A Cracked Star

Chapter 22: Reflecting



I wake up a few hours later, having only been shortly until dawn anyways, as I untangle myself from my sister’s arms as quietly as possible. Noticing that all of our tails look to be fluffier than usual, likely from that woman I saw in my dream. I think I got about three . .  maybe four hours of sleep this time, peacefully at that too, that doesn’t happen often.


Getting out of the bed, I tidy myself up before waking up Rosa so we can head out of our soul realm. Once out, I find Taleah making some breakfast outside of the carriage. 


“Morning.” I called out.


“Good morrrrr- why do I feel something divine off of you?” Taleah asked, tilting her head.


“She was a god?” I mumble to myself. “Uh, I saw a woman with ten tails in my dream. I don’t fully remember what happened but I feel like she was scolding me over my tail? Something about how I haven’t been taking proper care of my fur.”


“Ten tails? What was the shape and color of them? Did she give you her name?” She asked.


“They looked like fox tails to me, and they looked like looking into the night sky, with stars and everything. They were very pretty.” I said, trying my best to remember how she looked. "Also now that I think about it, I don't think she did give me her name."


“That doesn’t fit any description of a god I know. And seeing how you have a divine blessing, I can only assume she is a god, but who?” Taleah shakes her head before looking at me again. “Did she do anything else?”


“Besides scolding me, I know how to take proper care of my hair and fur now, for some reason that’s the only thing I can clearly remember. My sisters also know all the steps I can remember, but neither of them had the dream though.” I tell her before remembering something else. “Oh, also my tail is softer to the touch now. Want to feel?” 


“. . . Sure.” Taleah says before walking over to feel my tail, her hand slowly going through my fur. Her technique is very comforting, probably from her living with the wolves for so long. “You weren’t lying, your tail is probably one of the softest things I've ever touched.”


“I know right? I got lost petting my own tail for a while last night.” I said as my tail swung behind me, embarrassed at the whole event.


“Anyways, from what it feels like, I don’t think the blessing will harm you in any way, I would have to ask my goddess about it to figure out who the god is.” Taleah says, “The only fox goddess I know of is Daikitsu, but even then, she’s only a nine-tailed kitsune. And her domains are agriculture and craftsmanship.” 




Making our way towards the forest, I find myself looking off into the distance from the back of the carriage. Rosa is further back running around as she chases small animals around the plains. Something I noticed over the trip is that having Rosa out of our soul space causes her to consume my mana slowly. It’s not to the point where our base regeneration can’t deal with it but I don’t know if that’s because of her being in her smaller form or not. 


Taking the time to relax, I struggle to get my head away from the fight I had with Rakgu as we travel. The feeling I had as I used Suncleaver, it didn’t feel right. I don’t understand how if the weapon can change forms, why not something more suited for me? Does it see something in me that I can’t see, a potential that I’m not tapping into?


My teacher always said that being able to intercept opponents and use their own attacks against them by slipping through them would be my greatest strength. To read into their movements and attacks, finding the openings for me to take advantage of. We only talked a little on the subject of weapons, saying that they wouldn’t fit every situation and knowing when and where to use them would be important.


Even with that, he always taught me to be both simple and direct but with a sense of freedom in my stance. Never giving me a set form or pattern to learn, with my main methods of attacking being simple with fists and kicks, while being reactive using grappling and trapping.


Even with these ideals, being able to use your body and movements in ways that weren’t readable, or not expected, to catch opponents off guard. With an ax however, the movements can be read easily. 


It’s not like I can’t use it but I just have to be more creative with my own attacks and how I move with it.I just can’t get used to my own movements with it at the moment. I guess it’s just a matter of training and time. 


“Rosa, don’t get too far from the carriage!” I call out to her, seeing as she continues to run further from the carriage as she chases a rabbit through the grassy plains. I only get a few barks in response, making me laugh lightly.


