A Bond Beyond Blood

23a. Standing our ground [Ushiro route]

I curled my hands into fists and ran forward to back her up before someone can hit her. The guy she hit was already running at her with his fist ready to throw a haymaker. I jumped forward and knocked him off balance, stunning him for a second.

The other 2 already approached me from my side as I still tried to stop my momentum going forward, but before I could do so the blond haired leader already landed the heel of his foot into my stomach, making me stagger backward as I felt a hot burning sensation. I hastily retreated when the small guy almost jumped on me.

I don't think I can hold them off all at once, however I can't simply run away and let yamatsu try and protect her friend all alone either.

'I hope for our sake that she's able to dish out a good punch.' I thought, before she interrupted it by hitting the lanky guy who tried sneaking up on me. a quick strike from her slender arms whiffed past me while I barely registered what happened. Unlike with the brat before, the hit cleanly struck the lanky guys jaw, almost knocking the lights out of him.

"Keep your eyes open, Taku." She whispered sternly.

I looked around, trying to take notice of what's happening. It seems that the people we're fighting are much more used to it than I am. As for Yamatsu herself, I don't know yet. I need to make sure she won't be roughed up by those assholes.

I decided to go along with Yamatsu and target him as well, Bashing him in by slamming down my fist on the back of his head while Yamatsu got another blow in that struck his throat. Instead of going down though, he only seemed to get more pissed off.

While we weren't looking however, the smaller guy charged at her and struck her with a hard hook to her arm, which made her squeal out in pain. It pissed her off enough that she kicked and punched him in a frenzy of rage, which he really didn't expect.

"OW, sto- OWW"

The gang leader found it apparently amusing to see his friend getting beat up, as he started laughing. I couldn't focus on it for too long though, as the long guy tried to knock me out throwing swing after swing. I backed off and dodged as best I could, but couldn't avoid all of the blows. In rapid succession he was able to hit me four times on my arms, sending a shock through me each time. I knew that I had no time to focus on the pain, and could only hope to hit him hard when he exhausts himself. He missed punch after punch, and after he overstepped after a failed knockout blow I sweeped him knocking his ass on the floor.

But as I turned around I was kicked in the chest with the force of a dumptruck, blood flung out of my mouth as I tried to stay upright.

"Should've fucked off when you had the chance, dumbass. Don't underestimate us."

I swung at him but he countered me, slamming his fist into my nose.

"You and lil miss rocky over there should have kept your stupid fucking mouths shut. You think your fuckin backpack's our problem?"

I tried to block his fist as he threw the next punch, which made my arms feel as f their bones have shattered.

And before I could try to stall him for a bit longer, he kicked me in the back of my head, knocking me out in an instant.

The last thing I heard was Yamastu screaming off in the distance.










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