A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks of the Imperial Examination

Chapter 71

Chapter 70: Promotion

Xiao Jingduo rose from the 8th rank to the seventh rank, leaping a full 7th rank.

According to the Ministry of Personnel, Xiao Jingduo was successful in solving the case, and it happened that Jinjiang County was short of magistrates. Served as county magistrate.

On his first day in office, his immediate boss died, the position of county magistrate was vacant, and Xiao Jingduo was promoted on the spot and turned into a regular.

It is an official. Many officials have worked hard all their lives, and their biggest wish is to transfer to Liunei and become a junior official from the ninth rank. After entering the stream, the second hurdle is the fifth rank. Everyone Shi Brown starts from the ninth-rank official. As long as he is diligent in political affairs, he should not make big mistakes during his tenure. Passing the performance appraisal can always accumulate to the sixth rank, but most people It also stopped at the sixth grade. The upper and lower ranks of the fifth rank are two different worlds. The officials below the fifth rank are mediocre and unremarkable in the courtroom, while those above the fifth rank belong to high-level officials. The chance can be upgraded to the third grade. And the third rank is already the highest point of the official career. Everyone must bow their heads and call him the prime minister. The first rank and second rank above are all false titles, and the third rank is the real person in charge of the court.

Promotions are difficult every step of the way. Many people have survived for 20 years, but they are still only low-level officials. County lieutenants, county magistrates, and well-known school clerks and other officials are all low-level officials, and it is enough to scare the common people. In official circles, they have no right to speak. The county magistrate is of the seventh grade, and he is already a middle-level official. He is in charge of all matters of the entire county during his tenure, and he is a real official with real power. Moreover, the governor stayed in the prefecture, and could only meet during the festivals. He would not interfere with the official affairs of the county magistrate. It can be said that in the county town, the magistrate was the one who walked sideways.

Xiao Jingduo quickly passed the eighth rank and stopped at the seventh rank, and his official uniform had to be changed. Now that spring is blooming, and it is another year when the department starts, it is only a year away from Xiao Jingduo’s imperial examination, but the country has changed new people, and Xiao Jingduo is rarely mentioned in this class of jinshi.

In the same year, Xiao Jingduo also served as the clerk and orthographer of the Jiupin school in Chang’an, and stayed in the quiet study room to proofread and correct various classics, but Xiao Jingduo was already the head of a county of the Zhengqipin . There is a saying that one step first, step by step, Xiao Jingduo didn’t understand what this meant, but now he has experienced it for himself, and only then did he know that the old saying is not deceiving.

Xiao Jingduo was promoted in situ, but the people of Jinjiang County did not respond. Anyway, in their opinion, whoever is the county magistrate is the same, Xiao Jingduo is more pleasing to the eye, but in the eyes of other people in the county government, it is too much sour.

Qiu Ju changed Xiao Jingduo’s county magistrate’s uniform overnight. Xiao Jingduo’s promotion was abrupt, they were not psychologically prepared, and they were caught off guard. After the promotion order came down, Qiu Ju spent several days preparing official uniforms and corresponding accessories. Although the imperial court manages the four seasons clothes of officials at all levels, each person’s shape is different. If you want to dress appropriately, you have to modify it privately.

Qiu Ju murmured in disbelief as she packed up the replaced clothes of the county magistrate: “How long does it take for Lang Jun to change from dark cyan to light green, at this speed, how can Da Lang Jun change? Aren’t you wearing crimson and purple clothes soon?”

Purple for the third rank and above, and red for the fourth and fifth rank, Qiu Ju’s calculation method is extremely simple. Xiao Jingduo was funny, but did not dampen her enthusiasm, but said: “You have worked hard these days, put away the clothes from the eighth grade. Also, don’t say this outside.”

“I know, I have been in the Hou’s for so many years, don’t I even understand this calculation?” Qiu Ju was very proud, “Darang Jun was promoted too quickly, said Going out is afraid of attracting jealousy, I understand this truth. Just like giving money every month, the person who gets the most money is always silent.”

