A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 101: BIZ Maestro.

You Xi Wang sat in his cabin going over the reports and documents of various things that happened over days. Stella sat in front of him patiently waiting for him to finish reading the documents. He muttered something from time to time, Stella was nervous for the first time since she joined Tianlong Technologies. The credit goes to You Xi Wang for being so attentive to every little detail in the reports. He had a separate note on his screen now, on which he was writing the key points. He kept doing this for another 30 minutes. 

He looked up to Stella and said, "Aunt Stella, call a meeting with the production department of the group and the sales department. I want to here in now." his calm manner gave Stella a bad feeling she nodded and hurriedly stoop up to make the arrangements. Just as she was about to open the door of the cabin You Xi Wang spoke, "Call Uncle Gerrard in the meeting." he did not lift his head and was still writing in the note. Stella left the room and called every executive from the Sales and Production team to the conference room ASAP. 


In about thirty minutes, the executives from the sales and the production department were standing inside the conference room. Stella was about to call You Xi Wang when the latter came inside with Gerrard following him. He glanced at the gathered staff before taking his seat. He tapped down some buttons and uploaded some statistics for the others to see and displayed it on the projector screen. Everyone looked at what it was. Their faces changed after they read what was written on the screen.

The screen was displaying the number of complaints the customers have filed against them and the effect it had on the company's face value. Tianlong group was down by ten percent in the initial stage of operation. Despite their product being popular, people were not buying it because of poor post-sale services. The production was also too wasteful. The wastage of raw material was also a factor that stacked on the loss. 

You Xi Wang spoke in a calm and unhurried manner, "Who among you will tell me? Why are we under loss, only after the first two weeks of operation?"

The room was quiet, none of the executives even dared to speak. You Xi Wang leaned back in his chair and looked at all of them. He spoke again, "Either the answer or resignation. The choice is yours. You all have 5 minutes to think."

A young staff was getting nervous and when he heard about the resignation, he lost whatever left cool and spoke, "Reporting to the CEO. Sir, it is because the ground level staff doesn't cooperate with us. They deny orders and some of them even beat up a colleague yesterday for saying that the finish of the product is not good."

You Xi Wang glanced at him and spoke, "What are your name and designation?"

The employee spoke up, "Thomas Stone, junior quality inspector, Sarangi Music Instruments, sir."

You Xi Wang nodded and said, "Starting tomorrow, you will replace your senior." he turned to the guy responsible for quality check and said, "You swap position with him. If you think it is below your prestige, then you can quit or I can fire you directly."

The senior employee can only bitterly smile and nod as he did not want to quit his job and get a bad note on his resume. You Xi Wang asked others again, and he got to know that the main problem in all the new companies they have gained was the uncooperative staff and goons. He sat down and pondered for a minute. 

"Did you try to find what they want?" he asked the executives. They said it was the Human resource department which dealt with this thing. You Xi Wang was frustrated and called the Human Resources team over. 

They came in a few minutes and the head of the human resources spoke, "Young Master, it is the union leaders of the ground staff who are doing this. These guys are deliberately hindering our operations. At first, we gave them better accommodation and food. They asked for better hygiene in the factory and we did that too. Now they say the machinery is faulty and even beat up a quality check officer. We cannot just change the whole factory equipment because of this. It will be a huge loss."

You Xi Wang said, "Get me these Union Leaders, seems like someone from the backstage is feeling itchy."

The human resources guy nodded and asked one of his junior to get it done. You Xi Wang spoke, "I have a proposal. The customer has obviously hated our products because of the poor after-sale services, right?"

The crowd nodded, You Xi Wang continued, "How about we set-up an app for Holo-Phones, if the customer uses this app they can directly contact a customer care representative, state their issues, complaints, and the representative will help them rectify it, refund or replace if the situation is unsolvable. What do you think?"

Director of Human Resources asked, "Sir, this might be plausible, but how are we going to earn profit from this?"

