A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks of the Imperial Examination

Chapter 27

Chapter 26: Growing Up

Xiao Jingduo cheered up and planned to fetch water outside the house, and then tidy up the house. When he returned, he heard two novices talking outside the corner before he even approached the residence.

“The person instructed by the prince lives in that guest room?”


“Master Mingjue said that he killed too much. Why does the host and master allow him to live in such a person?”

“May be… cough, donor Xiao.” The novice scolded his companion, and the two turned around to say hello to Xiao Jingduo.

Xiao Jingduo also nodded in return, and the two novices said, “We still have homework to do, so we won’t delay the donor’s time. Farewell, Xiao donor, walk slowly.”

The two little novices walked away from here quickly, as if he really had an unforgivable murder on him. Xiao Jingduo looked up and saw that other monks and monks tried to avoid this place as much as possible. Even if they met him, the monks’ attitude was gentle and polite, but it also contained alienation and rejection.

Don’t want to be in the same room with him?

After Xiao Jingduo cleaned his residence again, the sun was already leaning west. After a little novice put the fast food on the table, he folded his hands in a salute and left quickly, as if he didn’t want to have too much interaction with him.

Xiao Jingduo had nothing to do about it, he could only see people’s hearts in secret for a long time, and he did not take the faint rejection of him by the people of Qingyuan Temple in his heart. After his fasting meal, he used the light to copy Buddhist scriptures for his mother on the desk.

Although Xiao Jingduo copied several volumes of Buddhist scriptures, in fact he knew nothing about the contents of the scriptures, and even couldn’t even recognize the words completely. He used medical books for enlightenment and learned commonly used characters, but these were all scattered, and he never studied systematically. He finally had the opportunity to study with Chu Shuxin, but he didn’t have the peace of mind to study for a few months, and Zhao Xiulan was angered by Wu Junru. At that time, he had to take care of Zhao Xiulan on the one hand, and guard against Wu Junru on the other hand, so he didn’t have much energy left for his schoolwork. After Zhao Xiulan passed away in April this year, Xiao Jingduo completely disconnected from school and devoted himself to filial piety. Speaking of which, this is the only time Xiao Jingduo has been quietly copying and practicing calligraphy in the past few months.

Therefore, although Xiao Jingduo was very diligent in copying Buddhist scriptures, he did not understand what he meant and did only the lowest death kung fu.

After copying a page, he put down his pen and moved his wrist a few times when he heard the faint sound of monks chanting sutras.

Xiao Jingduo sat in the room and stopped for a while, then put down the pen and walked east.

Qingyuan Temple occupies a huge area, with overlapping courtyards and more than 1,000 houses, of which the east is the area where the monks of Qingyuan Temple live, teach, and worship Buddha. Handyman etc.

Xiao Jingduo lives in the West District. He followed the sound, walked through the courtyards, and went to the place where the novices were chanting. Xiao Jingduo’s sense of direction was excellent. After a while, he walked to the main hall. There were many monks sitting in the hall. Xiao Jingduo didn’t dare to disturb him, so he stood far outside the hall, trying to memorize the scriptures from the monk’s mouth.

It was not until the evening class of the monks that it was dark, Xiao Jingduo left first, and after returning to the house, he turned out the scriptures that the monks sang, and identified them word by word.

Xiao Jingduo vaguely felt that his behavior was a steal, but no one in the monastery cared about him, so he continued shamelessly. This kind of life went on for a long time. He listened to monks chanting scriptures during the day, and at night, he identified scriptures word by word according to his memory. Although it was difficult to recognize the characters, the water accumulated and he gradually learned some rare characters.

One night, he was still debating words and memorizing scriptures under the lamp. Because he was so focused, he even neglected his surroundings for a while. When he suddenly realized that something was wrong, he suddenly raised his head and saw a master wearing a robe standing in front of him with a smile.

Xiao Jingduo was stunned for a moment, then got up quickly: “I have seen… Master Mingjue.”

Mingjue is the monk who criticized him for killing too much.

Mingjue folded his hands and bowed to him, and then said: “The poor monk saw that the light in the donor’s room had not been turned off for a long time, so he took the liberty to come in and have a look. It is the fault of the poor monk.”

“The master’s words are serious. It was me who got carried away and neglected the time. Dare I ask, did my lights disturb other masters?”

“Where.” Mingjue looked down at the scriptures in Xiao Jingduo’s hand, and said with interest, “I didn’t expect the donor to be so young and already know a lot about Buddhist scriptures. I don’t know what the donor is good at. Scripture?”

