.

"I swear it seems like everything is designed to keep me from keeping up with school." I bitterly chuckled, "Should just keep the door locked next time."

Afterward, I could see my guest with the oversized clothes on her. Quite a bit of extra skin was exposed. If you stood behind her you could probably look down and see her small chest. Not that I would, I'm not that kind of person. I already have someone for that...

Now that I think about it, I should lend Chiori my clothes more often.

She quietly sat down at the table, me sitting on the opposite side, and vigorously ate and gulped down the soup.

"Want seconds?" I asked her.

She handed the bowl back over to me and stared at the kitchen.

...This went on for two more times. And that's only because she ate all that was left. If she could she would've probably gone on for much longer. Still, it looked like she was happy with it. She started tearing up again while smiling...

"Thank you... for all this."

What I didn't expect was that as we stood up she flung herself in my arms, hugging me tightly. I almost fell over from not keeping my balance, but somehow held out.

I gave her an awkward pat on the back while she was crying all over my sportswear. 

But as the muffled crying started to slow down, she grabbed my hand and locked my fingers with her, while staring up at me with an expression of pure satisfaction as her tears still streaked her cheeks. In silence we stood awkwardly, me not knowing how to respond to this.

The atmosphere was taking an unpleasant turn as the small girl started stroking my interlocked hand with hers while softly giggling.

I definitely need to do something about this.





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