A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks of the Imperial Examination

Chapter 84

Chapter 83: Urgent Call

This letter was sent from Chang’an in June. The person who wrote the letter did not want to make a big deal, and did not occupy the channel of the imperial military newspaper, but sent it along with the private letter. However, the area around Rongzhou was preparing for the war, and there were frequent border frictions in the past few months, and it was quite inconvenient to exchange letters, so this letter was delayed until November before it was delivered to Xiao Jingduo.

This letter is unsigned, it looks unremarkable, and the content inside is even more mindless.

“Prevent disasters in the first place without hurting them later. Knowing and acting cautiously, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, so how can you take it lightly.”

There is no way out of the dilemma. However, the situation was critical at the time, and Xiao Jingduo could only take risks, betting that Shi Langzhao was unable to send another team.

It turns out he won. But the other person didn’t think so. She seemed to think that Xiao Jingduo couldn’t understand just using the Analects. When she sent the letter, she couldn’t help but add a sentence. It can be seen from the ink that the latter sentence was written temporarily.

Xiao Jingduo felt amused and helpless. He was familiar with this handwriting, and he recognized the person who wrote the letter at a glance. But Rong Ke had a point. He left the city for a sneak attack when the enemy was on the verge of attacking. Although he won by surprise, he was unqualified as a leader. Therefore, Xiao Jingduo also recognized the lesson, but it was difficult for Rong Ke to write a letter to not say it, for fear that he would not understand, and added another sentence.

Xiao Jingduo was reading the letter in the room, but the others were so anxious. The people waiting outside the house walked around twice and couldn’t help asking: “The county magistrate hasn’t come out yet? What kind of letter is this? It took so long to read! If the county magistrate doesn’t come out, the military camp will not be able to catch up.”

The border between Jiannan and Nanzhao has been in constant friction during this time, and a small-scale battle has just ended a few days ago. Jiannan Road has built a lot of troops on the border, and the imperial court is still putting pressure on Nanzhao. Nanzhao has finally been complied with in the past few days. Jiannan border.

“accident”. The Nanzhao royal family has been cleaned up and honest, and will naturally manage their own internal affairs.

In the past few days, the Nanzhao royal family finally bowed their heads, and the border cities were all rejoicing. Jinjiang County has also participated in several large and small battles. Seeing this result, the whole city rejoices. A celebration banquet was held in the city today to celebrate this great victory.

Xiao Jingduo, as the county magistrate, naturally has to be there. Seeing that the time for the celebration banquet is coming, Xiao Jingduo is still in the house, which makes the next person not in a hurry.

“What should I do, someone from the military camp has been sent to remind me.” The clerk asked anxiously.

The county magistrate had no idea and said tentatively, “How about we knock on the door and urge the magistrate?”

Mildew. The master clerk complained: “It’s really an innocent disaster. The magistrate is clearly dressed, and he is about to go outside. I don’t know who handed him a letter. The magistrate looked at the handwriting on the letter and threw a sentence. Don’t bother and turn around and go back. It’s really terrifying!”

The county magistrate guessed: “I heard that it was a letter from Chang’an, maybe something happened to the county magistrate’s family?”

“Then you can’t bother at this time, it will be too wrong to be angered at that time.”

The county magistrate and the chief clerk were afraid that something had happened to Xiao Jingduo’s family, but time was running out and they couldn’t delay it any longer. In the end, the county magistrate went out of his way and said, “I have no choice but to be rude.” He gathered up his courage and knocked on the door, “The county magistrate, the outsiders have urged us several times, we should go.”

As soon as the voice fell, the door was opened from the inside. Xiao Jingduo was neatly dressed and walked out of the room with ease: “Let’s go.”

The chief clerk and the county magistrate were stunned for a moment. Xiao Jingduo saw that the two did not follow, and glanced back: “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, nothing…” The chief clerk and the county magistrate laughed shyly and quickly followed. County magistrate Xiao seems to be in a good mood. It doesn’t look like there is an accident at home. What exactly was written in the letter?

This question, the master and the county magistrate have not figured it out after thinking about it all the way. When the celebration banquet scene, people came to toast one after another, and the master was blown away by these people. , put the matter aside immediately.