“The Buddhist scriptures are originally translated from Sanskrit. This volume of Mengshan Food is too advanced for beginners. If the donor wants to learn the scriptures, he may wish to read the Heart Sutra.”

“Okay.” Xiao Jingduo nodded in surprise.

Xiao Jingduo’s eyes widened in disbelief, and when he reacted, he immediately stepped aside and held the scriptures in front of Master Mingjue: “Master Xie for teaching me.”

Mingjue is worthy of being an eminent monk. After his speech, Xiao Jingduo’s mind suddenly became clear, and many vague places were completely resolved. Mingjue taught Xiao Jingduo the scriptures until midnight, and Xiao Jingduo felt very guilty when he sent Mingjue out: “I used the lights of the temple to read books and disturbed the master until now. I’m really ashamed.”

“The donor is fond of learning and filial piety. This is a good deed, so why should you be ashamed?” Mingjue said to Xiao Jingduo, “It is not the right way to do things behind closed doors. During the class, in the morning, there will be a host and masters explaining the stories and profound meanings of Buddhist scriptures, which may be of benefit to the donors.”

Xiao Jingduo was even more grateful and bowed deeply, “Master Xie.”

With the permission of Master Mingjue, he can finally enter and leave the East Court in an open and honest way. Every morning, he listens to the book and recites the scriptures with the novice monks. In the afternoon, the novice monks meditate. , every time the paper runs out, it will be replaced with a new one the next day. Xiao Jingduo was very embarrassed. Paper and ink were not cheap. He originally lived in Qingyuan Temple, and he wasted the temple’s things like this.

In the past two months, he and the novices of Qingyuan Temple have become familiar with him, and everyone is no longer avoiding him like they just came, and gradually they can talk and laugh.

One night, Xiao Jingduo was reading a book when he suddenly heard a light knock on the door.

Is the Master of Awareness.

“The diligence of the donor is admirable.” Mingjue stood outside the room and said to him with a smile.

Xiao Jingduo was ashamed, if he didn’t know that Master Mingjue was not such a person, he almost thought that Master’s words were ironic. No one cares about him these days, and he completely arranges his own itinerary. Xiao Jingduo wanders around the temple during the day, and lights up the house to read books at night. Xiao Jingduo felt bad about it. He wanted to make up for one or two with silver money several times, but the novice who came to bring him meals always said no.

Xiao Jingduo is really grateful for this tolerant and kind place.

Master Mingjue asked a few sutras casually, and Xiao Jingduo answered them fluently. Mingjue nodded in satisfaction and sighed: “How long has it been since the donor came to Qingyuan Temple, and his foundation is even stronger than that of a novice who has been practicing for a year. The poor monk is ashamed.”

Xiao Jingduo smiled slightly: “I just learned it by heart. In fact, there are still some places that I don’t understand.”

Even if there are masters teaching the scriptures every day, it is not easy for Xiao Jingduo to understand them all. But he has always been strict with himself. As long as it is what he has taught in the morning class, whether he understands it or not, he must memorize it by heart, so as not to show his cowardice in front of Master Mingjue.

“The donor has a firm will, but he is extremely hardworking, which is rare.” Mingjue sighed, “The poor monk has a little research on Buddhist scriptures. Wen came to find me.”

“Thank you, Master!” Xiao Jingduo learned to be smart this time and immediately accepted it.

He was extremely excited, and he felt that he was finally recognized. Previously, Master Mingjue commented that his murder was too serious. Although Xiao Jingduo persuaded himself not to care, he was bound by this comment to some extent, and he happened to come to the monastery where Master Mingjue was. Since entering Qingyuan Temple, his requirements on himself have been almost strict, just to prove that he is not a murderer. Fortunately, God rewards hard work, and his efforts were not in vain.

In the beginning, Master Mingjue and the monks in the temple watched Xiao Jingduo from a distance, which meant observing Xiao Jingduo’s character. Xiao Jingduo listened to the chanting day after day, went back to the house to study, and read it late at night. Mingjue praised Xiao Jingduo’s diligence and admired his filial piety to his biological mother, so he gave him a chance to go with the little novice. Do morning classes. In the past few months, although Master Mingjue did not appear often, he always paid attention to Xiao Jingduo’s movements. When he found that Xiao Jingduo was more diligent than the monks in the academy, Mingjue was finally moved.

Opportunities are always reserved for smart and hard-working people, Xiao Jingduo is so persevering and persevering, even if he has hatred, Mingjue is willing to give him a hand.

Mingjue secretly said to the Buddha in his heart, my Buddha is merciful, I hope that these years of Qingyuan Temple can wear off the hostility of Xiao Jingduo, so that he will no longer commit crimes in the future.

