A Doted Toy Boy in Another World

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Was Soul Switching a Revenge?

Translator: Alanese Fantasy

Throwback to the day when Jiang Sheng fell from the building.

Somewhere in the basement of a strange castle.

In the dark and humid aisle, the roar of some indescribable creature echoed inside. The place was filled with darkness and fear.

The door of one of the chambers was slightly opened. An old man with gray hair was sitting cross-legged inside a magic circle, casting some sort of magic spell.

A brief moment later, a big gulp of blood came out from his mouth. One of the containers in front of him shattered into pieces, and the other one was glowing in dim red light, floating in midair completely intact.

There were names carved on those two containers respectively-one was “Jiang Xiao” and the other one was “Jiang Sheng”.

It was the one with “Jiang Sheng” on it that just shattered.

“Grandpa, are you alright, grandpa?”

A teenage girl rushed into the magic circle and helped the old man up.

Blood kept coming out from the old man’s mouth; he was clearly enduring a great amount of pain.

Abruptly, the crooked characters on his arms started to burn. The fire soon devoured the old man’s body.

He shook the girl off from him and wailed; his face twisted and he was yelling in agony, “Blood, I need my master’s blood. Give me… the master’s blood.”

It was not until then did the girl snap out of shock, she took out a red bottle and handed it over to the old man immediately.

The red light in the old man’s eyes went off as soon as he drank up the blood in the bottle. Soon after, the fire and scars on him were also gone, and his burnt skin recovered almost at the same time.

“Are you alright, grandpa? How are you feeling right now?”

The girl helped the old man to the chair next to him and handed over another bottle filled with red liquid.

The old man shook his head and pushed it away gently. Then, he coughed and said in a really weak voice, “There’s not much of master’s blood left. Just save it for yourselves. There’s not much time left for me after all.”

The girl burst into tears the moment she heard that, “We’ll be just fine grandpa. You can have it.”

“No, keep it for yourselves. It won’t matter if I’m gone. But for you youngsters, you’ll carry the duty to keep our master safe.”

The old man stroked her head gently as he said so, “Que’er, you need to remember that our Xu family won’t even exist if there wasn’t for our master. Although we’ve switched his soul back successfully, he’s now pregnant, so most of his power as a vampire is being sealed. He doesn’t have the power to confront his enemies. For now, that’s why you’ll need to protect him at all cost, which means sacrificing your life for his safety if necessary. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understood that better than anything.” Que’er kept nodding while crying, and her tears dropped on the humid ground.

The old man grasped his chest and coughed in pain. Then, he summoned the people that were waiting outside the chamber, “You guys can come in now!”

“Yes, elder.”

Several men that were waiting outside stepped in with respect. They held their head low and none of them dared to look the elder in his face, probably because of the extraordinary status of this old man.

“You should set off with Que’er and secretly protect our master. Do you understand your mission?”

“Understood.” They answered, loud and clear.

“Who is our real enemy? How did our master die in his previous life? Those are the questions we must figure out. When our master truly awakes, we should report to him immediately without any mistake or delay.”

The flame of anger was burning in his eyes when he said so; he even shattered the armrest of the chair with his bare hand.

“But grandpa, everyone said our master was murdered by Pei Siyan in his previous life. How can we still be unclear about our enemy?” Que Er was puzzled and asked.

“Huh… Pei Siyan killed our master? I figure that guy wouldn’t even hurt a single hair of our master. Our enemy is either werewolves or Majin, and we won’t let them get away with it that easily.”

The old man slapped the armrest as he said so; the flame was still burning in his eyes.

“I understood, I’ll protect our master for grandpa. I promise I will not let our master die in vain this time.”

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