A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Another Change In The Story

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Kouki spat out a tooth as blood flowed from his mouth. He never thought Tomoya would attack him without even a second thought. “You. You actually hit me!”
“No shit. And if you say another word, I will hit you again!” Tomoya replied with a snort.
“Kouki! Shut up!” Shizuku yelled. “You need to learn when to quit. You are in the wrong this time.”
“Shizuku, you are going to side with her!?” Kouki’s eyes widened in disbelief.
“Yes, I am. And as your childhood friend, I will say this now. You need to stop. Tomoya is not joking when she says she will kill you. You do not seem to be good at reading the room either. Everyone here is looking at you strangely because you are sticking up for someone who tried to commit murder. Tomoya did not kill him but instead damaged him in a way that will make it so he can never even think of committing a crime. He got less than what he deserved for his actions. If this was Earth, he would be going to jail for attempted murder. Would you be able to argue with the results then?” Shizuku made Kouki’s expression turn grim. He himself did not understand why everyone was sticking up for Tomoya. He did not understand why his childhood friends would look at someone else besides him.
He had always been beside them, but now they were looking towards a girl and Tomoya, of all people. A girl who sat at the back of the class, away from others. Kaori always talked to her, but he always thought it was because Kaori was overly kind and did not like to leave people out, but now he understood. The look in Kaori’s eyes. The way she got mad was when she found out Tomoya had impregnated other girls. He had hoped Shizuku would be willing to still take his side, but now….  “You should have just died….”
“What the fuck did you just say!?” Kaori’s roar filled the air. Suzu held her head while Ryutarou shook his. They both wondered why Kouki did not get the situation. Even Ryutatou, who was a muscle head, could understand the current situation. This was why he kept quiet since he did not want to get eaten alive.
“Tch…. Kaori, since you love Sakagami so much, then just forget about our friendship. The same goes for you, too, Shizuku.” Kouki spat out a mouthful of blood as he stood up. “Ryu, Suzu, let’s go.”
 “Ummm. I am staying with Kaori.” Suzu shook her head and moved to stand beside Kaori, who was being held back by Shizuku.
“Hey, man, you went a little too far just now. We have been friends for a long time.” Ryutarou was trying to talk some sense into Kouki, but he had never been good with words, so it had no real effect. He reached out and grabbed Kouki’s shoulder, trying to stop him.
“So you are siding with her now as well, Ryu? Do you think she will give you a cheap fuck or something!? Well, I wouldn’t be surprised. With all the girls she has at her side, she might just want it. Since you want to stick up for this bitch as well, then fuck off too.” Kouki's words stunned everyone since he had never used such words before, but now….
“Hmmm? It seems something interesting is going on.” A shadowy figure suddenly appeared behind Kouki. “Young man, do you want power? Power enough to kill your enemies?”
“Sure.” Kouki did not even think before agreeing. His eyes were burning with hate as he stared at Tomoya. “If it means I can get back what rightfully belongs to me.”
“Then I will take you from here and give you such strength.” A  swirling portal suddenly appeared. Kouki looked at Kaori and Shizuku one last time before looking at Tomoya and narrowing his eyes. “Just wait. When the time comes, I will kill you and make sure you stay dead this time.” 
“Kouki!” Shizuku yelled out. She did not understand what was going on. Kouki seemed to have snapped, and now he was leaving with a simple promise of power from some unknown being? “Just stop already, Kouki!”
“Shizuku, I already said our friendship is over. But don’t worry. When the time comes, I will become strong, and you will come back to my side. But if you try to stop me. Then don’t think that I won’t kill you too.” Kouki stepped through the portal and disappeared. The black figure let out a laugh before disappearing as well. 
Only Tomoya stood there trying to figure out what the hell was going on. “Was that Ehit? But he can’t come to the mortal world without a body….” 
“Tomoya…” Kaori looked at Tomoya with a worried look. Tears were brimming in her eyes. 
Tomoya sighed and pulled her into a hug. “While I do hate that fucking idiot, since he is yours and Shizuku’s friend, then I will try to bring him back dead or alive.”
“Tomoya, thank you.” Shizuku did not say anything about the dead or alive part. She knew that if Tomoya had no choice, Kouki would lose his life. While she disliked how he acted so self-righteously, he was still her friend. 
“Anything for my princess.” Tomoya grinned when she saw the small blush on Shizuku’s cheeks. 
[Shizuku’s Affection: +10]
[Current: 50]
[Affection Status Changed: Interested]

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