A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 103: The Dance Of Ice & Fire.

Yuki was staring at You Xi Wang, and the guy was so scared that cold sweat emerged on his forehead. Everyone around could only shake their heads. Who asked him to teach the other girl in front of his girlfriendS. After watching him stammering, Yuki softened her gaze and said. 

"You were punished?" her tone was commanding.

"Yes." You Xi Wang replied in an instant. 

"You deserved it. Who asked you to go to the life and death platform with that big bastard. What if he undid his seal before you could pressurize him? Did you forget he was suppressing himself? Huh. And what are you doing here? Ice Angel, do you want me to become the Fire Demon and melt your third leg?" as she spoke her tone got stern. The last sentence scared You Xi Wang, obviously he knew she was joking and won't harm him but physiologically, you threaten a man with his balls. He will get scared. 

"No, please don't be angry beauty Yuki. How about I teach you a dance? A dance only for us?" You Xi Wang spoke in a soft tone. His attempt to coax this girl worked as she replied, "Humph, depends on your effort." 

He took her hand and gazed into her eyes. His gaze made Yuki freeze. A slight blush emerged on her face but she did not avoid his deep black eyes. The boy spoke in a soft voice, "Let's change our clothes, and let me arrange the set up for us?"

Yuki could only nod stiffly as her heart was beating quick, it was almost jumping out of her mouth. Regardless of the overbearing demeanor, she was still a teenage girl inexperienced in the matters of the heart. You Xi Wang asked Emily to get a crystal-studded red one-piece dress for Yuki and a White and blue crystal-studded jumpsuit for him. He also asked for matching accessories. He gestured his cousins to set up some spotlights on the edge and set them to follow two people. These lights could be set to shine on a single person. 

Lena was also watching all this and thought that You Xi Wang was really weak to be over-powered by a girl. She wanted to leave but was curious about what kind of performance he was going to do. She did not hold any hopes, though. In her view, ice skating was just a little difficult. If one can pay attention, then they can get it done with ease. You Xi Wang used the song from a famous anime he watched back on Earth. He used his Holo-phone to skillfully arrange a score with the help of an app and connected it to the speakers he asked his cousins to arrange. 

The setup was complete, and he rushed to change his attire. He saw a jumpsuit was already delivered and the boutique efficiently pasted some crystals on the left side of his chest, the back portion of the right side. He still felt that something was missing, so he searched the stuff in his room. He found some greyish feathers. These feathers were memorable when his father took them camping and they hunted a Swan-like beast. He used the super glue, he had in his room and pasted the feathers carefully on his right shoulder. The dress was now more elegant and easy on the eyes. 

He took a shower, used some hair wax to set his hair in a back brushed manner, and let a bundle of strands fall on his forehead. He put on the dress and when he was ready, he called Emily to go out and leave Yuki for him to escort to the ice pond. He checked himself one last time in the mirror and walked out of the room. The few maids who saw him on the way to Emily's room, where Yuki was waiting, were stunned. Some even had drool coming out, yes that was how handsome he looked at this moment.

Yuki heard a knock on the door and when the door opened she froze. In front of her stood a handsome hunk gazing and her without blinking. You Xi Wang also froze when he saw Yuki dressed in the ember red one-piece. Her curves were so well defined. Though she was a teenager. She was looking exquisite. There was red makeup around her eyes, her lips were also colored a bright red. She was a fire in every sense, capable of burning cities with just a glance from those sharp eyes. 

You Xi Wang came to his senses and came to hold her hand. Yuki also came out of her stupor and gave him a sweet smile. 

You Xi Wang whispered after placing his mouth next to her ears, "You look so beautiful, my love."

Yuki blushed and said, "You too, are very handsome, darling."

They exchanged a glance and spoke in unison, "Ugh, cringy." they giggled and walked out holding each other's hand. 


Lena smiled and exchanged a few words with some people who came to click photographs with her. She was maintaining her image of an idol. Suddenly, the lights went out and everyone fell silent. You Xi Wang arranged for little Celestia to be the introducer. 

