A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 116: Acknowledging Master.

President Book took the seat on the chair across the table. You Xi Wang spoke, "May I ask the purpose of your visit, Senior?" his tone was calm not overbearing, and neither too humble. The old man nodded inwardly when he saw that the temperament of this boy was good. 

He spoke, "I am here to pass on the certificate of achievement to you on behalf of the Council. The essay composition written by you is appreciated by us." he took out the certificate and placed it on the table. You Xi Wang glanced at the certificate, unconsciously smiled. 

He looked up at the old man and said, "Thank you."

The old man was supposed to leave at this moment but he asked, "I wonder how a young man like you came to this conclusion. Can you share some insights with this old man?"

You Xi Wang spoke, "I dare not teach anyone as I am still learning myself. But since senior has spoken I would express my thoughts." he paused to see the old man's reaction. The latter nodded and You Xi Wang continued, "The world around us is very advanced but it still retains the ancient charm and practices. What I personally find missing is the spirit. The spirit of always improving. The people these days, do not chase after improvisation. In my eyes, those who do not improve are just living in vain. The current downfall in the quality of cultivation base of the masses is a perfect example. The people are used to living in comfort and they seem to have forgotten that cultivation is all but comfort. If this trend continues then our world might degrade into a mortal world."

The old man was shocked but also nodded. You Xi Wang had written this in his essay but the effect of hearing him say this is extremely awakening. He watched the kid in front of him curiously. He asked, "Tell me about yourself. Why are you handling the office work at such a young age?"

You Xi Wang looked at him and spoke, "My parents passed away after the spiritual core in their vehicle exploded. So my elder sister and I took it on ourselves to carry on what our parents build."

The old man spoke, "You have my sincerest condolences. I heard that you are also the master of the family now, Why did you take up such a big responsibility?"

You Xi Wang replied in an unhurried manner, "Pressure keeps one from giving up. I want to reach the apex of this world. This pressure helps me grow. It is just like a sword, the more you refine the metal the better the final product. My family is my strength and I want to lead them to the very peak of this world." 

The old man nodded. He asked You Xi Wang one more question, "What do you think one should do to make people remember the spirit of ancient times?"

You Xi Wang pondered for a while, "A spear too stiff will break while the same being too flexible will lose its strength to stab. The world is just like a spear. The spirit of ancient times cannot be applied in the current age but the fact that we are cultivators is being forgotten. The only way I see can work is to create new opportunities and give people a chance to do their best to improve." this answer was the least expected by the old man.

He smiled and said, "Say, kid, would you like to acknowledge me as your master?"

You Xi Wang was shocked to hear this sudden proposal. He spoke, "May I ask senior a few questions before I answer this?" the calm voice sounded like a wail to the Old man waking him up from his ecstasy.

He nodded to You Xi Wang letting him ask the question. The boy spoke, "Is it convenient to disclose your true identity? I do not trust everyone easily, forgive my bluntness."

President Book was shocked by the fact that this boy discovered his disguise. He waved his hand and his disguise was taken off. His beard also grew back to its full length. He spoke, "My name is Alester Book, president of the Education Department of the Council."

You Xi Wang nodded and continued to ask, "Why did you want to take me in as your disciple?"

The old man spoke without any hesitation, "In the early days of my life, I used to be a teacher and due to some reason took over the path of a teacher. later in life gained strength and was then appointed to my current position. I never choose any disciples because their satisfaction was not to my taste. So when I saw your satisfaction in the world. I thought about asking you. In my view, only those who seek constant improvement are suitable to cultivate."

You Xi Wang nodded and he spoke, "This will be my last question, I know that senior's cultivation is near the pinnacle. But I do not like to be bound. The council is one such bound. The administration is too rigid, I feel it is flawed. This gives birth to my question If I say I do not want to be a part of the Council in the future. Will you still ask me to be your disciple?"

The old man smiled, he was an undying monster and was aware of You Xi Wang's temperament by now. He also understood a fact, Dragons are not meant to be kept in cages. He nodded and spoke, "Yes, I swear in the name of my blood, that if You Xi Wang acknowledges me as his master, he will be free to select his own path in the future."

You Xi Wang was once again surprised by the bluntness of this old man in front of him. But he was not shocked so he stood up from his chair, picked up the kettle on the side, and brewed some tea. He walked up to the old man and kneeled down. He spoke with his arms extended towards the old man, "Disciple has seen master, please accept this tea."

The reason You Xi Wang acknwledged Book as his master was because the system has passed a decree that this man passes the test and is not having any malicious intent towards him. The system was an entity that cannot be described with the common principle of logic. It can look into the soul of any targetted person to sense if they have any malicious intent.

President Book smiled in satisfaction as he accepted the tea. He spoke after taking a few sips, "Xiao Wang, I can see that your physique is different than others. Why is that? I cannot see what is your elemental affinity." 

You Xi Wang smiled and did not say anything, he raised his hands in the air and five balls formed, hovering over his palm. President Book shivered and the cup in his hand fell down but there was no noise. You Xi Wang used his soul energy to keep the cup floating. The old man stood up from his chair. His face was now red as a tomato. His breathing changed and became chaotic. You Xi Wang saw this and said, "Master, you need to calm down or the backlash will cause injuries."

President Book woke up from his stupor, closed his eyes, and calmed down. He spoke when he opened his eyes, "Xiao Wang, how many people know about you having the ability to use five elements?"

You Xi Wang replied, "Including you, family elders, my elder sister, and my team. They are all the people I can trust with my life rest assured Master. This thing will not spread, the reason I showed it to you is that as a disciple, one should trust their Master."

The old man nodded in content, exhaled deeply, and said, "Very well then. I will give you a gift. The breathing exercise you practice is not high enough. From now on you practice The five elements Sutra. I once found this book in a ruin. This ruin once belonged to ancient cultivators. This method caught my eye and I kept it. Now it seems that we were fated to be Master and Disciple." he took out a book from his space ring and passed it to You Xi Wang. The book was tattered but the content was unharmed. You Xi Wang was excited to start practice because this method was tailor-made for him.

President Book exchanged his contact information with You Xi Wang and waved his hand. Space cracked, You Xi Wang was shocked, and before he could ask anything President Book spoke, "For the time being do not tell anyone about our relationship on your own initiative. I will see you at the battle fest. Cultivate well and if you do not understand anything you contact me."

You Xi Wang bowed and spoke, "Yes master."

He heard a soft hmmm and when he looked up the Old man was gone.

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