Xiao Jingduo, as the county magistrate, is naturally the protagonist of the celebration feast. I don’t know how many people want to take the opportunity to get close to him. Xiao Jingduo has always been impatient to socialize, but people can’t help themselves in officialdom, so he has to cheer up and deal with people one by one. Shu is far from the Central Plains, there are few restrictions on etiquette, and men and women are not very particular about guarding. After a while, a bold Shu woman came to toast Xiao Jingduo.

Looks like a good show.

The girl’s companions were not far away, and they were stretching their necks to look in their direction. I didn’t know what they were talking about, and they laughed together.

Xiao Jingduo, who was in the center of the line of sight, sighed secretly, he still understood the truth of the drunkard’s intention not to drink. He didn’t pause too long, and quickly raised his glass.

Seeing Xiao Jingduo’s movements, the eyes of the toasting girl suddenly brightened, and a low exclamation broke out in the crowd of girls.

Xiao Jingduo held the wine glass in front of him, but did not mean to clink the glass with the girl. He smiled unchanged, looked at the woman in front of him with magnanimity and politeness, and said: “As a parent official of Jinjiang County, This is my duty, and the girl doesn’t need to care. Women shouldn’t drink alcohol, and I drank this drink for the girl.”

After finishing speaking, Xiao Jingduo drank the wine in one gulp before the woman could react. Xiao county magistrate is full.

Xiao Jingduo put down the glass of wine, stretched out his hand and gestured to the woman: “Women are delicate and not suitable for drinking, so you don’t need to drink this glass of wine. It’s hard to walk in the dark, girl be careful with your feet, Li Fourth, take this girl to a seat.”

, sighed in disappointment.

The girls were toasting him, but Xiao Jingduo only responded from the perspective of his parents, how could he not let the ladies lose.

With this foreshadowing, the other girls who were ready to move also hesitated, but the girls in the borderlands have always been bold, looking at their eyes and knowing that they have not given up the temptation. Colleagues and other soldiers looked at Xiao Jingduo with ridicule in their eyes, Xiao Jingduo sighed silently, and Zhan Kong quietly left the seat.

He was walking aimlessly on the long street, and not long after, there was the sound of small footsteps behind him.

The voice seemed to be a woman, Xiao Jingduo turned around, and saw Chen Ci carrying a lantern, standing on the semi-dark bluestone street.

“Miss Chen? Why did you come out?”

“I saw Mingfu leave the table, and I couldn’t hold back my curiosity, so I came out.” Chen Ci walked towards him slowly, the dim candlelight shining on her face, reflecting the smile Extraordinarily gentle, “I would also like to know, there is something good outside that attracts Ming Mansion, so that Xiao Ming Mansion can put aside the lively celebration feast and the pretty girls in the house, and go outside to blow the cold wind.”

These words were obviously meant to be ridiculed, Xiao Jingduo smiled and replied: “It was too noisy during the dinner. I went outside to hide and clean, but Miss Chen found out.”

Chen Ci smiled and didn’t speak, walked to Xiao Jingduo’s side, and walked with him slowly on the street.

“Xiao Mingfu, I have been curious about one thing for a long time, and I have not been able to ask it out. You have neither a wife nor a concubine, and you are not engaged at home. In that case, why do you always refuse to show your favor? ?”

This sentence is a bit abrupt, Xiao Jingduo did not want to answer, obviously he did not intend to let him answer, but continued: “To be admired by many women, it is worth bragging about on other men. Only if you notice it, you push it away with a calm expression. I thought you didn’t care about it, but I always felt that it wasn’t the case.”

Neither of them spoke, except for the sound of the cool wind blowing through the leaves. There is no snow all year round in the south of Shu, and even in winter the trees are lush and green, dyed with twilight green. The wind here is not as cold as in the north, and even in the cold winter, there is still moisture. The cool breeze blew through the treetops, making a rustling sound.

The voice of the statement was accompanied by the wind: “What kind of person is she?”

Chen Ci and Xiao Jingduo have lived with Xiao Jingduo in the county government office for many years. After getting along for a long time, the statement slowly understood some things. For example, Xiao Jingduo always kept a distance from other women, intentionally or not, and secretly I don’t know how many women were sad about this. The women in the embroidery workshop were very concerned about Xiao Jingduo’s affairs. Many people felt that, with Xiao Jingduo’s identity and appearance, it was easy to want to marry a wife and take a concubine. Few women would refuse, but Xiao Jingduo did not, and instead behaved better than women. Still cool. Many women said that Xiao Jingduo was not yet enlightened, and that young people did not understand the relationship between men and women, so they avoided it everywhere, but the statement felt that this was not the case.

