A Cracked Star

Chapter 1: The Collapse (Revised)

[POV Dawn]

Feeling wet, warm arms wrap around me. I stare at my mother’s crying face as she holds me, “I’m so sorry, I should have done something sooner.” Bringing her hand up to my face, she wipes tears from my cheeks all while leaving a streak of blood in the process. 


Her movements are getting slower, and she responds to me less, presumably from the wound on her chest. I sit there wondering what I can do to help. Noticing the flames around us getting bigger, my breathing quickens. 


“Mom, Mom please! We have to move, we can still get you help!” I panic as the flames start growing faster, covering more of the area that was once my room. 


Cracks can be heard running through the ceiling. Putting my strength into my arms I start to pull mom slowly across the room. ‘I can barely see now, too much smoke’ 


Slowly making it across the room, this time a snap can be heard. I look up, seeing bright red and orange falling down on top of us, stopping in my tracks to stare. Only to feel a push from in front of me. Quickly looking back at mom, only to see the ceiling falling towards mom, I scream before everything fades to black. 




Waking up in a cold sweat, heart pounding, it takes a few minutes for me to stop shaking and eventually calm down. I look over at my phone to check the time, only 06:38 right now. 


Damn, another one huh. It’s been nine years and I still can’t get through this part of the year with proper rest.


Getting out of bed, I walk to my door to let Rosco, my little fluff-ball Border Collie, out of my room. 


I need to take a shower, all this sweat is making me uncomfortable.


Fifteen minutes later, I find myself smelling breakfast downstairs, pancakes today. Going down the stairs I spot Pops, with his gray head of hair, in the kitchen preparing breakfast for me and him. “Pops, how many times do I have to tell you, I can care for myself in the mornings.”, I say sporting a grin on my face. 


He just chuckles in response, “Ya know I can’t let ya do that, besides, you’re not the only one who’s having rough nights.” I feel myself getting down as he says that, grabbing the cup of coffee he prepared, I sit at the counter before taking a sip. He continues, “How much did ya see this time? Heard you through the door while walking to the kitchen.”


“Up to where mom pushed me. Woke up drenched, I . . . I think they’re getting worse, like there was more to it but I just can’t get through the entire memory.” My phone goes off as I finish, message from one of my friends. 


“Kraken? What’s she doing up this early, [We’re going bowling tonight, meet us around noon.] Guess they would have caught on by now. Thanks for the coffee Pops.” 


Kraken has been one of my friends since pops and I moved here almost 6 years ago. She’s been through everything I have since then. Bowling though, not a bad idea, bit early honestly though. Thought they might plan to go around four or five. Though I’ll probably still stick to my original morning plans today.


Pops hands me a plate of pancakes and bacon before continuing his last sentence, “Ya know, I’ll always be here if ya ever need it. I hate seeing you like this, every year, always the same dream. Ya can't just keep sayin’ it’s fine whenever I ask because you and I both know its not.” 


I look up at Pops after finishing the first pancake. “I know, it's just, it's like the dream is trying to get me to understand something, that I’ll never live this down. And I don’t know what to do about the damn thing when it just happens almost every week.” *Sigh*


Finishing up breakfast, I move quickly, grabbing my bag and jacket before slipping my shoes on. “Pops, I’m heading to the gym. I’ll see you later tonight” 




The closest gym home is about 15 minutes by bike, with most gyms in the area open either 24/7 or from six to six in a day it makes it pretty easy to choose. 


Let's see, my last workout was more cardio than anything else. It doesn't seem like a bad idea to do an upper body workout today I think, probably finish with some more training by the end as well.


Walking through the gym, I pass by the ring and see some people I've sparred with before who all wave at me. Waving back I head over to where I normally work out. Putting my headset on, I select a playlist at random before starting the workout. 


I think I can get about two, maybe 3 hours for everything. Go a bit slower today since I got time.




Few hours later, it's nearing the time to meet up with my friends. Pain across my shoulders, it's been awhile since I last did that, I'm gonna be feeling that tomorrow. Should run to the store to get lotion for my hands, helps take care of the chaffing on my knuckles, I could go ahead and call Kraken while I'm at it, see where she and the others are at.


Taking the time to bike over I eventually make it to the bowling alley. 


Pulling out my phone, I already see a few messages from her. The most recent one being a photo of me getting off my bike. Looking in the direction of where I think the photo was taken to see my three friends sitting by a table. 


Ah Kraken, you walking ball of energy, to this day I don't understand where you get all that energy.


She runs over before hooking her arm around me while dragging me excitedly to the others. “I hope you’re ready to be demolished in these games, I’ve been getting better at my release!” 


I let out a short laugh, she’s always been bad at physical activities. Crying out that I always win in these types of games. Kinda hard not to when I’ve always been active with exercise.


Looking over at the other two, who seem to be in their own little world again, Emmy and Jasmine have always been two peas in a pod. 


I never understood how they can be so dense about their relationship. At this point I might just lock them in a room until they come clean with each other.


Jasmine seems to notice my stare, before turning her head with a blush, with Emmy still talking before turning to look at me. Seemingly worried about me if her look has anything to say about that.


“Are you alright Dawn? You look like you barely got any sleep last night.”


“I’m fine now. I'm a bit tired from my workout, and for some reason, I’ve been feeling light headed most of the morning, enough to function but noticeable to know it’s there. Not only that, but I had another nightmare again. At this point, I’m just trying to finish out college, maybe after that I’ll go see a doctor or therapist. I don't know at this point, I’ve pushed it off for almost a decade now. Anyways, did you drag me here to bowl or talk?”


They all nod their heads after realizing I’m avoiding the topic. Starting to walk towards the building. The feeling I've had all morning seemed to have gotten worse all of a sudden. Not knowing what's going on, I start to slow down while grabbing Kraken’s sleeve to keep myself up.


“Dawn, what's going on?” As if on cue, a bright circle with weird runic lettering starts to appear underneath all of us. 


The feeling getting worse, I start falling to the ground while a splitting pain starts tearing through my body. As if my muscles are tearing themselves apart. As my vision starts to blur I see what looks like a giant circle, which starts to falter and glitch. The last thing I see is a sea of stars before everything turns to black.

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