A deal worth making

Chapter 42 - external requests

I am confirming that Zewrepa is not a member of the monotremata by visual and lingual inspection. She is, however, a member of a rock band. She is the lead guitarist. And the guitar. And the amplifier. And the loudspeakers.

Though there are interesting differences. She has retractable dermal scutes over sensitive areas.

Hildegard is not ready for that sight. She is a member of a warrior caste, which lives according to a ruthless practicality. They know that in a world where men have easy acces to mistresses, which might not even have to be human, you cannot wholy depend on the hope that young people will figure it out on their own. The books used to inform on those topics did certainly not depict a man entertaining two female demons, one of whom in turn pleasured another lady, though they did mention that some men find it interesting to have more than one woman present.

Truth be told, she has wondered what the racket that seemed to be a harsher and faster verion of the music a bard might play at a midsummer dance after the older, more dignified people have retired signifies. Now she knows. Still the rhythm is strong enough to make her tap her right foot. She is turning red, but still she watches for long seconds, before she turns and rushes out quite fast. Nobody reacts in a visible manner to her and she does not notice, let alone is able to interpret the tip of the tail and the side lobes of the grasping appendage at the end of the tail of a succubus moving in opposite directions.

The animated messenger spell can wait.

Rüdiger von Rabenstein is an aristocrat. That precludes showing hope, surprise and relief together, for it would imply worry. A count does not worry, he identifies dangers and acts accordingly. Thus he shows no emotion at all and bids the runner having alarmed him to the demon’s arrival to go for his wife.

Whatever the summoned creature is delivering is worth interrupting his wife for. He takes his token off his key ring. The creature looks like an exceptionally hairy bat and a lizard have known one another in an unnatural way. The count cannot read the foreign script covering the the token. The demon’s head is swaying on its long neck. He grips it with his other hand holding it still on its short chain. The demon becomes still. After half a minute the demon drops the pouch strapped to its belly, hisses and flies off. Rüdiger shivers. It must be due to the cold wind on the tower whose roof is marked with an arcane symbol.

I find myseld nicely flanked by two pretty demonesses. They are playing with my just recently regenerated chest hair, which is blond again. Zewrepa is producing a sweet melody that sounds like a guitar or a ukulele. I chuckle. „This is not the way I have been instructed to conduct negotiations.“. Leuma’s hand goes up to bop my nose and she says „Get used to it. Prepare for more. I am a succubus. You ought to have made deductions about my magic techniques.“. That leads me to a question „Not that I regret founding two families in a manner you are involved, but are we interfertile?“. She laughs „Technically I am a sex demon, not a demon of lust and that includes all functions of sex, we three are all demons and hence we are not a fertile coupling with a human. Strictly speaking you are not fully human anymore, but this part Marental hasn’t changed.“. I cannot help but tense hearing that. She picks up on that and her voice becomes soothing „You are still adjusting and most of your modifications are purely biological, there is a bit of dragon in your muscles, bones and senses. You’ll adjust to it. Marental did not tell me details. I know about thedragon parts only because he complained about the cost of preserved dragon blood from a willing donor. Being a tiny bit like a dragon isn’t bad, is it?“

Uta von Rabenstein is enjoying the privacy he husband inadvertedly created. Hearing from her eldest child outweighs her initial disappointment at not getting the specialized medical potions they have been waiting for. She rereads the message. „Can we respond?“ Her husband takes the question as a desire for confirmation although she knows the schedule as well as he does „The next delivery of fish will depart the day after tomorrow. We can include a reply.“ Her husband hesitates, then continues „We owe her the truth, even if the news is depressing. She is no longer a child.“

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