A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks of the Imperial Examination

Chapter 107

Chapter 106: Assassinate

Rong Ke’s eyes were rather unwilling, Xiao Jingduo sighed helplessly: “I’m talking about your sacrificial clothes.”

That’s right. Rong Ke was relieved, and only then did he think about the current situation: “What time is it now? Is it safe here?”

“It’s good.” In fact, Xiao Jingduo was very anxious, but facing Rong Ke, he couldn’t let Rong Ke be injured and still scared, he replied, “You should rest for a while, now It’s getting dark and we can’t hurry. After dawn, we’ll try to find a way to rescue soldiers. I’ll seal the hole and come back to set it on fire.”

It is the place where the hunters live, and they will never stop lighting a fire at night. This place is already remote, and I will cover the entrance of the cave so that it will not be discovered.”

Rong Ke slowly leaned against the rock, tightened her clothes, nodded and said in a low voice, “Okay.”

Xiao Jingduo got up at ease and went outside to look for dry wood. The dry branches after the snow were not easy to find. When Xiao Jingduo started a fire, he found that Rong Ke was asleep again.

He silently turned the fire in the direction of Rong Ke, then turned his head, and his eyes fell on the dark night.

In fact, Xiao Jingduo lied, fire is very dangerous on such a snowy night. However, Rong Ke’s hands are so cold, these are more important than her body.

Xiao Jingduo stayed in the middle of the night, but fortunately there was no accident. The fire gradually declined. When Xiao Jingduo was adding firewood to the fire, he found that Rong Ke was in a wrong state.

He hurriedly took Rong Ke’s pulse, put his palm on Rong Ke’s forehead, and immediately frowned, “It’s so hot.”

“Your Highness, Your Highness!” Xiao Jingduo lowered his voice and called her anxiously.

Rong Ke burns in a daze: “What’s wrong?”

“You have a fever, how are you feeling now?”

“A little dizzy…” Her voice was weak, “I really want to sleep.”

“Can’t sleep. Hold on, I’ll take you out to find Lang Zhonghe medicinal materials.” Xiao Jingduo knew how to treat a fever, but he didn’t have any medicinal materials on hand, so he didn’t even think about sourcing them in the snowy mountains. He could only risk taking Rong Ke out to see if there were any villages nearby.

“But it’s snowing outside.”

“It’s okay, don’t be afraid, nothing will happen.”

Xiao Jingduo carefully helped Rong Ke get up, and then put her on his back. Rong Ke hung her head slackly, her breathing was hot. She leaned on Xiao Jingduo’s back and suddenly said, “When I fell, did I hear what you were saying?”

“Um, what?”

“I heard you call my name, I am the princess, you are disrespectful.”

Accordingly, a woman’s boudoir name cannot be shared, but Rong Ke is different. Her name is not only known in the court and the public, but even more taboo. However, when Xiao Jingduo saw Rong Ke falling off the cliff, he called Rong Ke’s name when he was anxious. Logically, it was indeed offensive.

However, Rong Ke’s name was said by herself more than ten years ago. Xiao Jingduo was inexplicably detained with such a big hat. His heart is really…

Rong Ke didn’t speak, maybe her mind was seen, and her face was always difficult. After a while, she murmured inaudibly, “The wind is so strong.”

This is true, the snow clearly stopped in the evening, but now it is snowing heavily. The wind was howling and the snow was blowing. It was difficult to walk in such a late night, let alone the two of them to go out to seek medical treatment.

“Is it cold?” Now Xiao Jingduo doesn’t care about men’s and women’s defense, he puts down Rong Ke, wraps Rong Ke tightly with his coat, and says, “Hold on for a while. , we can go out soon.”

Xiao Jingduo walked with Rong Ke in the snow, the sky was dark and bottomless, only the goose feather-like snow flakes fell from the sky. The mountain wind blew through the empty valley, leaving a shuddering echo of whining. The sky and the earth were so big that it seemed that only the two of them were walking alone.

“You say, why did she betray me?”

Xiao Jingduo felt a chill on the back of his neck and his back was stiff. “Your Highness?”

“I thought about a lot of people, but I never doubted her. She has been with me for many years. I participated in politics as a woman, and there was a lot of resistance. At first, it was almost impossible to move. Under the pressure from the top to the bottom to promote female officials, so that other women can also participate in the important affairs of the court, I thought they would understand me. But when I fell, I heard Xiang Hui say, unfortunately, I am not a man. ”

“I’m not good enough? Why should she betray me even as a woman?”

Xiao Jingduo felt Rong Ke’s tears run down his back, and his whole body stiffened.