Xiao Jingduo used to hear people say that temples are a good place to cultivate one’s self-cultivation. It was not until he lived in the monastery that Xiao Jingduo had to admit that it was really different.

This kind of environment is really suitable for studying. You must know that the turbulent times have just ended and the new dynasty has stabilized. Most of the people outside are illiterate and can stay in an environment full of scholars. This is of great significance to Xiao Jingduo.

Xiao Jingduo followed Master Mingjue, and the people he saw every day immediately rose to many levels, and his half-baked knowledge was also steadily increasing. There are a lot of books in the monastery, and Xiao Jingduo spends most of his time here. Once he was seen by the master when he was copying a book. Xiao Jingduo knew that he had never received professional writing training, and that his handwriting was very inappropriate in the eyes of these experts, so he accepted the dislike very calmly, and then practiced more and more diligently in private.

You must know that practicing calligraphy is not a matter of saving money. Xiao Jingduo lives in Qingyuan Temple for nothing, and now he has to consume other people’s paper and pen and ink. He asked, “Master, what can I do for the Buddhist temple?”

Ming Jue just smiled: “No need.”

Mingjue is not polite. Qingyuan Temple is a royal temple. After removing the rich sesame oil money from the royal family every year, there are still many cultivated land, tenant farmers, and handymen under the name of the Buddhist temple. These people are attached to Qingyuan Temple, and only It is necessary to pay taxes with Qingyuan Temple, so Qingyuan Temple is not short of money, not to mention the details of Xiao Jingduo’s consumption.

Seeing Xiao Jingduo’s insistence, Master Mingjue was also relieved: “Since you insist on doing this, then tomorrow, you can come to the ward with me and help me with some trivial matters.”

Seeing Xiao Jingduo’s expression, Master Mingjue felt very strange: “What’s the matter?”

Xiao Jingduo didn’t know whether to be surprised that the temple had a ward, or whether he was surprised that Master Mingjue still treated people. He paused and asked curiously, “Master is still proficient in medical theory?”

“I’m not proficient, I can see a doctor for the common people. Many people in the temple have medical skills, and there are many better than me.” Master Mingjue smiled, “There are many poor people in the ward. Many people have been ill for a long time and have gradually become terminally ill, and many of them are contagious. If you don’t want to, feel free to ask.”

“No, Master, I will.” Xiao Jingduo said, “I spent some time with my grandfather when I was young. He was a famous man in the village, so I know all about ordinary medicine. It would be more appropriate to go and help the master fight.”

Mingjue was also surprised that Xiao Jingduo had such a background, he nodded and said, “That’s very good.”

The monastery has a special courtyard to accommodate these patients, and the monks who are skilled in medicine in the temple will also come to treat the patients regularly. The place where Mingjue brought Xiao Jingduo today is the ward of Qingyuan Temple.

There are many rooms in the hospital, and each room houses several patients. Most of these people are yellow-faced and thin, and at first glance they look like poor people suffering from illness. Even so, when they saw Master Mingjue come in, many people struggled to get up and say hello to Master.

Mingjue nodded and smiled at everyone. He entered the west room first, and regardless of the dust on the ground, he knelt down and checked the patient’s pulse. Xiao Jingduo followed closely. He had seen his grandfather visit a doctor when he was a child, so he was very familiar with the smoothness of diagnosis. Often, before Master Mingjue spoke, he presented what the master needed.

Xiao Jingduo and Mingjue stayed in the ward for a day, until the twilight Sihe and the two left for their return journey. Mingjue was walking on the mountain road and asked Xiao Jingduo: “There are many people in the workshop today who are not ordinary patients. They have suffered from a highly contagious disease. It is difficult to guarantee that they will not contract the disease after a long time. Are you really not afraid?”

“Don’t be afraid. I was originally from a farm family, and I know that the life of ordinary people is not easy. Now I have been taken in by Qingyuan Temple. I can do something for everyone. I am honored.”

Mingjue nodded, but did not speak. It just snowed a few days ago, and the bright moonlight reflected on the snow, making the world more and more clear, and the years were quiet. Xiao Jingduo accompanied Mingjue in this way, walking step by step on the snow-covered mountain road.

Until many years have passed, many details of the past have been blurred, but Xiao Jingduo still remembers that snowy night and that quiet mountain road. They had just come out of the ward, the snowy road was slippery, and he felt that he was old and frail and did not dare to walk fast, so he accompanied his teacher and walked slowly on the path.

Master Mingjue, or Qingyuan Temple to Xiao Jingduo, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a re-creation of grace. There are no years in the mountains, Xiao Jingduo spent three years of filial piety in such a bad environment.

