A Bond Beyond Blood

[REWRITE] The class idiot

I listened to the teacher go on a monotonous rant about the sengoku era, while watching the time tick by on the clock hanging above the class entrance, waiting impatiently for the lesson to finally end.


In front of me sat Chiori, feigning interest in what the teacher was saying. From the corner of her mouth that I could barely see, she had the kind of subtly dismissive, empty smile she puts on whenever she’s hearing something she couldn’t care less about.


Yet she was diligently taking notes; notes which, whenever I look at it myself, I can’t make heads or tails out of them. Yet for her it makes perfect sense, and her test scores reflect that.


As for me, well, I’ll just read about it on wikipedia later, and see if there’s some interesting facts or stories related to the personalities and setting the textbook is describing, while paying no heed to the teacher.


After a couple more minutes of white noise coming from the teacher's direction the bell finally rang and lunch break started. I mulled over whether to go to the courtyard, cafeteria, or stay in the classroom. I briefly considered taking a seat next to Chiori, as I looked at her take out her lunch without anyone joining, before suddenly being caught off-guard by a loud noise behind me.


“Yo, Takucchi! Here, here!” A familiar gyaru voice yelled out through the class, mixed with the sound of her slapping the chair next to her.

She was sitting with 3 friends of hers. I never bothered to remember their names, aside from the one causing the ruckus, only because of her constant insistence I call her that.


She’s not exactly spray tanned, but does sport the long blond hair one would naturally imagine when it comes to these types of people, split into twintails. She stands out quite a bit in general, not even having to mention the excessive amount of accessories she wears and the unnaturally shortened skirt. Though her friends have those things as well.


I looked back at Chiori, but she didn’t bother to look back. I guess she’s keeping her promise of keeping some distance at least while at school.


I reluctantly got over to their table and took a seat next to Kiyomi, who seemed very excited with my presence. 


“You remember Takucchi right? He’s crazy smart, you know?” 


Reading their expressions I gather that, no they have no clue who I am.


“No, no. I’m not anything like that.” I politely decline the praise. “I just have some experience with teaching.”


Mostly via Chiori.


“No, really! Here, like, look at this.”

She held out a paper of one of the subjects of the mock exam. In particular, the one she was worst at, math.


Upon seeing it, her friends seemed awed at those results.





She slapped me on the shoulder, and proudly exclaimed. “Look, I actually passed.”


It’s a bit of a stretch to say that considering the actual exams are still a ways off. But considering what she got, she may already be ready for it.


“Wait, wasn’t your last score something like 10?”

“13, right? Or was it 17?”


She shrunk down a little after that.

“Yeah… 17” She scratched her neck nervously. “Somehow, he actually made me understand all of that stuff.”


“Hopefully, in that case, I won’t have to tutor you again.” I chimed in.


Whereas Chiori, or even Ayato would pick things up relatively quickly when told step by step, with her it was so much of a chore. Why’s asked on top of why’s on top of why’s. It was like trying to teach color theory to a blind person. 

Never again.


“Hey, Taku, can'tcha help me out too?” the tallest of the bunch asked.

“Me too!” the smallest one chimed in as well.


If I wasn’t going to find an excuse, this could get out of hand. I really don’t want to end up tutoring a whole group of airheads.

“Sorry, but I already have my hands full-”

“Back off, he’s mine.” Kiyomi growled at her friends, surprisingly.


Not sure what the hell she meant by that though. That was a one and done deal, I was never going to become her pro-bono teacher.


‘Next time we have lunch, I’ll make sure to book it out of the classroom immediately.’ I made a mental note to myself.

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