A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks of the Imperial Examination

Chapter 9

Chapter 8: Toast Tea

The day after the new wife Wu Junru entered the door, Zhao Xiulan fell ill.

Since the departure from Zhuo County, Zhao Xiulan’s body has not been refreshed. After finally settling in Chang’an, she should have taken the opportunity to recuperate, but Zhao Xiulan has been receiving blows one after another. On the day when Wu Junru and Xiao Ying got married, she was finally completely defeated.

The disease was so menacing, Xiao Jingduo stayed in front of Zhao Xiulan’s bed all night, barely closing his eyes. Qiu Ju handed a hot handkerchief to Xiao Jingduo distressedly, and said, “Langjun, you are going to see Lord Hou and … Mrs. Hou today, or I will guard you, so you can go back for a while?”

Xiao Jingduo put the handkerchief on his eyes. After a while, he took off the handkerchief, got up and said, “No need.”

Then I want to see how he plans to place me, the original eldest son.”

“I’ll go to the main hall.” Xiao Jingduo instructed Qiu Ju as he walked out, “Take care of mother, I may come back later.”

Today is the day when the bride serves tea.

When Xiao Jingduo arrived, the people from the second and third rooms were already there. Seeing Xiao Jingduo appear, their eyes changed slightly, revealing meaningful smiles.

The cousins seem to have changed people overnight, not only did they not look like they were attentive to Xiao Jingduo in the past, but they even faintly separated, and all of this happened within a few months.

After a while, the old lady arrived with the help of Xue Lan. When she saw Xiao Jingduo, she opened her mouth and seemed to want to call Xiao Jingduo over, but in the end, she still didn’t say anything.

Although she loves her grandson, there is no doubt that the eldest son is more important. What’s more, Xiao Jingduo has repeatedly rebelled, and the old lady is also temperamental, so she just took the opportunity to hang him for a few months and let the eldest grandson think clearly about who he should stand by.

After a while, the sound of footsteps gradually approached, Mrs. Xiao immediately cheered up, and the whispering in the lobby stopped.

Xiao Ying walked steadily in the eyes of everyone, and beside him was a woman in red, obviously the bride Wu Junru.

Seeing Wu Junru’s face, many people couldn’t hide their disappointment. This new lady was very powerful before and after her marriage. She shook the name of the famous family. While shocking everyone, she also raised everyone’s expectations for her. Unfortunately, Wu Junru himself did not meet this expectation.

, even Xue Lan and other favored maids are also prettier than Wu Junru.

What’s even worse is that although everyone in the Xiao family is from a low background, they have good looks. Naturally, Xiao Ying did not say that he could be favored by the Wu family of the gentry, although he meant that the Wu family would use it to win over him, but his appearance also played a big role. Xiao Jingduo gathered the strengths of his parents’ appearance. Before he went to Beijing, he was a well-known handsome man in eight townships. When he was raised in Chang’an for a period of time, his appearance became more prominent. Even the cousins in the second and third rooms are not bad. Although the complexion has not been whitened yet, in terms of facial features, all of them are beautiful. Standing in such an outstanding family, Wu Junru forcibly formed green leaves, and the original appearance of six points was also contrasted into four points.

In fact, I can’t blame Wu Junru for this. In the past, when the officials were elected, they could only see the family background, but they kept a group of noble families clean. The aristocratic family, with its identity, refused to have an intersection with the concubines, and had intermarryed within several large families for hundreds of years. In this way, although the door has been kept, there has been no fresh blood flowing in for decades, many things have been solidified, and the progress in the appearance of the offspring is not very obvious.

The servants whispered about this, but the new wife Wu Junru was very calm and just smiled dignifiedly.

Wu Junru maintained such a perfect smile, knelt down and offered tea to the old lady. “Daughter-in-law serves tea to mother-in-law.”

The old lady hurried over to drink, and then handed Wu Junru the welcome gift that Xue Lan had prepared.

Compared to father and son, these two are more like enemies. Then, Xiao Jingduo’s eyes met Wu Junru’s, and they both looked at each other’s eyes.

Neither of them spoke first, the old lady felt bad, and quickly said: “Duoer, don’t show your mother a favor.”

Being stubborn in details and maintaining the so-called face will not help the overall situation.

Xiao Jingduo saluted the younger generation, but the phrase “mother” did not shout anyway.

Seeing Xiao Jingduo’s willingness to cooperate, Mrs. Xiao was so happy that she was in tears. How could she care about this with him, even Xiao Ying didn’t expect his eldest son to be able to bend and stretch like this.