A man who looked like an hunter was processing fur in the yard, and his wife was cooking, complaining constantly: “I’m worried for you at home, it’s better for you to go to Widow Lin’s house to help first instead of reporting the letter when you come back, saying, Are you too hearty, and this family can’t keep you? If you don’t want to say it too soon, we’ll be reconciled, and I’m still used to you?”

“I told you nothing about it, you should talk less about it.” When Orion heard He Li, he was also provoked. He was about to say it, but he saw the mountain bend up. A figure turned around. The person was dressed in plain white, tall and tall. He seemed to be carrying something in his hand. Just by looking at his figure, he could tell that he was a handsome man.

Orion hurriedly roared at his wife: “Don’t make trouble, Xiao Langjun is here!”

When Xiao Jingduo walked to Orion’s house, he felt that the atmosphere was weird, but he thought it was just Orion’s family business, so he didn’t care, but smiled and said to Orion: “Uncle Li, how good have you been these days? Want to enter the city?”

“Yes, I’m going to Chang’an to sell furs. What rarities did Xiao Langjun catch in the mountains?”

“Where.” Xiao Jingduo said with a smile, “I caught a few foxes in my spare time. It’s useless for me to ask for them, so I have to entrust them to Uncle Li.”

“Fox!” The hunter’s eyes lit up, he took the bag from Xiao Jingduo’s hand, and took out the sturdy fox that was bound, and couldn’t help but praise, “Good guy, noble man in Chang’an. Love these things. This one is full of fur and can be bought for a good price, ugh, this one is still alive!”

After the hunter checked the prey, he rubbed his hands together to discuss the price with Xiao Jingduo. Xiao Jingduo lived on the mountain and it was inconvenient to enter the city, so he could only ask the hunter at the foot of the mountain to help him bring some things when he entered the city, and he would also sell his prey to the hunter to earn some pocket money for himself.

The hunter proposed a price, Xiao Jingduo nodded and agreed. He hunted mostly to exercise his skills, and making money was the second thing. Besides, he lived in Qingyuan Temple, and there was no cost for food and housing. Xiao Jingduo’s net worth is now much richer than before.

Therefore, he doesn’t care about the price offered by the Orion.

The hunter was excitedly looking at the fox, while the hunter’s wife was peeking at Xiao Jingduo. I haven’t seen him for a few days. How can I feel that Xiao Langjun is handsome again.

If someone has a headache, just call him, he will help people see a doctor for free, and next time he will bring herbal medicine down from the mountain. In addition, Xiao Jingduo’s age is getting older, his body shape is getting taller, his facial features are also growing, and he looks more and more young and handsome, delicate as jade. Everyone has a love for beauty. Slowly, Xiao Jingduo’s reputation in this area is getting bigger and bigger. At first, it was only the ladies who mentioned him frequently. When the men in the village heard these words, they would inevitably have a prejudice against Xiao Jingduo. But as he treated the villagers and showed his outstanding hunting skills, the men in the village had to admit that Xiao Jingduo was okay.

The Orion’s wife had long since thrown her husband out of the sky. She warmly greeted Xiao Jingduo to sit in the room, and even poured water for Xiao Jingduo. Xiao Jingduo still had homework on the mountain, so he wouldn’t be able to stay for long, so he politely declined Orion’s wife, and then went up the mountain.

Xiao Jingduo has been learning to hunt for the past few years. All the monks in Qingyuan Temple are vegetarians and don’t eat meat. So he took the initiative to learn to hunt with the hunters at the foot of the mountain, and it was for his own sake. Later, his hunting skills became more and more skilled, and he even had room to exchange money. At this time, satisfying his appetite was the second, and training his skills became the most important.

After all, the Xuan Dynasty is martial, from the prime minister of the royal family to the common people, all of them are proud of their bravery and ability to fight. The two hundred years before the Xuan Dynasty were turbulent times. The common people needed force to fight against the bandits and rebels. The noble warlords also needed powerful force to protect themselves and even annex others. The Gongrong family of Xuanguo was the best among them. They first defeated them with powerful force. Chang’an, and then destroy the warlords one by one and pacify the world. The Rong family is famous for their beauty and bravery, and they are also proud of this, and they love to show off their strength. With the foundation of troubled times, and the royal family taking the lead in martial arts, Xuan Chao’s folk customs are extremely agile, no matter the rough old man or the delicate little lady, all of them are violent and sturdy, and they will explode at the slightest, and they will roll up their sleeves when they make a few quarrels.