He crossed the seventh rank in one step, such a promotion speed is too impressive, so next, Xiao Jingduo can’t make a single mistake.

The next morning, Xiao Jingduo arrived at the place where he was dealing with government affairs. When he saw Xiao Jingduo, many people came over to say hello: “I have seen Xiao County Magistrate in my humble position, congratulations on the promotion of Mingfu!”

With the idea of earning credit and improving seniority in other places.

Xiao Jingduo changed from the same level to the boss of these people overnight. The old people in the county government naturally refused to accept it. Xiao Jingduo knew that his relationship with other people in the county government was very embarrassing, so he was very cautious and humble .

“I don’t dare, thanks to the Minister of Officials and the two servants, I don’t dare to take credit. Besides, the county magistrate’s case and the Tailijiao case were successfully cracked, and you can’t do without.”

The chief clerk, the county magistrate and others saw that although Xiao Jingduo was promoted, he did not have a domineering posture, and his face became a little better: “Miao Zan Miao Zan, now the county magistrate Xiao is overjoyed, and it is time to move Going to the west courtyard, it is the house of the county magistrate…”

Xiao Jingduo has become a well-established county magistrate. Naturally, he no longer has to be crowded with others in the east courtyard, but can move to the west and live independently. However, someone had just died in the magistrate’s house. Although Xiao Jingduo didn’t pay attention to these things, he couldn’t ignore them at all. Therefore, everyone in the county government agreed to repair the magistrate’s house before moving it.

So Xiao Jingduo still lives in the east courtyard, but the office has been moved to the west. Entering from the main entrance of the county government office, the first yard in the west is the flower hall, where Xiao Jingduo entertains guests, and then the house where he handles government affairs on a daily basis. Xiao Jingduo wrote documents and discussed matters with his subordinates in these two rooms. After that, there is the residence, because the dead person is still being repaired. After coming out of the county magistrate’s house and going back, that is the place where the county magistrate’s female relatives are placed.

Xiao Jingduo has no female dependents, and as the widow of the former magistrate, Xiao Jingduo is not good at neglecting others, so the residence of the statement remains unchanged, still living in the backyard, but in order to avoid suspicion, Xiao Jingduo has ordered The door between the backyard and the front hall was locked, and only one was left on the east side where people came and went for speeches.

Changed to a new office location, although Xiao Jingduo was still a little uncomfortable, but after all, the standard here is high, and the lighting and furnishings are much higher than the East Court, so Xiao Jingduo readily accepted. In such a bright and spacious place to handle official business, I really feel a little better.

When Xiao Jingduo hadn’t stepped into the officialdom and was just a student, he thought that the county magistrate’s duty was to cut koan cases, punish prisons, and educate widely, until he really became a magistrate, Xiao Jingduo discovered that the position of county magistrate was not as romantic as the book said. His most important and arduous official duty was to urge people to pay taxes from house to house.

This is true, disillusionment.

When Xiao Jingduo was the county magistrate last year, although he acted as the county magistrate, he was completely different from the supervisor. These have become his duties, and he can no longer save trouble as before.

Xiao Jingduo checked Jinjiang County’s household registration and warehouses for nearly ten years, and finally had to admit that it was really a poor place.

Jinjiang County is surrounded by mountains, the road into the city is very difficult, and there is very little flat land, so it is not easy to grow food. In addition, although it is rainy here, there is no river passing through it, irrigation is not easy, and water and land transportation is also very difficult.

The geographical conditions are not good, but the previous Chen County magistrate did not act, and the cancer of Tailijiao is also sucking blood. Now the situation of Canglin in Jinjiang County is a complete mess.

Xiao Jingduo’s head hurts. As a county magistrate, he wants to pass the year-end performance appraisal. How do I make them pay taxes?

