A Bond Beyond Blood

25. Nursing Duty

Once again I skipped class, ruining my previously near perfect attendance record. How many times has it been by now that for one reason or another this happened? Better yet, how often is this going to happen in the future? Am I from now on doomed to constantly be forced away from school by external circumstances? At this point I wouldn't be surprised if my parents will get a call from the school sometime soon. Well, I hope they can understand the situation.

"Onii-san, are you listening?"

My thoughts were interrupted by Ushiro, who apparently was talking to me while we were walking.


"I was wondering what kinds of people your mom and dad are."

So she was thinking about that already... I'm still somewhat conflicted about the entire situation, there are basically no guarantees from this point forward that anything will go the way I, or we, would want it to.

"Well, my parents are a bit... I guess they are good people, likely even model parents. Though to be honest they are also somewhat peculiar at times. If I had to describe it, a bit alien-like maybe?"

They are hard workers and care a lot about me and Chiori, even if sometimes it may seem like they're not around very often. We have a lot to thank them for. Still, not always are they easy to deal with, due to their often pronounced character. I suppose everyone in the family is a bit weird, including us.

"I would fit right in then, wouldn't you say, onii-san?"

"I'd hope so."

She was rubbing the hand I kicked with her other one while she was speaking, but otherwise showed no signs of discomfort. Hell, I don't think anyone could tell she would've been kicked there if they weren't explicitly looking for it.

"Is it a habit of yours to hide your pain?" I asked out of curiosity.

This startled her, seemingly not aware of her own habit.

"I just don't like to flaunt it around or become the center of attention." Was her response to it.

We arrived back at my place soon enough after a quiet walk back. The neighborhood had few people roaming around, likely because most of them would be at work or still in class at this point. I told Ushiro to be quiet once we're inside, I don't want to wake up Chiori. With a playful expression the put her finger over her lip, making a 'hush' gesture.

As we walked inside, Ushiro whispered "I'm back." to noone in particular, to which I responded "Welcome home." with the same volume. Seeing as she's already familiar with the interior, I simply guided her to my room once more. Before I entered I checked if Chiori was still sleeping there, but she wasn't. I gestured Ushiro to come in. Courteously, she closed the door behind us before speaking in a slightly less hushed tone.

"Onii-san, could you help me with my bruised hand? It's really starting to hurt..."

I grabbed her hand as gently as I could and took a look at it. I saw a faint red outline where the tip of my shoe hit her. A pang of guilt shot through me, followed by with self-reassurance that I had to do it, and that there was no other way at the time.

I told her to make herself comfortable as I went downstairs to get some ice cubes and a towel to wrap it in to reduce the swelling. Luckily there was still some ice left in the tray inside the freezer, I didn't have to make new ones.

As I went back up I heard some sound coming from chiori's room, but it was muffled to the point I had no idea what it was. For now I focused on simply bringing the towel to Ushiro before the ice starts melting. I went back inside, seeing Ushiro bite down as she tries to stop her hand supporting the injured one from trembling. She looked like she was severely in pain.

I rushed to her and tied the wet towel to her hand.

"T-thanks..." She squeezed out as she was holding back tears. Her tough pretense rumbled as she sat hunched over trying to distract herself from the pain.

But I was helping her out I suddenly heard a loud crash fro the next room over.

I wanted to rush over to check, but felt it'd be rude to suddenly leave.

"Wait a bit, I'll be right back."

Still, it would be unwise to not go and look. Such a loud noise doesn't come from nowhere.

Rushing out, I opened the door to Chiori's bedroom slightly, taking a peek inside...


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