In this environment, Xiao Jingduo naturally pays great attention to his martial arts. Qingyuan Temple is quiet and elegant, everyone speaks softly and slowly, he can only go outside to exercise his skills. Fortunately, although he has no system I have learned kung fu in the past, but in the past few years hunting in the mountains, what I have learned are real combat skills, without any tricks, which is rare.

Xiao Jingduo climbed up the mountain after a while, and his breath was not disturbed. When the monks of Qingyuan Temple saw him coming back, they all smiled and said hello to him. A little novice ran over and said with a smile: “Xiao Langjun, the family you cured last time just went up the mountain to give you a gift of thanks! They waited a while before they left since you weren’t there.”

Xiao Jingduo also smiled and said, “You made fun of me again, that was cured by Master Mingjue, how can I take credit?”

Xiao Jingduo studied with Master Mingjue for the past three years and went to the ward to help from time to time. In the first year, he could only play a role. Later, he gradually became able to handle some simple diseases on his own. Xiao Jingduo often regretted not being able to learn medical skills with his grandfather, but he did not expect to make up for this defect in Qingyuan Temple. Qingyuan Temple was full of monks with excellent medical skills. The medical books left to him by his grandfather, he is also considered a small success. Xiao Jingduo didn’t dare to compare himself with a professional imperial doctor, but it was more than enough to see some common diseases for the people at the foot of the mountain.

The novice knew that these were polite words, and he did not argue with Xiao Jingduo, and said, “It’s okay, I don’t want to listen to your polite words. Master Mingjue asks you to come back and look for it. He, hurry up and go!”

When Xiao Jingduo heard the master’s call, he did not dare to delay, and immediately walked to Mingjue’s meditation room.

Mingjue sat in the meditation room and read the scriptures. When he saw Xiao Jingduo coming in, he slowly closed the scriptures and pointed to the mat in front of him: “Sit.”

Xiao Jingduo sat on the mat according to his words. He sat upright and asked, “Master, why did you call me here?”

Master Mingjue looked at Xiao Jingduo carefully, and said with emotion: “You came to Qingyuan Temple in the second year of Qiyuan, and it is now five years of Qiyuan. Before you know it, three years have passed!”

Repair a book and call you home.”

Xiao Jingduo sighed, he was not surprised by this result, but he did not expect it either. He was in a complicated mood and wanted to say a thousand words to Master Mingjue. In the end, he just bowed down to the ground and solemnly gave a big salute: “Master’s kindness to me will be recreated, and the kindness you and Qingyuan Temple have shown me will surely be shared by Xiao Jingduo. Remember it for life.”

Master Mingjue looked at the smart and courageous man in front of him, and he was filled with emotion. Mingjue didn’t wake him up, but said, “Do you remember what I said to you three years ago?”


“When I looked at your face back then, there was a faint gleam of blood, and I knew that you would make a lot of murders in the future. I didn’t want to keep you at first, but the host and I saw that you had a firm mind. Pure and filial piety, I will take you to practice as an exception. You must remember that no matter what step you take in the future, you must not violate your conscience, and you must not violate the oath you made when you first entered the temple. In this way, it can be regarded as the merit of Qingyuan Temple. ”

Xiao Jingduo nodded: “The disciple is engraved in his heart, and he will never forget it.”

“Okay, it’s getting late, you have to leave tomorrow morning, go back and pack your bags first.”

Leave tomorrow? Xiao Jingduo was shocked. He raised his head in confusion and found that Mingjue had closed his eyes and obviously didn’t want to talk anymore. He could only get up and leave. When he went out, Xiao Jingduo turned his head and gave Master Mingjue a deep look.

He likes this quiet and pure place so much, and he is so grateful to this respected master, but he knows that these do not belong to him. Dingyonghou Mansion, return to that intrigue, full of darkness and hatred.

Early the next morning, Xiao Jingduo quietly went out without disturbing anyone. The Marquis of Dingyong sent two people to pick him up, and they were waiting for him outside the temple in a carriage. Seeing Xiao Jingduo, the two hurried forward and said, “Mr. Dalang, your luggage has been moved to the car, do you want to get in the car?”

“No need.” Xiao Jingduo waved his hand, got on his horse, sat on the horse and stared at Qingyuan Temple for the last time.

Xiao Jingduo turned around, no longer nostalgic, but rode the horse vigorously: “Drive!”

He rode a horse and galloped on the mountain road. The bell rang in the Qingyuan Temple behind him. It was long and quiet, and the sound echoed in the valley.

Xiao Jingduo knew that this was a silent farewell from everyone in the temple.

The mist-shrouded Zhongnan Mountain was gradually left behind, replaced by the tall and majestic capital Chang’an.

Chang’an, Dingyong Houfu, Xiao Ying and Wu Junru, he is back.

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