Influenced by Zhao Xiulan, Xiao Jingduo was most afraid of women’s tears in her life. When she was very young, Zhao Xiulan was run by the old lady. She secretly hid in the house and cried. Later, when she came to Dingyonghou Mansion, Zhao Xiulan was deprived of her identity. She even washed her face with tears, and Xiao Jingduo’s shadow of tears came. When he grows up and has the ability to protect himself, he still can’t avoid women’s tears. As long as they can stop crying, he can do anything. But he never imagined that one day, he would bump into Rong Ke and cry.

When Rong Ke said this, there was no tremor in his voice. If he didn’t feel the coolness behind him, how would he know that Rong Ke was in tears. Those tears were quiet and fast, like an illusion, but Xiao Jingduo knew that she was crying.

“His Royal Highness.” Xiao Jingduo waited for a while, then slowly said, “You have done a good job, it has nothing to do with men and women. Your actions in the court and the public are obvious to all, and you are destined to stand among many people. A height that is unattainable in a lifetime, what you do will be timeless and unmatched. There are men and women among those people, when they raise their heads, they can only see your presence, so they will attack You, scolding you. But you will be famous for thousands of years, and they are nothing but dust.”

Rong Ke didn’t reply, Xiao Jingduo continued to walk in the snow with Rong Ke. The wind and snow were getting bigger and bigger, and the chill was getting heavier and heavier. Feeling that the people behind him had not moved for a long time, Xiao Jingduo couldn’t care less and hurriedly called out in a low voice, “Your Highness, are you still awake? Your Highness?”

Rong Ke exhaled a breath of cold air, her voice as thin as a mosquito: “It’s so cold.”

Xiao Jingduo could only stop and tighten the clothes on Rongke’s body: “Don’t go to sleep, we can go out soon.”

“Why do I think I’m going to die here.”

Xiao Jingduo was shocked, he tried his best to keep his expression still, and said, “No. I won’t let you die here, hold on, I’ll take you away.”

Rong Ke gradually could not stand up, she lost too much blood, coupled with the heavy snow and cold, the vitality continued to drain from her. Xiao Jingduo had no choice but to stretch out his arms to embrace Rong Ke, hug her horizontally, and kept talking to her, “Don’t go to sleep, I’m still here.”

However, luck finally refused to continue to favor them. Xiao Jingduo did not go far when he saw a team of black cavalry splitting from the night. With rags on their hooves, they stepped on the snow without making a sound.

Xiao Jingduo’s arms gradually tightened, and Rong Ke in his arms was already semi-conscious. His hand was already on the hilt of the knife, but he saw this group of men and horses quickly surrounded them, and the man at the head jumped off the horse and stumbled towards here.

I saw this team of cavalry descending from the sky kneeling in the snow with a plop: “Your Highness! Your **** is late, please forgive me.”

Xiao Jingduo widened his eyes and immediately went to see Rong Ke.

Rong Ke motioned to Xiao Jingduo to put her on the ground. As soon as she stood firm, the female guards in the team quickly stepped forward and shook off the fox fur and put them on Rong Ke. “Your Highness, your incompetence has surprised you.”

Rong Ke’s face was almost paler than the snow, and this group of burly men knelt in front of her, but they didn’t even dare to lift their heads. Rong Ke stretched out his cold fingers and grabbed the fox fur on his body, his voice was indifferent and calm, and he couldn’t see the fragile look just now: “It’s not too late, let’s go first, and we’ll talk about the punishment later.”

The maid immediately supported Rong Ke and left. Xiao Jingduo stood on the spot, his eyes gradually became silent.

The guard brought a fat black horse and respectfully handed the reins to Xiao Jingduo: “Marquis Chengxi, the horse is coming.”

Xiao Jingduo silently took the reins and left with the cavalry. After Arima, the journey was much faster, and the destination was soon reached.

The wooden door was knocked on from the outside: “Marquis Chengxi, the **** soup is ready, will you bring it in now?”

“Come in.”

The female bodyguard put the **** soup on the wooden table, Xiao Jingduo had been standing at the window watching the snow, and when he heard the sound, he said without looking back, “It’s work.”

Seeing Xiao Jingduo’s back, the female bodyguard couldn’t help but persuade: “Master Hou, it’s cold at night, come in and warm up.”

Xiao Jingduo turned around and walked into the house. This is a farmhouse, and there is no owner in the yard, just a few of them, which is convenient. The house Xiao Jingduo was in was a side room. Although this house was simple, the facilities inside were very regular, and it didn’t look like something that a peasant family could afford. Xiao Jingduo had a strong cold air on his body, and the heat dissipated a little when he entered the room.

The female bodyguard bowed her head to salute Xiao Jingduo: “Master Hou.”

“How is the princess?”

“His Royal Highness just woke up and is taking medicine.”

“She woke up?” Xiao Jingduo was a little surprised.


Xiao Jingduo said: “Your Highness is convenient now, I want to go see her.”

The female bodyguard subconsciously wanted to refuse, but she thought of the identity of the person in front of her, hesitated for a while, and finally said, “I’ll ask your Highness what you mean.”

