A Dragon’s Evolution


Yeah, I'm definitely a dragon. Figure I'm about a meter tall, stubby horns, not very sharp claws, little teeth, big tail, small wings. Yup, no matter how I look at it, I'm a Dragon.

But how did this happen? Last I remember, I was eating a bullet in my hometown. Maybe that's it? Though, instead of a truck, it was bullet-kun who isekai'd me? Well let's assess everything first. I'm a baby Dragon. I can't really speak. I'm somewhere unrecognizable. My defensive options seem pretty fucking shitty. And there's a guy getting a blowjob across the pond from me.

Sure would be a shame if someone gave him blueballs. I haven't gotten any in years, so I'm going to make that your problem pretty soon. Now that I get a closer look.. this guy..

-POV: Darren-

Another crappy day today. Lost another guard last night. Figure the poor bastard either patrolled too far away from the walls and a monster snagged him, a low ranking feral vampire was lurking nearby or he just ditched and wandered into the wilderness. He was young too. Probably wanting to get away from this dump and try to make it to an actual city. Good luck trying that without a vehicle though.

We're relatively safe here. The skyship wreckage provided some metal to build our walls and shacks, along with the lights that still work and keep the ferals and monsters of the forest away, for the most part. But we're in a precarious position here in the ass end of nowhere. Shit, I would've left too if there was no entertainment in our settlement.

Ruby Lagune. Most expensive prostitute in town but oh shit she was worth the fifty credits. Even if she did hate everyone with a dick in this place. Easily the best looking woman in this place too.

"C'mon.. suck a bit more eagerly will ya?" I couldn't help but complain at her half assed job.

I mean this is only gonna take longer if you don't give it your all, you know? Plus we're a bit more exposed out here outside the wall. I wasn't that worried though. Place is well lit and near the drinking pond. I like the thrill but getting my cock sucked so far from the wall is just suicide. Ruby grunts in protest and starts to get up.

"The fuck're you doing? You're not even half way done yet!" I spat out, stopping her with my hand on her shoulder.

"Shut... up you ugly fuck! I'm not doing this anymore! Take your fucking credits back. I'd rather just get ripped to pieces out there than-" I shut her up with a heavy punch to her ribs and watch as she gasps for air.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to!? Who protects your useless ass every day? Me! Who provides you a place to sleep so you're not just raped every night by the poorer fucks in town? Me! How fucking dare you spurn and reject me!" Careful not to mess up her face or any other asset, I stepped on her hand and slowly dug it into the gravel.

"Agh! Fuck you!" This bitch cursed at me.

"You know what.. fine. Might as well go all the way. Call it customer compensation!" Just as I get ready to unzip my pants, I feel something... on my.. neck..?

-POV: Jack-

Yeah this guy was definitely getting a blowjob. Girl looked to be in her twenties with dark red hair and bright green eyes. She was attractive, even despite the dirt, sweat and cheap makeup caked on her. She clearly hates this guy, going by the reluctant expression and the hateful glare. The guy was lean, ugly and caked in sweat and dirt too. I hear him grunt and complain to the girl while I slowly crawled over in the dark.

She takes his four incher out of her mouth and starts to get up, only for the guy to put his hand on her shoulder and stop her. Starts getting aggressive too. Damn.. now he's beating her up. I was hoping to overhear anything useful but at least I can understand them. Ah.. now he's going to rape her. Guess I'll be Captain Saveahoe today. If she screams I'll probably just drag her off and question her.

Crossing over into the light, I crawled behind the ugly guy as he reached for his zipper. A sudden feeling came over me as I got up close. Like when I ate the egg's shell. 

~Well, it hasn't been wrong yet~ Thinking that, I jump up and sink my teeth into his throat and pull.

It was surprisingly easy. No, not the killing part, I'm way too used to that. Here I was, estimating my strength level to be somewhat close to a dog's or something. But I ripped his throat open kinda easily. The warm viscera in my mouth.. the shredded skin, chunk of his trachea, copious amounts of blood.. Normally I'd spit it out. In fact, I was going to. But something just told me to eat. So I did.

-POV: 3rd- 

Ruby looked up to see what happened to Darren, coming face to face with something she had never expected to see. To her, it looked like a newborn lizard. Maybe a raptor of some kind. She dismissed that when she saw the small wings. Whatever it was, it was perched on his back and had Darren's throat in its jaws. She struggled to breathe as she saw it swallow his flesh.

Darren's body collapsed face first onto the gravel, spraying her face with blood. This managed to spur her into action. Ruby gasped and kicked the Gravel trying to get a foothold to start running. Only to feel a small scaly hand wrap around her ankle and pull her back. Terror seized her as she inhaled and tried to scream, only for the Baby Dragon to cover her mouth with its other hand as it started dragging the struggling woman with it away from the wall and into the dark.

Ruby felt her heart sink as tears welled up in her emerald eyes. 

~This.. This is how I die? Eaten alive by a monster baby? Fine.. It's better than living like this..~ Ruby closed her eyes and stopped resisting.

~Did she pass out? Thank fuck. Her flailing was making this hard. I think we're far enough away now. Let's try to communicate!~ Happily, the Baby Dragon exclaimed in his head as he stopped dragging Ruby and sat in front of her.

