A Bond Beyond Blood

8. Have We Been Found Out?

We took our time waking up as we cuddled, enjoying each others embrace. But eventually things like that must come to an end. We eventually dressed up again as we went down for breakfast. Of course, only after giving each other a good morning kiss, a very passionate one at that.

But as we went down we could see our parents facing us with very stern expressions.

Oh shit, we didn't fuck up yesterday, did we? Had I cleaned up her-

"Ehe, ehem" My father cleared up his throats interrupting my flow of thoughts.

Just like me my sister has a ghastly look on her face. We awaited anxiously for what was about to come.

In a cold voice our mother said "Breakfast is ready, come join us at the table."

We obliged immediately and took our seats, us sitting to the other side of our parents. Ge could feel sharp glares coming from them.

My father was the first to speak up "So I had heard you two were sick yesterday. And, feeling better?"

We didn't know how to respond. Yes or no, which was the safer option?

Our mother chimed in "We were worried a lot," she said in a much more concerned voice, "but sleeping together is a bit... inappropriate, as you two are already at that age."

So they don't suspect us?

But my sister, seeing an opening, immediately struck back. "Is it wrong for us to do so? We were feeling very tired and so fell asleep together."

Our parents glanced at each other before dad took the lead again. "Listen, kiddo's. I got you a little story to tell."

We quietly awaited his next words.

"See, society is a little different from back then. With all the new age politics and all that we can never be too sure. I'm gonna ask you once only; Are we a proper household, or are we going down the gutter?"

Feeling the hesitation in his voice, I immediately lied "A proper household. There is nothing weird going on."

He glared at me sharply, trying to find a twitch or any other sign that gives me away, but I was unrelenting.

After all, it's nothing weird, it even completely natural for us!

He finally backed down, saying "Fine, you can stay home today. Don't want the school getting up in our case over students getting sick. Make sure to stay in bed today. We'll have another busy day ahead, so eat without us."

I was inwardly cheering. He just gave us the biggest green flag without even knowing. Even still, I hid my expression. As my sister did the same. We quickly ate breakfast silently at the table, while mom was chattering about work related events trying to lift the mood. We quickly gave a courteous farewell as we entered our respective rooms.

In the clear for now, at least.



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