A Doted Toy Boy in Another World

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Changes of the Body

Translator: Alanese Fantasy

“Weren’t you being aggressive just then? Well? Why don’t you do that again now? Yell at me. Come on, give it a try.” Pei Siyan pinched Jiang Sheng’s cheek while looking at him with coldness and provocation in his eyes.

‘I would definitely like to! If you give me the chance to do so.’

Jiang Sheng mumbled in his mind but was too timid to speak it out loud. He then stroked his head, put on an awkward smile, and said, “Was it hunger that I just felt? It must be! I’ll go downstairs and try to find myself some food now.”

He jumped off from Pei Siyan’s laps the second he finished his sentence. But just before he managed to run away, Pei Siyan held him up again and put him back on his laps.

‘Crap, carrying me back again? What is that supposed to mean?’

Jiang Sheng seethed with so much anger that he wanted to punch Pei in the face. However, he never had the balls to do that, so he could only narrow his eyes and smiled humbly, “Do you mean going downstairs together? Well, so let’s go together!”

“Who said we are going downstairs together?” Pei Siyan’s voice was full of indifference.

‘Well, then what’s your f**king purpose of putting me back on your laps?’ Jiang Sheng was pissed off.

“I can offer you blood if you are hungry.” Pei then raised his arm in front of Jiang Sheng’s mouth.

Jiang Sheng frowned immediately, ‘ I’m not your pet that’s waiting to be fed! You can’t just let me suck your blood whenever you like to! I do have dignity!’

“What? I was being nice and offering you blood. Do you have a problem with that?”

“Yeah, I do have a problem with that! Are you going to force me to do that? ”

Jiang Sheng slapped Pei Siyan’s arm away and then stared at him in anger.

Pei Siyan wasn’t offended by that; instead, he just sneered at him. But all of a sudden, he choked Jiang Sheng by his neck and looked at him with his cold stare.

“To me, it looks like being gentle and nice to you gives you the chance to be a b**ch about it, right? Jiang Xiao.”

Pei Siyan was so strong that Jiang Sheng almost suffocated by simply being choked by him. Jiang Sheng’s face turned red, and he could only use his only strength left to fight Pei Siyan’s grip. He needed oxygen.

“I’m… suffocating. Let… let me go…” There were tears welled up in Jiang Sheng’s eyes; he was obviously suffering a great amount of pain.

Pei Siyan let loose of his hand the second before Jiang Sheng breathed his last; he then warned him, “That’s the result of going against me. You’d better obey my orders and give birth to the baby as planned, and never try to commit suicide ever again.”

He then threw Jiang Sheng back on the sofa and looked at him without any emotion.

Jiang Sheng coughed over and over again and then gasped as hard as possible to fill oxygen back to his lungs. Tears kept rolling down his face.

‘F**k, I almost got killed by this man again. It looks like Jiang Xiao must have been fed up with the cruelty of Pei Siyan that he finally chose to commit suicide. Ah, I’m going nuts now! What did I do that made me reincarnate into a body like this and suffer all these?’


Jiang Sheng coughed in pain a few more times; he was completely powerless, so he lay over the sofa for a few seconds and finally caught his breath back.

“You! I mean, could you just stop choking me for everything! It actually hurts a lot!”

Jiang Sheng yelled back at him the moment he recovered from what had just happened and even gave Pei Siyan a middle finger as an extra gift.

‘He’s still not afraid of me? Even for what just happened? How dare he?”

Pei Siyan slightly raised his eyebrows for he was not happy with the result. But the next second he was in a trance again. He saw another man’s shadow overlapping Jiang Sheng, so his eyes were then suddenly filled with sorrow.

‘If he is still alive, he would’ve been mad at me and would have quarrels with me like now.”

Somehow, Pei Siyan lay over Jiang Sheng abruptly. He concealed those stubborn lips of Jiang Sheng with his own in a bossy way; then he reached even deeper inside his mouth. A touch of sweetness spread between them.

But Jiang Sheng, on the other hand, his body was completely stiff and his eyes were wide opened.

‘Shit, he first hit me and then gave me treats?’

Jiang Sheng’s lips twitched a bit as he thought so; now he was really mad about it.

But before he got the chance to release his rage, Pei Siyan’s body asked for more like crazy. Jiang Xiao couldn’t even breathe but still indulged in that bossy kiss. Some changes even occurred to his body, which was getting hotter, and his fangs also stuck out. Jiang Sheng felt swimmy as if he was in the clouds and that felt wonderful.

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