A Bond Beyond Blood

[REWRITE] The helpful little sister

She let me go and went over to the grocery bag I’d casually discarded before, deciding to take a peek at the contents.

“Gonna make omurice today?!” She asked excitedly. 

“You did get a 94 average on the mock exam, thought I’d go all out tonight.”

Before I could stand up properly though, a shock of pain ran up my back, making me awkwardly hunch over like an old man. She noticed this, and rushed over to my side. 

“It’s fine.” I assured her, “Just overdid it a little today.”

Not wanting to worry her, I took the bag to the kitchen, placing whatever I needed to use on the counter and the rest either in one of the cupboards or the fridge. Still looking somewhat concerned, she stayed close by as I worked in the kitchen.

Still, it wasn’t nothing compared to the things I’ve gone through the last couple of years. This much I can easily handle no question.

I got to work cutting the onion into tiny cubes with steady, rhythmic slices of the knife.

“Can I help you out?” Chiori asked, likely trying to look out for me. 

Since she was offering I let her cut the chicken into thin slices while I put the cut up onions with some olive oil onto the fire. After she was done, she added them to the same frying pan, adding a bit of salt and pepper while I set up the rice cooker.

Usually when we were working like this together, I often would have to keep an eye out so that she wouldn’t get too close to the fire, or add too many spices to the food. It seems like recently though she’s secretly been improving a lot. 

As such, we worked together at a surprisingly brisk place. The resulting omurice ended up looking quite good. 

“Hey, Onii-chan, look.” She says as she hands me one of them, with a heart drawn in ketchup. “This one’s for you.”

I’d be honored to have such an anime moment happen to me if it was done by any other girl, but if it’s by her it feels as if she’s making fun of me. 

Instead of going to the dining table where we usually sit, she strutted towards the couch in front of our TV and beckoned me to come over as she switched the channels onto a detective film. Before I could get there she had already started eating.

“Whoa, this is amazing!” She exclaimed in disbelief. “Have you been a Michelin chef all this time?!”

I took a bite myself after plopping down on the couch next to her, curious and amused at the idea that I may have become a master of cooking. It did taste good, though I feel like she’s overreacting a little. Though I kept those thoughts to myself, not wanting to spoil the fun. I reached over with my hand and patted her head.

“Heehee~” She giggled happily as she rubbed the back of her head against my hand. I was grateful for her help, care and affection, even though I didn’t say it aloud. 

While I was lost away in thought, she’d placed her hand on my back. The sudden sensation started me. Before I could ask what she was doing though, she requested something of me timidly, her voice almost cracking under embarrassment.

“Onii, look away for a moment please.”

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