Celestia put on ice blades created by You Zhichi and skated her way to the center of the ice ring in her cute pink dress. She spoke in a sweet voice, "Ladies and Gentleman, I, Celestia, proudly present to you a special performance dedicated to big sister Yuki Ushijima by our very own Big Brother You Xi Wang. The song of Ice and Fire performed by none other than, Big Sister Yuki and Big Brother Xi Wang. Give them a big applause." with clapping of her small hands, she quickly glided on the ice to head to the edge like a pixie.

The family all clapped and cheered. The lights fell on the left corner of the ice pond. Everybody saw two figures holding hands standing there. You Xi Wang nodded, and the music started. Holding Yuki, he glided on the ice. After a lap, he was skating in reverse. Yuki also followed his lead and extended her left hand outside and stood on one leg, while her right hand was held by You Xi Wang. He was guiding her with soul sense. The music changed beats, and they took some sharp turns. They were very graceful and looked beautiful. You Xi Wang pivoted on his toes and spun Yuki around him once and let go of her hand. Yuki was also following the music now, and whenever she felt it was good enough, she would jump. they were both like mirror images. Doing the same jump on the opposite side. They would meet in the center but then after a brief spin around or graze past, they continued like earlier. The entire crowd was mesmerized. 

You Xi Wang glided and came to Yuki and held her willow waist. He pushed his legs forward, and they both moved. Yuki matched his steps, lifting the same foot as he was at this moment. With a sharp turn on the floor he glided in an arc, he held Yuki up in the air as he was spinning on his toes. Yuki arced her body with her hands stretched outward and her eyes facing the sky. After a few spins, You Xi Wang brought her down with care. He held her waist again, and they kept moving. They jumped and spun. When the music was getting fast again You Xi Wang lifted her again but this time only a little and Yuki kept one of her hands on his shoulder, while the other extended outwards. Her legs bent from her knees to the direction of her outstretched arm. They spun and Yuki's dress which was slightly loose below the waist fluttered. 

You Naixin spoke in the crowd, "Like a flame fluttering in a blizzard." The performance ended. The dance was mesmerizing. The audience was still waiting for more. Lily, who was in You Fengxian's(her mother) arms clapped and said, "Xixi, good dance." Her voice woke up others from their stupor and they all clapped. The whole mansion was echoing with a shower of applause. You Xi Wang held Yuki's hand and came to the center of the ice pond. He lifted his left arm in the air and bowed to the crowd. Yuki did the same with her right arm. 

Some family members were even yelling for them to do it once more. Lena was shocked. Her view and imagination were nothing compared to the performance she had just witnessed. Amanda on her side was clapping with a face full of smiles. She really enjoyed the performance. The lights turned on and You Xi Wang came to the edge with Yuki. Susan came to him and hugged them both tightly. 

"You two were so amazing, Xi Wang, I also want to do this once okay?" she spoke in a complaining tone. Before You Xi Wang could reply Yuki held her hand and said, "I will make him do it even if you don't say big sis Suzi. Don't show him love or he might get ahead of himself." she stuck her tongue at You Xi Wang and hid behind Susan. The boy only shook his head. Emily came and kissed You Xi Wang's cheek as she whispered something in his ears. You Zhichi came to his side and stood there with a smile on his face. 

You Xi Wang hugged her and asked, "Is something wrong?"

You Zhichi just hugged him and said, "Nothing." she was missing her parents tonight. If they could see how much this boy has grown up wouldn't they be happy with them? You Xi Wang seems to have felt her emotions and said, "If you cry again I will not talk to you, crybaby chichi. Don't falter, for you have me. Please."

They separated from the hug and You Zhichi kissed his forehead. She spoke with an affectionate tone, "Yes, I have my brother." 

The rest of the family also complimented them and some cousins teased You Xi Wang and Yuki. Lena and her grandmother also came over, but at this moment a maid came to You Xi Wang and whispered something in his ears. His eye became cold and the aura around him changed. He was like a demon from hell. He lost control and yelled. 


Everyone was shocked by this roar. They knew it was really rare for You Xi Wang to lose control. They wondered what caused this.

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