This is really a problem that even gods make trouble. So for now, the most important thing is to revitalize Nongsang. The topic of Nongsang started from the Guozijian, and Xiao Jingduo kept writing articles and special books, talking about how to develop Nongsang, but it was only after the officials found out that those articles were only on paper, and everyone understood the truth, but whether they could do it well is another matter. one thing.

Xiao Jingduo knew that just staying in the room and reading the books would not be fruitful, he stood up, called an official and said, “Come with me, I will go to the field to see the situation. ”

Now is the busy time of spring, and the fields are full of people planting rice seedlings. Xiao Jingduo visited many paddy fields and personally asked many farmers who worked in the fields. The situation has an intuitive understanding.

He visits people during the day and writes and draws under the lights at night. Farming is something that always has to be asked by the locals. Many elderly people in the county have been working on the land all their lives, and they know a lot of seasonal laws and farming experience in their minds. Xiao Jingduo deals with these people all day long. Attitude, gradually learned a lot from the old farmer. Xiao Jingduo secretly sighed that the more he understood, the more shallow he felt. If he didn’t actually understand the situation, but instead commanded blindly based on the knowledge he learned from books, he would be in big trouble.

However, also because of understanding, Xiao Jingduo also secretly worried that Jinjiang County produces insufficient food every year, not because the people are not hardworking enough, but because it is surrounded by mountains, there is really not much suitable arable land. Restricted by the terrain, the people could only build paddy fields in gentler places along the mountain. But in this way, the fields are far and high, and it is really inconvenient to take care of them. Many people take a long time to walk, and it takes too much time and energy to go back and forth.

Other problems can be solved, but the arable land is insufficient, how to solve this? Xiao Jingduo grew up in the north and was used to seeing the endless plains, so he was helpless in this situation.

Xiao Jingduo had no better way, he could only visit the people more often and gradually encourage the people to cultivate and produce.

One day, Xiao Jingduo went to the field to check the condition of the rice. He just appeared on the field ridge, and an old man sitting on the roadside resting saw him and immediately greeted him loudly: “Xiao County magistrate , you are here again!”

Xiao Jingduo often goes to the fields these days, the people have long known Xiao Jingduo, and now when they see this young county magistrate, many people stop and greet him affectionately.

Xiao Jingduo also smiled and replied: “Everyone has worked hard. You don’t have to worry about me, I’ll just take a look at it.”

After looking at a few fields, Xiao Jingduo stopped in front of one mu of land, lowered his body and asked the old farmer who was resting by the field.

“Aweng, in your opinion, how is the rice growing in our county this year?”

This old farmer is almost 60 years old. When he can walk, he is digging in the ground. He has seen dozens of crops of rice mature with his own eyes, and he has accumulated a lot of experience. His wrinkled eyes swept across the rice, then shook his head and said, “Based on my experience as an old man, I’m afraid this year’s harvest is mediocre.”

Xiao Jingduo was still asking the old peasants about some agricultural matters, when suddenly there was a shout from the yamen behind him: “Xiao County magistrate, the imperial court has come, the clerk asks you to return to the county government immediately!”

The court? Xiao Jingduo’s face became serious, and he immediately stood up and rushed back.

Many people stood in the field holding their trousers, watching Xiao Jingduo hurriedly leave in doubt, and asked each other for unknown reasons: “What’s the matter, why did the magistrate Xiao leave just after he came?”

“I don’t know, I just heard someone say that it seems like someone from the imperial court.”

“The court is here…”

Xiao Jingduo hurried back to the county office and immediately asked, “What’s wrong?”

“The county magistrate, the governor sent the newspaper to the residence just now, saying that he was a saint and died!”

The author has something to say: Small Theater:

You have received the following sets:


Seventh Grade Official Uniform: Light Green Embroidered Black Collar Robeget

Official uniform collection progress: 2/N

Instruction, Xiao Jingduo’s road to promotion is very ideal, please prepare mentally for candidates, if this does not happen to you, please stabilize your mentality, don’t collapse, especially don’t give Ben The author of the imperial examination textbook sent the blade.

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