Over the years, Xiao Jingduo has collected many jade objects every September. These jades are rarely seen by him to play with. Obviously, he did not collect them by himself. Listening to Qiu Ju’s description, these objects would not be prepared. For sisters and brothers, after all, the relationship between Xiao Jingduo and his family is very weak.

The statement recalled that three years ago, he had delayed his official business for the first time, just to let Qiu Ju and others rush to make a few round fans. Later, the box disappeared, and no one knew where the box went. At that time, the statement did not feel that there was anything wrong with it. It was only in the past few years that the statement realized slowly and bitterly that she probably knew the answer.

The love between men and women is voluntary.

Xiao Jingduo did not expect the statement to smash the window paper at this time, he stopped and silently looked at the few stars in the sky.

What kind of person is she?

The color that never goes.

Xiao Jingduo looked up at the stars, thinking silently, now, I don’t know what Rong Ke is doing?

In November, the wind from the southwest is still carrying warm water vapor, waiting to pass through the Qinling Mountains, through the land of Guanzhong, through the towering gates of Chang’an, all the way along the Suzaku Street into the Miyagi At that time, it has become as cold as a knife.

It was snowing a few days ago. Once night falls, the Taiji Palace is quiet and pure, like a fairy palace. A pair of delicate deerskin boots stepped on the broken snow on the palace road, and in the end, almost all ran.

The **** was pacing anxiously at the gate of the palace. When he saw someone coming, he quickly walked up to him, bowed anxiously and called out in relief, “Your Highness, you’ve come!”

Rong Ke untied the tie around his neck and unloaded the heavy fox fur cloak to the palace servants, before even brushing the snow on the tips of his hair, he walked quickly into the hall: “Why did you suddenly spread the word? Letter here? How is Father now?”

The **** sighed and said, “Come with me, Your Highness.”

Rong Ke couldn’t help worrying in her heart, and hurriedly called her over in the snowy night. Could it be that her father’s condition has become so serious?

Rong Ke walked quickly into the hall, the emperor’s bedroom was built high and deep, Rong Ke’s footsteps landed on the floor tiles, making a regular clear sound.

The inner hall soon arrived. Across the curtain, Rong Ke saw a thin figure leaning on the bedpost, bowing his head and covering his mouth and coughing lightly.

Rong Ke felt a pain in her heart, and ran over in three steps: “Father, are you okay?”

Rong Mingzhe was suppressing his cough, and when he heard his daughter’s voice, he swallowed the sweetness in his throat and greeted his daughter with a warm smile: “It’s not snowing heavily outside, and the road is not freezing. Are you going?”

Rong Ke knelt on the side of the bed, reached out and touched Rong Mingzhe’s hand, and immediately frowned: “Why is it so cold?”

The **** in front who was serving in the back hurriedly bowed down and said, “It’s the slave’s dereliction of duty.”

“It has nothing to do with them.” Rong Mingzhe shook his head, his face was pale, his lips darkened, and he looked very weak, “Keke, I have a hunch, I’m afraid that my father won’t be able to accompany you for too long. already.”

“Father!” Rong Ke had no reason to have sour eyes, and said forcefully, “Father, everything will be fine, I will call the people from the Imperial Physician’s Office now, you have a good rest, there will always be Get well.”

“I know my own body, it’s useless.” Rong Mingzhe covered his lips and coughed again, “I thought I could watch you get married and watch your brother grow up, I can protect you two brothers and sisters for a long time. However, being a father will eventually break your trust.”

Blood and sweat. I once promised to protect this river and mountain, and never fail to live up to the great trust of my ancestors, but it is a pity that human life is up to the sky, and God refuses to give me the opportunity to realize my ambition.”

But if you stick to the principles, you will also be a holy monarch.”

Rong Mingzhe said slowly, even at this time, he was still gentle and polite. This sudden and serious illness did not detract from the luster of His Royal Highness the Prince, but it became more and more precipitation. But then, Rong Mingzhe’s words changed, revealing the fierceness of the emperor: “However, I am not a saint after all, I can’t hand over the country to the worthy, but I want my blood to always occupy the peak of this power. Wait for the future. When I see my father under Jiuquan, I’m afraid I’m going to make him angry again.”

