A deal worth making

Chapter 37 - tools of negotiation

We have thoroughly demolished the devices that produced the barriers once trapping us. So we have assembled in the ritual chamber. I find it ridiculous that we are pulling off the lid of a vessel with a rope going over a pulley mounted on the ceiling. Just in case it comes to combat I start drinking neutrinos.

Melo asks „Has everybody been to the toilet? I am sorry, but everything would be a weakness. If you feel an itch, scratch it now.“. I scratch my head visibly, hoping to hide the less polite scratch.

I can see the containment. It is like a bubble made from interwoven lines shimmering in a color that does not exist. It should be a pleasant thing to see. Like a psychodelic painting, kind of abstract art. Objectively it is pretty. As an effect the details of the pattern do make sense like a word in a language you don’t know. You can clearly hear the sounds and would be able to repeat the word. But my instincts tell me that I ought to understand, yet I don’t. That is thoroughly unpleasant. It gives me an impression almost like turning deaf.

Melo picks up the cord. I need to distract myself. I ask a question: „Do all dryads have the ability to draw such circles leading to containments?“. She answers „In a latent manner. Everybody with magic can do it. But we have to learn the correct geometries, though that is one of the few cases being a dryad enhances your ability to learn them. We don’t forget them once shown.“

Zewrepa looks at me like she finds something not quite right. What may that be? The lid pops open. A humanoid figure follows suit immediately. For a loose definition of humanoid. Humans don’t have bat wings on an extra set of limbs or cute little horns at their temples or a tail ending in a classic heart shape. Nor are they red. The words Zewrepa was about to speak wilt on her tongue.

Either I am much more kinky than I thought, or she is not using her glamour.

She, her sex being obvious, for she is naked and hairless below her neck, steps closer but not too close to the barrier and speaks „Melo I presume. I was told about you. Sharing fundamentally the same status I am glad to find you alive.

The rest of you I don’t know but know of and I am also glad to find you alive and in your case, worldwalker, to find your soul alone inside the body you are inhabitating. Also thank you for not trapping me. My name is Leuma.“

That was ominous and disconcerting. The body you are inhabitating. What does she imply? But it is Zewrepa’s task to negotiate.

Zewrepa starts into her personal tune to introduce herself, treating the succubus as a member of another clan. Her knowledge about succubi comes from the chorus. Hence it’s a bit slower than personal experience, but much broader and just as sure. When dealing with humans she should use her glamour to assume human form, even if the group contains few or no members of the opposite sex. Something is off.

„Conditional on you swearing the same oath, for the duration of this negotiation what I say will be the truth and I will remove any misunderstanding about my words. My name is Zewrepa.“ she begins.

The succubus licks her lips with her very pink tongue. Zewrepa notices that it has small grooves perpendicular to the way it extends, unlike her own tongue, which is smooth, and the dimply human tongues. This causes an odd sensation akin to restlessness. She responds.

„Very well and conventional. In this case I want the oath from all of you with enough of the spark to make a proper oath.“ She slightly tilts her hips and removes a strand of her midnight-black hair from her forehead.

Zewrepa looks at her companions and nods.

This is very, very interesting. I saw the words of the oath turning ino a mesh like pattern and embed themselves into Zewrepa’s aura. Despite the distraction I get the clue and Melo, Anjali and I repeat the words of the oath.

Leuma says the words. Which leads me to a question. Which language is she speaking. For some reason I cannot recall the sound of her words. Anyway she is continuing without much of a pause „From the setup I conclude that you want information, but not just information. So I suggest that we use a method of alternating questions. For freeing me you have the first question.“ Zewrepa is not ready for that „We need to be sure that the Atlantean shared with you more than his bed, before we reveal what we want to know.“. The laughter serving as a reaction manages to be clear like a bell and to be full of promise at the same time. I am feeling a certain stiffness. She concedes the point by saying „You, save for the wizard, were intended for the fourfold sacrifice of attraction with enhancements. The Atlantean, whose name is Marental, as you know, took over the process by making a deal with a guardian spirit. Apparently the ritual completed earlier than expected, so you are all still here and alive. Now ask away.“

I cannot help myself „What do you mean by the body I am inhabitating?“ She looks directly at me for a few seconds before she answers „The ritual is intended to to summon somebody. The Atlantean version, which uses additional inputs“ - she gestures towards Zewrepa and Melo – „is different in that it can be applied to an incorporeal entity and forms it a body to inhabit. The patterns are a mixture of what the summoned entity supplies and the patterns the ritualist supplies. Your body shape is very close to the body Marental designed himself. He considered the ideal masculine shape to be broad and strong. He did not care what others think. Quite attractive an attitude.“

I feel very much of a physical attraction to her.

She continues „In terms of blood and ancestry you are living inside a body between your brother and your nephew. Your face is still yours, if that helps. It needs to be to attract the summoned entity.“. I am stunned into silence. After a small pause Leuma asks her question „What do you want me to do here?“. Zewrepa answers „We need a way to optimally use Marental’s stuff in order to survive the first winter of Fimbulwinter and prepare for the altered world.“

She continues „How much of this base and the approaches to it do you know and understand?“

Leuma smiles „He has kept the secrets of the Atlantean mana generation from me. Other than that I know the full facility and its environment.“ She responds with an obvious question „What do you have to offer?“

Zewrepa gives the obvious answer „A share of everything we find here. A share of everything we produce. A lasting alliance after we will have left. And yes, we can supply you. We have the results of Marental sacrificing a whole village.“

Leuma looks at her and then everybody of us. „You could have left my bottle in a chest and I would have never been found. You left me an exit to the plane of demons, should I prefer to seek out my own fate. Your offer is tempting, as you know. Marental risked his life for it. The problem is that Marental resealed the aperture to the void with even more of a barrier than originally existed. He had to virtually drain me to do so. I apologize for what I am about to do.“

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