The yard is very simple, even the largest main house. When Xiao Jingduo entered the room, Rong Ke had already changed clothes and was sitting at the table with a bowl of medicine on the table. Although her face was still pale, her whole body had been taken care of properly, and her wound must have been re-treated.

After Xiao Jingduo entered the door, he stopped after taking two steps. He lowered his eyes and asked, “Is Your Highness feeling better now?”


The voice fell behind, no one spoke in the room, and an unspeakable silence permeated the two of them.

After a long time, Xiao Jingduo’s voice sounded: “You already knew that, didn’t you?”

Rong Ke lowered her eyelashes, moved her fingers slightly, and nodded calmly: “Yes.”

Xiao Jingduo was not surprised when he finally heard the answer, but he still felt complicated. Maybe he should be grateful, but Rong Ke was honest with him.

Rong Ke had expected all this to happen, and even faintly promoted it. Cheng Huizhen has always been controlled by Rong Ke, how could Rong Ke not know what Empress Dowager Cui can know? And now that I think about it, the previous snow disaster is also very strange, and the news of the disaster in Bingzhou and other places has been continuous, but if you study the Dibao carefully, you will find that although the disaster is serious, the casualties are very light.

Xiao Jingduo didn’t speak, and Rong Ke didn’t speak either. In the end, Xiao Jingduo couldn’t help but ask, “Why?”

“If you don’t enter the tiger’s den, you won’t get the tiger’s son. If you don’t, how can you attract the people behind the scenes?”

“Is it even worth risking your own life? How dangerous is today? If something goes wrong, what if something goes wrong?”

“Even if the cost is your own life?”


“In this case, the minister has nothing to say.” Xiao Jingduo said, “Your Highness rest well, and the minister retire.”

“Even you said that.” Rong Ke sighed very lowly, she remembered that the emperors in ancient times were often lonely, and the heights were too cold. If you want to stand in that position, you can only be lonely.

Everyone thinks she is crazy, but if she can’t even be cruel to herself, how can she deal with others? Empress Dowager Cui and Empress Dowager Wu in the palace are eyeing them, and if they don’t kill them, Rong Ke can only die by himself.

Rong Ke stood up with the desk case, these are not important, she has to make arrangements for the next step, what matters is the opinions of others? She just got up, but her eyes suddenly darkened.

Xiao Jingduo was extremely angry with Rong Ke’s willfulness in his heart. He just took two steps when he heard a sound behind him.

When he turned around, he saw Rong Ke holding his forehead with one hand and slammed into the ground. Xiao Jingduo was taken aback, and hurriedly reached out to catch her regardless of whether it was appropriate or not.

“Your Highness, what’s the matter with you?”

“A little dizzy.” Rong Ke stood up straight with Xiao Jingduo’s arm, and wanted to push Xiao Jingduo’s support away very hard, but the blackness in front of her eyes was really powerless, she could only say, “You let go, I can stand by myself.”

Xiao Jingduo ignored her, probed Rong Ke’s forehead, and guessed, “Maybe she lost too much blood.”

He was both angry and helpless, so he had no choice but to hug Rong Ke horizontally and place her on the bed.

Rong Ke struggled twice, followed by another burst of dizziness. Even so, she still has to say: “You let go, and you are still serving in the Ministry of Rites? When you go back, I will remove your official position.”

What to say and what to say, Xiao Jingduo put Rong Ke away very calmly, and then, regardless of Rong Ke’s struggle, directly picked up her wrist to feel the pulse.

Rong Ke found that her words were completely useless, how could she bear such a thing, she snorted and said, “You are finished, I remember this one today.”

“It is very correct to apply poison to the dagger when assassinating.”

“Rong Ke!” Xiao Jingduo couldn’t help raising his voice, Rong Ke’s eyes moved over and stared straight at him. Xiao Jingduo thought that if he continued like this, he might really lose his post, so he could only soften his tone and asked: “You are poisoned, and now the injury is getting worse, and the situation is really not optimistic. Where is the nearest husband? Go back to Chang’an and call someone from the Imperial Physician’s Office to see your injuries.”

“No.” Rong Ke refused, “You can’t startle the snake. You’ve come this far. If you alarm the Imperial Physician’s Office, it will be a waste.”

“We can plan for this matter, your body is the most important!”

Rong Ke closed his eyes and shook his head slowly and firmly: “No, nothing is more important than the country. I have held back for so long, just to wait for an opportunity, a person who will stop all the people in front of me. The opportunity to kill. I promised my father that I will protect this country for him and realize his unfulfilled wishes. Since I promised, I will definitely do it. I will not let anyone in our family’s country. ”

Xiao Jingduo looked at Rong Ke without speaking. In the end, he sighed and took a step back again: “I haven’t read medical books for many years, but I haven’t finished it yet. If Your Highness believes it, let me try it.”

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