A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Saving Her Waifus Part 2

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“Myu anything yet?” Tomoya asked. Myu was the key to finding the location, as she did in the story for Tomoya to use to break through the floors. How was she planning on doing such a thing? Mainly by combining earth magic and firing it through a bolt of lightning.

“Yes, Papamama! I hear something below.” Myu replied with a big smile. She was happy she could help her new Papamama. While at first she was a bit reluctant to be calling Tomoya, Papamama, she had actually realized that Tomoya was very protective of her. On the way down here, Tomoya held Myu close to her body, not letting anything come close to her. Tomoya knew that in order to win Myu over, she would need to keep her close at all time and cherish her as if she was her real daughter, which was why she did not stick her in Eden.

“Alright then, everyone, stand back!” Tomoya looked at Yue and the rest and smiled as she raised her hand. A large spike formed from the ore hidden deep in the ceiling. Lightning began to spark around it. “Here it goes! Railgun!”


The metal spike shot through the ground like a hot knife through butter. Floor to floor, it shot through, killing everything in its path. Back on the level that Tomoya was on, she stood over the hole with Myu in one arm and jumped down without a second thought. This was followed by Yue. Tio held Aiko, and Shea held Yuka as they, too, jumped down. Endou bit his lip before jumping down after them.


“What!?” A demon woman looked in shock as two of her monsters were instantly killed by a large spike that had just smashed through the ceiling. Creating a large dust cloud of debris.

“Papamama again!” A small, cute voice came from the cloud of dust.

“Maybe later, Myu, but right now, we need to save Kaori and Shizuku.” A second voice was heard as the dust began to settle. Two ears and a fluffy white tail suddenly appeared.

“To…. Tomoya!?” Kaori’s voice shook as she saw the familiar silhouette. She would never misjudge the person in front of her.

“Hmm? Kaori, looking as cute as ever.” Tomoya replied with a smile. She then walked over to Shizuku and knelt down. She reached out and placed her hand on Shizuku’s head and cast heal on her. She then whispered: “Your knight is here my princess.”

“Wha?” Shizuku looked up at Tomoya in shock with red cheeks. She wondered how Tomoya knew about her wish to be treated as a princess and saved by her knight in shining armor. Tomoya just grinned and stood up.

“Tomo, you need to be careful. This woman is a demon!” Kaori yelled out. But it seemed to be too late; multiple monsters suddenly appeared. She wanted to rush forward and protect Tomoya, but before she could, she saw Tomoya pull her gunblade out, and what happened next was like a dream to her.

“Yue, protect these two. Aiko, Yuka, go with Shea and Tio to protect the others.” Tomoya held Myu in her arms as she made her gun blade’s blade extend and branch out, stabbing through the air and killing everything it came into contact with. Yue and the others did not hesitate to follow Tomoya’s orders.

Endou, who was still trying to get up from the ground after his fall, rubbed his butt and hurried over to the others. “I brought help!”

“Who? No, it can’t be!” Hiyama Daisuke cried out. He did not understand how Tomoya survived. He knew Tomoya had been turning Kaori into a lesbian, and Kaori seemed fine with it. He did not wish to see the girl he had long been in love with become gay! He wanted her for himself. This was why he sent the fireball at Tomoya. He thought he now had a chance since Tomoya was gone, but now….

“Oh yeah, Hiyama!” Tomoya’s voice entered Daisuke’s ears. His entire body turned cold. He looked at the fox girl who was easily slaughtering enemies without even looking and knew what she was about to say was not going to be good. True enough, when Tomoya saw Daisuke’s reaction, her lips curled up into a smile. “I really need to talk to you about how you aim fireballs. After all, it was you who sent one flying towards me.”

“You what!?”Kaori suddenly stood up and stared at Daisuke. Her expression was cold. It looked like she was ready to kill.

“Ah? He didn’t tell you, Kaori? He has been in love with you for a long time, and since I was taking up all your attention, he decided he wanted to take me out. It’s quite funny how easy it is to get information when you ask for it.” Tomoya was talking out of her ass because she already knew the story.

“What the hell would make him think I would like him!? I don’t even like guys!” Kaori yelled out, making even her childhood friend, Amanogawa Kouki, who was in the process of being healed, stare at Kaori in disbelief. Shizuku did not say anything since, as her best friend, she had been dragged to all the hentai sections with yuri manga. She had been forced to watch many lesbian porns as well and even forced to watch as Kaori did this and that while watching them. It took all her willpower to resist touching herself.

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