You Xi Wang smiled and said, "There are many other companies who want to advertise their products, right? We contact them to ask for a 2.5% commission on every product we help them sell. Also, provide the same post-sale services for their products at a reasonable price. I leave writing a letter of intent to you, Uncle Gerrard. Also, tomorrow morning I want those union leaders to be missing from their usual spots, bring them here in secrecy. I guess all you big directors and managers have your ways with these things? Aunt Stella, you are to start a hiring fest. We hire everyone is above 18 and the qualification must be at least 4 grade of school. Also if when you advertise this hiring fest, specifically mention that we hire dropouts and will provide training for them but on the premises, they work 3 years for us and cannot quit before that. Get it all on the contracts too for those who are intrusted. Do you guys favor?"

They all expressed their acceptance, the meeting was adjourned. It was evening, the sun was about to set. You Xi Wang wanted to introduce 24 hours working policy but then he left it for the future. He worked and dealt with some more matters before Celestia called him. With a nodding gesture, the call connected and Celestia who was jumping like she was standing on a hot plate came to his sight. 

This little girl was effortlessly adorable. You Xi Wang smiled at her antics. He spoke, "What happened Celes, why are you so energetic today?"

Celestia immediately pouted her rosy lips and spoke in a complaining manner, "I told the big sister that you must have forgot about Lena coming over. Now my anxiety looks like energy to you. Big brother, you are a bully." she expressed her heart with no hesitation at all.

You Xi Wang chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I am leaving office and will be home in a few minutes. Okay?"

Celestia grinned wide but again asked, "Okay, I will have your white shirt and blue jeans prepared. Hehe.." her giggle had a touch of slyness in it. 

You Xi Wang noticed it and asked her, "Little fairy, tell me what is cooking in your brain? Tell me or I won't come home." he threatened her, shooting in the dark.

"No, you must come. Okay, I will tell you. When Lena asked me where I got this video, I told her it was my big brother in the video, then when she asked me to arrange an appointment with her, I might have taken some VIP passes to her concerts in the future." she stuck out her pink tongue. 

You Xi Wang shook his head and said, "Who taught you all this?"

Celestia gave him a smirk and said, "Granny Xin." she lifted her chin up to the sky acting smug as if she learned something really great and was looking at You Xi Wang as if he was dumb.

You Xi Wang narrowed his eyes and said, "You smug little doll, just you wait for me to get home and I will teach you too." the two joked around for a bit and disconnected the call. 

He wrapped up the office work and left after informing Stella, who still had to stay for a few more minutes. It did not take You Xi Wang anymore than fifteen minutes to reach home. He saw Celestia was walking back and forth in front of his room holding his clothes and Emily was standing there. She gave him a wry smile and was about to speak when You Xi Wang gestured her to be silent. 

You Xi Wang used Maya's invisibility skill and vanished from sight. Celestia turned and saw nobody. Just when she was about to turn again You Xi Wang picked her up in his arms and started tickling her. Bell-like laughter echoed in the corridor. All the servants who passed by saw this and smiled. You Xi Wang sat down on the floor and kept tickling the little girl until she was slightly out of breath. He did not let her go and asked, "Why are you not smug Celes?" he undid the skill and came into her vision.

Celestia giggled and hugged him. You Xi Wang could do nothing else to her and stood up with her in his arms. Celestia pinched his nose and said, "Sorry, tickle monster." 

They both laughed and then You Xi Wang sent her away to see if Lena had arrived. Emily followed You Xi Wang to his room to check if he needed anything. Who knew he would take her to the shower and do erotic things to her. They had a good time, but they did not take the last step. Emily came out and dried herself. You Xi Wang also came out with a smirk on his face. Just as he was about to do something again, Celestia came shouting, "Big brother Lena is here. Come quickly."

They both shook their head and after wearing his clothes he walked out of the room holding Emily's hand.

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