The displeasure in Wu Junru’s eyes flashed and was quickly covered up. She put on a gentle and generous smile again, put on an impeccable mother-in-law attitude, and said to Xiao Jingduo: “It turns out that this is Dalangjun, it’s better to see it once you hear it. This is the treasure I embroidered at my mother’s house, and I give it to Dalang. Stop playing.”

From the beginning to the ceremony, Wu Junru was full of smiles, as if she was a walking woman, and no one could pick it wrong. Everyone in Xiao Mansion, who was still watching, was convinced by Wu Junru’s demeanor, and secretly thought that she was the daughter of an aristocratic family, and that she was a lady who could be a housewife of the Hou Mansion. In comparison, Zhao Xiulan was nothing.

However, Xiao Jingduo keenly captured the hostility in Wu Junru’s eyes, and his heart sank heavily. His stepmother was more difficult than he thought.

The most terrifying thing is that Wu Junru is clearly scheming, but she has to put on a gentle and generous appearance, and it is not good news to be the enemy of such a person who is good at superficial skills.

Wu Junru and Xiao Jingduo fell into a strange silence here, and Mrs. Xiao hurriedly motioned for Xiao Jinghu to go up.

After the men meet, it will be the girls’ turn, so the one behind Xiao Jingduo is the little overlord Xiao Jinghu.

Several juniors greeted each other in turn. Wu Junru looked dignified and Shuxian the whole time, and asked these people how old they were and what they liked to do. Xiao Yufang and the others grew up in the village, and their mother was also vulgar and sharp. When she saw Wu Junru this time, she felt that the women she had been in contact with in the past were all inferior, not even a finger of Wu Junru. At the same time Xiao Yufang admired her, there was also a trace of self-pity in her heart.

However, although Wu Junru spoke to the Xiao family in a gentle voice, her attitude was still high, like a superior person honoring a virtuous corporal. But everyone here didn’t care, and even thought that this was the style of a noble family.

The royal family looked down on it, and the people even fanatically admired the family. Although the Wu family is not a well-known surname, it has been passed down for nearly a hundred years. It is still relying on the big tree of the Qinghe Cui family. . So Wu Junru’s willingness to marry Xiao Ying is really surprising. After all, even if Xiao Ying is awarded a marquis by military merit, it cannot change the fact that he is a civilian. The family rank of the Xiao family is far inferior to that of the Wu family.

Xiao Jingduo really can’t figure it out, how can Wu Junru come from a small family, how can she like Xiao Ying? No daughter of an aristocratic family who grew up in her hometown would have such a whimsical idea.

But after a while, the bride’s tea and greetings are over. The second room and the third room went out one after another. Xiao Jingduo did not want to face his so-called blood relatives, so he also left.

Wu Junru’s gaze was fixed on Xiao Jingduo’s back, until she could no longer see it. From an angle that no one was paying attention to, Wu Junru smiled lightly, Xiao Ying really gave her a big gift. She had just passed the door when she actually had a nine-year-old son.

Hunting geese all day long, but the geese pecked the eye.

After returning to the bridal room, the wet nurse Wei Wei held Wu Junru’s hand and angrily held her injustice: “The Xiao family is too much. But it’s good, don’t think about being grateful, and even secretly raise a son! It’s really a clan of the earth, you can’t teach it!”

“Nursing girl, I have already arrived at Xiao’s house, and it’s a done deal. It’s useless to say more. Don’t say these words again in the future.

“The old slave also knows this principle, but the old slave loves the lady and can’t swallow it! If the Bai family suddenly broke off the marriage, how would the lady…” Wei Wei suddenly realized that she said What, knelt down quickly and leaned over to plead guilty, “My lady, forgive me, this old slave can’t speak his mind, and his mouth is smooth for a while, and he actually committed a lady’s taboo.”

Wu Junru smiled lightly, and said slowly: “What is the nurse doing? You have raised me well, and in the Wu family, you are also very protective of me, so you pay attention to what you do. Get up quickly.”

“Thank you madam.” Wei Mammy straightened up, strange to say, Wu Junru is the one who Wei Mammy watched grow up, not a mother and a daughter is better than a mother and daughter, Wei Mama should be intimate with Wu Junru There is a plus, not such a fear. Wei Wei herself can’t tell the reason for this. In fact, she was not so careful before, but since last year, Wu Junru has changed. Wu Junru was engaged to the son of the Bai family earlier. Unlike a third-rate family like the Wu family, the Bai family is a real prestigious family. It has been a noble family for generations. To be able to get married with the son of the Bai family, it is already unthinkable for Wu Junru, a concubine. good family. It’s a pity that Wu Junru didn’t have this blessing after all. In June last year, the Bai family came to retire from the family. Wu Junru lost her face in front of her mother and sisters. She was ashamed. It’s been three months.