"Hsssss... Ghhr.." Jack tried to speak, though only some kind of hissing and guttural noise escaped his draconic lips. 

~Riiiight.. Hopefully English is written the same then~ Jack licked the blood off his lips and started to write something in the dried dirt.

Hello! Can you read this? Jack write down before looking at his captive.

She had her eyes closed, however and remained limp. As if just accepting death. Rolling his eyes, Jack nudged her legs. Though she didn't respond. To her, it seemed the monster wanted to toy with her until she died. She refused to give it the satisfaction and just laid still.

~Does she think I'm a fucking bear or something? Hey, get your ass up!~ Jack sat on her chest, hearing a grunt escape her lips from the force pressing down on her.

~You leave me no choice. I have to pimp slap a bitch awake, it seems..~ Jack shook his head ruefully before rearing his hand back and smacking her in the face, making spittle fly out of her mouth.

"Oww! What the hell!? Did you just.." Ruby shot a heated glare at Jack, who stared at her disapprovingly and pointed at the words he wrote in the dried dirt.

"Huh!? What is.. Oh...." Ruby looked at the words, dumbstruck.

"You're an intelligent monster..? How? I've never heard of one being able to communicate. You must be rare.." For a brief second, greed shone in her emerald eyes before she received another slap from the Baby Dragon.

"Ow! ..Okay that time I deserved it.. Haaah. Yes, I can read it." Ruby answered, rubbing her cheeks.

Great. I was just born and I need to know about this world and its circumstances. He continued to write, looking at Ruby expectantly.

"Oh that makes sense I guess. Well sorry to say but I'm not that knowledgeable about our world. I don't know the same but the layer we're on is called Abyss. There's supposed to be a bunch that cover our world. I hear the layer above us has actual sunlight sometimes but I'm not sure. Here in Abyss, humans like me live in craptastic settlements like this one and rarely some legit cities." Ruby explained, sighing while crossing her legs.

~Layers? Besides the obvious onion joke I could make here, I will say this is getting interesting.~ Jack scratched his scaly chin and continued to listen.

"Here in Abyss there's about four major powers here. Humans are the lowest and weakest. We have third rate guns, mages, equipment and anything good that drops here either gets repossessed by the people in the upper layers or gets sold to the City Lords of the big cities. Or the Vampires get them." Ruby shifted uncomfortably when she mentioned the vampires.

You have Vampires here? Tell me about them and the other dangers here.  Jack asked, leaning a bit closer as a primal desire started to take hold in his mind.

"Yeah, Vampires. They rule more than half of Abyss. Whole Kingdom too. I heard some lucky humans are sometimes able to become them. Have to be a virgin though so.. haaah.. fat chance it ever happens to me. The non-virgin humans that get turned become ferals that wander Abyss and kill humans. Then there's the Werebeasts. They have a very strict society. Not like Vampires and their royalty. They live in tribes and hunt humans and vampires. Unless you're a mage of a certain strength, fighting them is suicidal. Lastly, and the category you fall into. Monsters. Uh.. no offence?" Ruby scratched her head awkwardly as she finished.

~Magic, Guns, Vampires, Werewolves, Monsters, Airships.. This is starting to look pretty fuckin' fun~ Jack licked his lips and stood up, feeling his heart race at the new information.

"Eh? Wait wait! I haven't told you about Monsters yet. But will you do me a favor? This information should be pretty valuable to you, Miss Dragon." Ruby took Jack's hand and gave a pleading look.

~Miss? Wait.. that can wait till later~ Jack shook his head and started writing again.

All right then. What is it? 

Ruby smiled gratefully before starting to explain what she knew.

"For some reason, I don't know why exactly but.. Monsters are creatures of varying species. Goblins, Orcs.. But they have one thing that led them to survive here. They evolve. That includes you too, I believe. Dragons are said to be legendary Monsters capable of contending with Gods. I don't know how they evolve exactly or why but I'm not a researcher or sage so don't expect much from a prostitute.." Ruby smiled sadly after her last admission.

~I prefer to call them 'Ladies of the Night' if they're decent human beings. 'Hoe ass bitches' if they're not. But that might have been what I felt earlier? That urge to kill. I mean.. more of an urge than normal, I guess. Like that slime anime. Interesting!~ Jack practically salivated as he thought of evolution.

"Now just.. entertain my request, okay? I know it's a long shot but just listen. I got lucky today. And I know you saved me from that nasty bastard, so truthfully.. You owe me nothing. But I have to ask.. Since you'll eventually become strong one day. Will you.. take me away from this place? I don't want to die here.." Ruby softly muttered the last part, looking at the ash colored dirt.

~Well when you look that depressed I can't really say no, can I? Well.. I can but I'd feel bad~ Jack internally sighed before tilting her chin up to make her look into his reptilian eyes.

She looked into his amber colored irises before seeing him nod at her. Then, he walked back into the woods, on a mission.

Ruby found a smile creep its way onto her face as her eyes watered. Finding some little ray of hope to hold onto. Then she noticed additional writing in front of her.

I'll be back

~Fuck yeah. Always wanted to make a badass exit, baby! Now, to go hunting. There's no way I'm gonna live a quiet life of contentment. Fuck that. I'm gonna explore this world, reach the top and do what I always do~ Jack's little mouth split into a toothy grin.

~Whatever the fuck I want~

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