Then there’s magic to add to the equation now as well. It’s interesting and I can instinctively use it now that I know how it feels, like I’ve used it all my life. It’s a weird feeling, and it’s hard to figure out if I had my brain messed with or something. 


I guess kind of huh, with our soul healing and all that. I’ve gained a part of myself I never knew was missing. The only downside I’ve seemed to have noticed is that I can feel an anger deep within me, one I thought I smothered all those years ago. It’s growing stronger, like it’s trying to gain my attention, to use its power. 


I have access to four magic types, solar, ice, earth, and space. I feel I should only try to focus on one or two of them though. I have a lot to learn and it would only be counter-productive if I try to learn about all four. Solar would be one, mainly because my ax just uses it automatically anyways, the question is, of the other three, which would be more beneficial to me at this moment.


I can think of a lot of ways that can be useful in combat with all three. Ice and earth allow me to mess with the ground around me, throwing off the movements of others. Or making objects to throw that are solid, I could freeze their movements or trap them, even create holes under their entire body or foot. Though I probably need more control over my magic for that.


Maybe it’s possible for me to reinforce myself in combat too, they appeal quite a bit to me honestly. I could recreate entire areas to my benefit, allowing for my combat to be more free and fluid with my movements. 


One thing that's caught my attention is my fire affinity, the system calls it solar, but does it actually mean like the flames of a star? Would they even hurt me since I created them? What about water, if I can control ice, why not water? 


Fuck I can’t stay on track, I don’t know how I managed to get through school with my mind this disoriented. With space, could I possibly lessen the resistance I would have when moving? No, that wouldn’t do anything, I don’t think space can affect wind resistance.


Wait, could I possibly make space around me disconnected from the rest of space? Splitting through space like a wedge to allow me to move quickly and unhindered? Maybe distort attacks that come to make them miss.


Could it be possible to make the area around me distort for any who attacks with a ranged weapon? Maybe lock space around certain things, could I possibly do it to bodies? What would even happen? 


Can I bend space to make it where my movement is actually further than I actually step. Like those weird Chinese stories I read before, ‘Thousand mile step’. God I both love and hate those stories, the naming sense was also so stupid to me.


Oooh, once I’m stronger and understand space more, could it be possible to have my attacks pass through armor and attack the body only?


Not paying attention to my surroundings, I feel a sudden weight push me down onto the carriage, breaking me free of my thoughts. Looking at the source I find Rosa on top of me, clearly wanting my attention.


Play?” Rosa asked.


“Hehe, sure, what do you want to do?” I ask, getting up from the floor.


Anything.” She says, barking as she jumps down from the carriage.” 


“Alright.” I reply, quickly joining her off the carriage, unaware that Taleah and my sisters are out watching me from the carriage.




The next few days passed by quickly as we made our way through the giant red oak forest. I thought it was quiet for the majority of the way to the capital and found out from Taleah that she had a beast repellent in the back of the carriage. 


That way we could get to the capital quickly so Taleah could deal with the entire necrotic poison situation. The issue with that however, is that we don’t know if it’s actually necrotic poison that we’re dealing with. 


Stella talked with Taleah over the past few days to try and figure out any other illnesses or ailments that have the same symptoms. They have settled with the conclusion that it’s best to think of it as necrotic until they can actually see patients and figure it out. 


Taleah however told us that it would be best if we just focused on growing stronger by doing quests from the adventures guild. Whatever is causing it, if it is someone, then chances are they’re stronger than our current state Taleah said.


We eventually arrived at the capital, looking at it from a distance, I could see buildings that stretched across the trees, connecting the buildings was a wooden bridge from building to building. I could vaguely make out people walking across them as we made our way closer to the gate. 


I think the walls were about roughly three stories tall, with towers on corners of the wall. There was a line of people, either with carriages or not, waiting for entry into the city as the guards searched their luggage. My sisters and I made small talk as we waited about two hours for the line to advance enough for our turn. 