It seems that Wu Junru has changed since she recovered from her illness. The vain and weak girl has become assertive and scheming, and her reprimands have become much stricter. Since then, Wei Ma has Mammy gradually didn’t dare to make up her mind for Wu Junru anymore, and she spoke a lot more carefully. She always felt that she had changed from being a child to an older child. Wei Wei was at a loss and uneasy about this, but she still dared to comfort herself, it was fine, as long as things went in a good direction.

Wu Junru was sitting on the couch, although her eyes were looking straight ahead, but she was out of focus when she looked closely. Wu Junru thought a little in a trance, it has been a year since she came to this time and space.

She was at a loss when she first arrived. She had no memory of the original owner, so she could only **** her way forward. At that time, she had just been divorced, and the sisters made fun of her, Wu Junru silently endured it, and vowed to retaliate back. Not long after that, Wu Junru went out with her mother to give incense. When she came back, she encountered a bandit and was rescued by Xiao Ying in a critical moment. At that time, when Jinghong saw it, Wu Junru paid attention to Xiao Ying after returning home. Gradually, Wu Junru knew that Xiao Ying was the general under Xuan Guogong Rongbo, a good player who led troops to fight, and was highly valued by Xuan Guogong. She even found out that Xiao Ying was not married yet, which was the dream of many girls. lover.

Wu Junru is not the original owner, and does not have a deep-rooted family concept. She feels that since she can’t find a good marriage in the aristocratic family, it is better to marry Xiao Ying. As the daughter of Wu Junru’s family, Xiao Ying must hold her, and Xiao Ying has the right to have soldiers. This is the king’s way to settle down in troubled times. That’s great.

The more Wu Junru thought about it, the more she felt that it made sense. Sure enough, she just revealed a little meaning, Xiao Ying came to ask for marriage solemnly. marriage. Although the sisters of the Wu family secretly ridiculed Wu Junru for drowning her brain, Wu Junru herself felt that this move was very wise. Instead of being a submissive little concubine in the Wu family, and then going to another family to be an unappreciated concubine daughter-in-law in the future, it’s better to jump out of the circle and come to Xiao’s house to be the Mrs. Hou who is front and back.

Everything developed exactly as Wu Junru expected. Until today, she learned that Xiao Ying was married in her hometown and even had a nine-year-old son.

Wu Junru sighed silently, it seems that it is an extravagant hope to take the sweet pet route at the beginning of the game, she still has to fight at home first and enjoy happiness later.

Wu Junru couldn’t help but moved her legs and slowly regained consciousness in her already numb legs. Even after a year of travel, she was still not used to the custom of not having a stool here and could only kneel on the mat. Wei Wei saw that Wu Junru was sitting uncomfortable, so she asked, “Miss, but your legs are numb? This old slave is here to help you beat your legs.”

Wu Junru hummed lightly, but did not refuse.

Mother Wei beat Wu Junru’s leg, but she couldn’t figure it out. Eight Niangzi didn’t have this problem before, why did she suddenly start to get used to sitting recently?

“Miss, look at that little man today, what should we do?”

“What the lady said is.” Wei Wei kept moving her hands, and was still muttering, “Unfortunately, what a noble status as the eldest son, he was actually acquired by him. Xiao Langjun, I can only take second place…”

Wu Junru thinks a little longer, this era attaches great importance to orthodoxy and concubines, even if the concubines are elders, they do not have any inheritance rights, and even the royal family tends to be passed down to the direct descendants, let alone the people. After crossing the road, Wu Junru realized that this place is very different from the ancient times in the film and television dramas of the previous life. At this time, the status of women is higher, and the status of the corresponding concubines and concubines is relatively low. The great sin of the law, the Qing Dynasty did not distinguish between direct descendants and concubines, and the father would pass on the title to whichever son he liked, let alone think about it. In this context, the identity of Xiao Jingduo’s eldest son is really fatal, which almost means that Wu Junru’s own son will not get the marquis, or even most of the property under the name of Xiao’s house.

Wu Junru will not allow this to happen.

Wu Junru didn’t speak for a long time, and after a while, she smiled lightly: “eldest son? I won’t let him stay in that position.”

“Miss, what do you mean?”

Wu Junru shook her head: “You don’t need to ask more. Also, it’s time to call my wife in the future.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Call Xiao Jingduo, I have to show my kindness and generosity.”

The author has something to say: [Ding! Your little cute September card pendant reminder, the little BOSS in Zhaidou District has been launched]

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