A Doted Toy Boy in Another World

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: How Could Men These Days Be So Coquettish?

Translator: Alanese Fantasy

The first thing in the morning Jiang Sheng noticed was that he was alone in bed.

“Hmm? That’s weird… Was it a nightmare I had last night? Pei Siyan was not in my room?” Jiang Sheng woke up as he scratched his head, but soon he just forgot about it. He got out of bed while yawning and headed directly to the bathroom for his morning routine.

About ten minutes later, in the hall.

“Our new real estate business is doing well, so there’s no need for you to worry about it.”

The secretary delivered a work report to Pei Siyan in the early morning. It was obvious that Pei Siyan had entered work mode already.

Pei Siyan replied with a nod on the couch without any expression on his face as he kept going through all those business reports in his hands.

“Working in the early morning? Is he a workaholic?”

Jiang Sheng mumbled as he saw this when walking downstairs.

It was nothing but a small complain. But there was someone else sitting by Pei Siyan’s side, which caught Jiang Sheng’s attention. That was an adorable boy with blonde hair and pale blue eyes. Even the refreshing shorts and T-shirt he was in couldn’t cover up his cuteness and brightness.

“Who the hell is that boy?” Jiang Sheng frowned, for the man who had forced him in bed last night was now accompanied by another man.

“Shit, I should have known that Pei is a f**k boy by his appearance! Motherf**cker.”

Jiang Sheng cursed in a low voice with jealousy in his tone.

That was because he had picked up some of his memories when he woke up this morning. He had met Pei Siyan in a family dinner party before and he had a crush on Pei back then.

However, he was like seven or eight years old at that time, so he couldn’t remember the exact feeling now. He was just not comfortable with Pei Siyan being with someone else.

“Aww, would you just stop reading those reports and spend some time with me please?”

Sitting by Pei Siyan’s side, Fan Xiao was shaking Pei’s arm and acting like a spoiled child. His whole body clung to him as if he was sticking onto Pei.

“I’m busy now.” Pei said with a cold voice and there were some reluctance in it. But it seemed like for some reason he was concerned about something that he didn’t want to fall-out with Fan Xiao.

“There’s no fun in these dreadful reports! Would you just play with me for a while, Siyan?”

Fan Xiao just wouldn’t give up. He continued to play the woman and was rubbing all over Pei Siyan’s body as if he was trying to turn him on.

Jiang Sheng couldn’t bear seeing this anymore, he cursed silently ‘Damn it. So disgusting!’

Fan Xiao happened to be the type of people that Jiang Sheng hated most, that is, willful and shameless.

“Master Fan, Mr. Pei is kind of busy now, could you just…”

“Who in the world do you think you are? You don’t even deserve talking to me! So how dare you? Get the f**k out of my face, you son of a bitch!”

Fan Xiao interrupted the secretary even before she finished the whole sentence. He stared at her with his eyes full of fury, as if he was going to burn her to ashes.

Pei’s secretary was terrified. She lowered her head in shiver as her face went pale.

On the other hand, after Fan Xiao gave the secretary a lesson, he turned to Pei Siyan and asked with a soft tone of voice, “Even just for a little while will do… Please, Siyan. You can even take me to your room! I won’t mind.” He even shyly covered his face while saying that. Jiang Sheng was going to throw up for even looking at this.

‘F**k! Is he Pei Siyan’s bitch or something? How can men these days be so coquettish and bitchy?’

Jiang Sheng had had enough of this, so he was going to ignore them to get some food in the kitchen. But Pei Siyan’s raised his cold voice at him, “Come over.” It was a command, an order with no emotion and left absolutely no room for negotiation.

‘Come over? Was that an order for me? Where the hell did you put my dignity? F**k that!’

Jiang Sheng turned a deaf ear to him and continued walking.

With his back against Jiang Sheng, Pei Siyan’s eyes turned cold immediately. “What? Have you forgotten the lesson you learned last night?”

After hearing that, Jiang Sheng’s body shook in terror and coldness. He didn’t want to be choked to death by Pei Siyan. That would’ve been his worst nightmare.

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