“Halt!. Reason for entry?” One of the guards called out to us in common. Something I learned from Taleah was that while most elves here only speak elvish, the guards and people who deal with more races learn common. I also learned that I could speak common and communicate with wolves, my sisters and I think it’s because some knowledge has bled over into me, and vice-versa with Stella, thanks to the merge.


Taleah pulls out a few objects before handing them to the guard, and responding in common “I’m here to deal with a sickness that I was notified of when a group of elves found their way to my home in the forests further up north, past the valley.” 


I notice the guard quickly tense up, either from the objects she handed or from what she said. “Just give me a moment Ma'am.” 


Watching him, the elf goes into a room in the wall, possibly to talk to someone else about what Taleah said. It takes a few minutes before another guard comes out with the one from before. His armor adorning medals on his chest, his weapon sheathed to his side. By now I notice a lot of bystanders watching us as he walks over.


“I am Eberek Galdus, commander of the city guards. How may I be of service, High Priestess.” Eberek slightly bows to Taleah. 


“Oh please, you know I don’t care for formalities, stand straight already.” Taleah waves at the commander with her hand. “I believe the guard beside you already said why I’m here, yes?”


“Indeed, he did. I can take you straight to the castle if it is urgent.” Eberek says, before looking my way. “Your guest however, will have to wait outside as she is an unknown.”


“That’s fine, I gave her a task, and test, to sign up with the adventurers guild. I only ask you to just treat her with respect. My goddess has tasked me to watch over her while she stays in this part of the continent.” Taleah says, glaring at Eberek.


“As you command.” Eberek says, bowing once again to Taleah’s distaste. The gate starts to rise as the guard from earlier signals to the guards on top of the wall. 


“If it is fine with you Priestess, may I ride with you to the castle so I can make my report.” Eberek asks Taleah who looks towards me.


“That’s fine with you right?” She asks me.


“Sounds good Taleah.” I reply, causing the commander to stare at me in shock before quickly turning into a glare.


“Her priestess is to be respected and to be talked to as such.” He commanded me.


“The hell are you talking about?” I ask.


“Enough Eberek, I have already allowed her to speak with me as so.” Taleah tells Eberek.


“But . . “ Eberek starts to say, only to have Taleah glare at him. “Yes, priestess, I overstepped myself.”


“Dickhead.” I muttered in English to myself. 


“What was that?” Eberek asks only to get a cold stare from me.


“So what do I do once I’m at the adventurers guild?” I asked Taleah.


“Nothing too difficult, just go to the receptionist, they will have you scanned through your system to see if you’re a criminal somewhere else. Once done just do the necessary paperwork then they will give you a date for a test to determine your starting rank. The receptionist will give you a brief understanding of how they do things so don’t worry.” Taleah says.


“And after that?” I asked.


“You’re free to explore the city, though if you want to have any effective help, stick to staying around the surface level of the city. The buildings up in the trees are where most elvish only speaking stores and people are.” Taleah pointed out. 


As we ride through the city I curiously look at the buildings. There are multiple buildings that seem to be built on top of each other, with supports built up from the ground and attached to trees. Like a bunch of Legos built with a bit of the building hanging over the edge. Something about the whole scene reminds me of something until I remember why.


“This place just looks like a larger habitat 67 back on Earth.” I mutter to myself. 


“Hmm?” Eberek makes some noise to my words. “What are you saying?” 


“Sorry, I was just thinking to myself how this place looks like a city back where I’m from.” I say.


“There is another place with a building structure like this?” Eberek asks, confused from my words. “I didn’t know there was another place like this, what is its name?”


“It was located in a section of a city called Montreal, which was located in Quebec, though you won’t find that place anywhere near here.” I point out.


“How far is it from here?” He asks, interested in the location.


“Heh, far doesn’t even cut it close.” I say, continuing to look around the city as our carriage made it through the streets.

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