Rong Ke has been listening quietly, and when she heard this, she tightly held Rong Mingzhe’s hand and whispered: “Father…”

What will happen down here?”

Rong Mingzhe would only call her “Rong Ke” when he was angry, but this time Rong Ke knew that Rong Mingzhe called her this time not because he was angry, but because he was talking to the court The emperor is not her father.

“Yes, the dynasties change, but no family can escape this curse.” Rong Mingzhe smiled wryly, then looked at Rong Ke with a heavy gaze, “But Rong Lang is only eight years old now, heaven Unsatisfactory, what can I do?”

Rong Mingzhe clearly knows that, despite the appearance of King Liang and King Qi as worthy ministers, he also loves Rong Ke and Rong Lang very much, but all this is based on the premise that he is still alive . Without his pressure, could King Liang and King Qi really resist not reaching out to the throne?

As for the queen, let alone the queen, Xia’s temperament is gentle, and she is naturally lenient and considerate when dealing with the harem, but if she is allowed to fall behind the curtain and assist the young emperor, then this temperament will cause a catastrophe.

In any case, the world can only have the surname Rong, and on this throne, only the descendants of his Rong Mingzhe can sit.

Rong Lang is a righteous prince, and there is no suspense about him, the real difficulty is the candidate for the auxiliary government. This person must not only have the talent of the sky and the latitude, but also have the heart of loyalty. Rong Mingzhe couldn’t trust his younger brother, he couldn’t trust the old minister who followed him, and he couldn’t even trust his own queen.

Only his daughter, his blood, the jewel in his hand that he brought to his childhood, is worthy of him giving away the most precious authority in the world without reservation.

Even if Rong Ke takes power and changes his temper in the future, he is unwilling to return the imperial power to Rong Lang, but after all, Rong Ke is also his bloodline, and it makes no difference to Rong Mingzhe.

Rong Mingzhe raised his hand, Rong Ke held it after a while. Rong Mingzhe’s fingers are cold, but his palms are slowly tightened, and his eyes are fixed on Rong Ke: “Rong Ke, I ask you, are you willing?”

Would you like to?

Rong Ke was not praised for so many years, she immediately figured out what Rong Mingzhe was asking. Cangtian waits for no one, Rong Lang is only eight years old now, and she will definitely need someone to assist her, but now her father asks her, Rong Ke, are you willing.

Most of the people in the court are old ministers who followed Gaozu or even Taizu to conquer the world. These people are her grandfathers and fathers. There is the Empress Dowager Cui, who has been wearing hairpins for generations, and there are two uncles in their prime outside the palace. Rong Ke has neither military power nor cronies, and no one in the court even supports her. All she had was her eight-year-old younger brother, and the name of Zaohui who was held up by everyone.

Rong Ke also stared at Rong Mingzhe’s eyes tightly, and finally, she nodded slowly: “Rongke, yes.”

Rong Mingzhe smiled, and he said with relief and certainty: “I knew that my daughter would not let me down. Since you said so, from tomorrow onwards Come to the temple to order Mao.”

Rong Mingzhe extended his finger to the memorials piled up not far away, and said, “You should also learn to approve these memorials.”

Rong Ke did not speak for a long time after he came out of the Liangyi Hall. There was no expression on her face, and she was wearing a thick white fox fur, walking slowly in the plain white guardrail.

The palace servant behind her carefully reminded: “Your Highness, it’s late at night, it’s time to go back to the palace.”

Rong Ke stopped and looked up at the bottomless sky. The night sky was as black as thick ink, and a few stars were washed clear by the snow and scattered across the sky.

The cold wind in November is no joke, the palace maid didn’t know what the saint and the princess said, how could the princess look worried. But she was worried about Rong Ke’s body after all, so she had to be brave and reminded again: “Your Highness, it’s very windy in the middle of the night, if you don’t go back, you will catch the cold.”

Rong Ke gathered the fox fur, and the fine fluff wrapped around her face, making her complexion better than snow, and her brows and eyes beautiful.

The author has something to say: Congratulations to the player, you have completed the Jinjiang dungeon perfectly.

Returning to Beijing to expand the power, start.

ps, in fact, I really like the prince’s father, but unfortunately…

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