A Bond Beyond Blood

[REWRITE] Memories

"Oh, hey onii-chan, wanna go to the park?" She said, pointing over towards the entrance. "We can get some snacks from the convenience store on the other side."

"As long as you're not trying to pull that shit with the pocky again I'm okay with it."

Just because it was 'in an anime you saw' doesn't make it alright to do after all. Never had a more awkward moment in my life.

"That again?" she pouted, "we didn't even kiss..."

The fact she is genuinely disappointed by that worried me, but I've long decided to let it be water under the bridge. No harm no foul sort of thing.

"I'll get myself some dorayaki, best to get something sweet if I won't be sleeping anyways."

"Oh, can I get karaage then? I really wanna have some again." She begged with pleading eyes.

"Just for today it's fine."

"Ya~y!" She yelped out, doing a fist pump in the air.

While we were chatting away about simple things I looked around at the blooming trees and running lakes, even finding a family of ducks swimming around this late at night off into the distance. I took a picture of them with my phone, and showed it to Chiori.


We used to spend a lot of time here back when we still went to middle school, since the place was opposite one of the exits here. We'd take out food whenever there was money left and have a picnic in one of those patches of grass. She used to be tired a lot back in those day after having played games all throughout the night, and so every now and again I'd sit on one of those benches and let her lay on my lap. She'd usually doze off in a couple minutes.

I feel conflicted about considering those times precious memories, but back then that was just pretty normal. I suppose I could treat her more like a kid when she actually was one. Nowadays though... well there would be a couple of whispers and stares coming from others to say the least, especially if someone recognizes us.

"Hey, onii, do you ever think about when we used to go here?"

"Not often. Don't really remember anyone, you?"

"Mmm, yeah, can't say I do either. I guess the class prez."

"Oh yea, the one with the contacts. I remember her. She used to be a real klutz in the first year."

"Hehehe. You know, I often saw her sneak glances at you. Maybe that's why I still remember her so clearly."

"Can't say I noticed it much. Thought she saw a crumb on my face or something whenever I did see her looking."

That apparently elicited a laugh from Chiori at my expense.

"What's funny?" I asked, a little annoyed at her.

"Oh, sorry, it's nothing."

"Come on, tell it to me straight." I ordered her with exaggerated hand movements. "If you got something to say get it out of your system."

She tried stifling her laugh, but it seemed my confusion made it all the funnier to her.

"And to think I was actually worried of you ending up with her back then. Ahahahah~"

"Seriously?" I groaned, "You know I had more important thing on my mind."

At this point she was hunched over, completely out of breath from laughing. I still have no idea what she finds so hilarious about this.

Once she regained her breath, we took a seat at the bench we always used to sit on. Mainly because Chiori likely wouldn't be able to walk in this state.

"This sure brings back memories..." She said in a daze after having calmed down. "We really had a lot of fun here."

"Yeah, that pretty much sums up the only things I vividly remember. Like the time you almost stumbled into the lake."

"Not that you meanie..." She pouted once more.

"That aside, I did really enjoy those times, good or bad. It's pretty fun having someone to be with 24/7 around."

"We can still do that, dummy. You just won't let me."

I leaned back, looking towards the star-filled night sky. I can say bantering like this all these years has been enjoyable. But we both know, even if she insists otherwise, that soon we'll be parting ways. Our dad can't keep working for us till he's in the grave. Most likely within a couple months we'll go to different universities, meet new people, and start new lives for ourselves.

"Have you figured out yet what university you wish to go to?"

"What's that about all of a sudden, onii-chan?" She sounded perplexed at my question.

"I'm not sure of which one, but I'm thinking of doing something with engineering. Become one of those people that will create new and elaborate machines for the good of the people."

"I never give it much thought. 'I'll just follow you' is what I always considered to be good. I know I would just be a burden to you though, just like I've always been."

With those words a cold breeze ran past us, and a shiver crept up my spine.

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