A Bond Beyond Blood

[REWRITE] Conflicted feelings

I remained silent, uncertain of what to say.

'Did that really just happen?' I kept wondering. Chiori's behavior not being anything out of the ordinary only sowed more doubt in my mind. I hoped that, in truth, I did fall asleep earlier or had a hallucination or something of the like, A fucked up lapse in the brain that confused reality with a very weird fantasy. That it somehow connected with the other dream I had.

Though if that's the case, I may need to get my head checked out.

Chiori remained chipper, not latching onto my arm or trying to force physical contact at this time. Only humming to herself while remaining close by me as we walked back to class, every now and again sneaking glances in my direction with that same self-satisfied smile.

It took some inner effort not to tell her to get the hell away. It wouldn't even make sense for me to say that, given that we are heading to the same place. Yet a part of me keeps telling me that to run away would be a fantastic, and urgently advised option.

"Onii...? Your face looks weird."

Her voice sounded concerned, yet also confused, like I'm acting strange given the situation. Which, if I were, would mean that I would have been unconscious for a moment, and having a vivid, fucked up dream. I'd love to believe it myself, but her behavior all this time has been equally strange.

"That did just... happen, didn't it?" I monotonously asked, trying to hide my disturbance to it.

"Mhm." She nodded, her voice oddly chipper, yet with a quivering undertone. "Want to do it again?"

Asking as if it's the most normal thing in the world.

I didn't know how to feel about this.

On the one hand, I don't think I'll ever be able to forget how her lips felt, how it felt as if a shock of electricity ran through by body with every touch of hers.

On the other, I'm not prepared to unpack at all the magnitude of a mess I have to deal with now.

What if someone had seen us? It's unlikely but not impossible. Why, of all times, and for what reason, had she decided to behave so unhinged? The only way I'd make sense of this is if this is her second personality, or something of the like.

I wanted to go home and forget all about it. Though if I did, she'd follow right behind.

On cue, she jumped right before me while I remained lost in thought, her eyes staring right through me like an animal looking at prey. When I looked up, I noticed she had lead me off towards the fire exit, a small corner on the first floor hidden away bordering the chemistry lab and our homeroom.

Before I could even realize where exactly I stood when I realized this, she pinned me against the wall off to the side of the door. She blocked off the view, not letting my gaze escape unless I wished to awkwardly stare at a wall, causing me to involuntarily leer at her chest for a brief moment.

"You won't be able to concentrate on our next class if you keep acting like this, you know? Did you really hate kissing me that much?"

"Wha-?" I yelped out, having been taken off guard. "Ehm..."

Despite me pondering that very matter, I hadn't anticipated being asked the same thing by her. I hadn't made up  my mind either way on the matter, so I only stood there, shocked, as quiet moments passed which felt like minutes.

"If you do, onii-chan... just push me again and I'll give up." She nearly whispered, quiet and meek, but with resolve, once she got sick of waiting for my answer.

She stepped on her toes to match my height, and without me being able to back away, placed her hand on my chin as she once again leaned in for a kiss.









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