A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 118: Sparring.

You Xi Wang saw that the caller was his school administration office. He picked up the call, "Hello."

The other side replied, "Hello, Student You Xi Wang?"

"Yes, speaking." You Xi Wang replied.

"Student, we are calling you regarding the duel set up between you and the other battle fest seed participants. The date has been decided and we are sorry for the inconvenience, but you will have to report to the battle arena in the inner ring tomorrow morning."

You Xi Wang nodded and said, "Okay, sir."

The administration staff told him some things such as basic rules and timing before the call disconnected. You Xi Wang heard a knock on the door. He opened the door and saw his sister standing in front of him. She saw him, suddenly she smiled and said, "You broke through?"

You Xi Wang nodded with a smile. He held her hand and dragged her inside before closing the door again and cast a sound barrier to make sure that no one could peep on them. This was just to increase security. He said, "Big sis, I was visited by the President of the Educational Department."

You Zhichi naturally understood this person was from the council. She was surprised and hurriedly asked, "What happened? Did that person say anything to you?" she was worried that such a big shot appearing here to meet her brother could be a troublesome thing.

You Xi Wang smiled and said, "No, I acknowledged him as my Master. Also, he asked me to keep it a secret. Do not worry, he pledged on his blood that he will not harm me. He also told me that my freedom will not be restricted."

You Zhichi was shocked, and then the shock changed into a pleasant surprise. This meant that her brother now had a strong backer. She hugged her brother in joy. You Xi Wang was also very content to see her sister like this. You Zhichi then said, "You know I am also a seeded candidate in the battle fest. You will fight against me tomorrow. Be careful because I won't go easy on you."

You Xi Wang chuckled replied, "I won't have it any other way." although he was worried about how to attack her tomorrow because his heart could not bear to injure his sister. He kept calm on the surface. He talked about this issue with his elders.

The two set off for home, this time You Zhichi was also riding on his Lev-Bike. You Xi Wang rode the bike with ease. The siblings also grabbed some street food take away for the family. After a round of some window shopping, they returned home. You Xi Wang let his sister take care of the food distribution and he rushed to adjust his new strength. He called his elder cousin You Shan Wang in the training field.

A lot of members were still practicing inside. They saw You Xi Wang and You Shan Wang walking inside, and the atmosphere immediately picked up. Two groups were formed, the boys of the family were siding with You Shan Wang and were teasing You Xi Wang, who kept smiling, while the girls in the family were like angry tigresses defending their cub 'You Xi Wang'. 

You Shan Wang said, "Hey, Xiao Wang, how come you are always so popular among the sisters."

Before You Xi Wang could reply a girl from the side said, Because Xiao Wang never bullied us, he was naughty but never harmed us. While you bunch of brawn for brains, had the gall to cut this old lady's hair."

You Shan Wang coughed to hide embarrassment. They were all naughty as kids although they were cousins they did not differ from real siblings in the family. The boys had always bullied the girls in the past. You Xi Wang was always polite and respectful to his elder cousins. You Shan Wang spoke again, "Okay, Xiao Wang say how to do it"

You Xi Wang said, "Big brother, I have to fight with many people including Chichi tomorrow in school and I broke through today, so I want to adapt to this new strength. How about no weapon sparring? You all take turns? It will be fun, I can accumulate some experience and train my techniques."

You Shan Wang nodded in agreement. Everyone else also felt their spirit rise. These words would have sounded arrogant if anybody other than You Xi Wang would have used them. They all clearly knew his strength and some of them were close to breakthrough to Core formation realm. They wanted to see You Xi Wang's limit as well. 

The crowd took a few steps, leaving You Xi Wang and You Shan Wang in the center of the field. You Xi Wang did not put on his jade gloves but used bare fists to confront his elder cousin. The crowd spoke in unison, "Three, two, one, go!"

The two moved together, fists connected.


Dust rose the impact was strong, neither of the people took a step back. You Xi Wang was holding back and so was the case with You Shan Wang. They both stood on the spot and exchanged blows. You Xi Wang was enforcing his muscles with spiritual energy and with every blow he was getting proficient with the energy control. You Shan Wang was also increasing the power with every blow. They exchanged fifty punches in a minute. From the side, a figure came and stood between them with a smile. This person was called, You Tong, he was proficient in the art of kicks and was already level on core formation like You Shan Wang. He spoke, "Big bro, your minute is up. My turn." he was just a month younger than You Shan Wang. 

You Shan Wang retreated, and You Tong took his place, "Xiao Wang, ready?"

You Xi Wang smiled saluted him with his fist, "I have seen big brother Tong. Yes, ready now."

The family was amused with his mannerism because when he sits on the throne, his demeanor goes a complete transformation. You Tong smiled and his figure flashed. His leg whipped towards You Xi Wang reaping air. The kick produced a whooshing sound. He did not believe in holding back. 

You Xi Wang did not hold back as well and kicked with his full strength, meeting his opponent's strike. 


The ground under the two cracked slightly, they were evenly matched. You Xi Wang however did not stop and used his left foot to jump in the air. His body turned to 360 degrees generating momentum and his leg shot out fiercely, You Tong used his hands to defend himself. Another big sound rang throughout the field, You Tong took back two steps. The duel did not end, but the two figures kept jumping around and kicking each other. They continued for one minute and the opponent changed. This time it was the grappler of the family You smith, his mother was from the western side of the world. You Xi Wang also displayed his proficiency in hard and soft. The two people were like snakes trying to wrap each other in a deadlock, but the grapple was always broke by the other party.

You Smith was also a core formation-level cultivator. He has evenly matched with You Xi Wang. The sparring continued, and the opponents kept changing. Even girls took part. You Xi Wang used the skills from earth to face them all one by one. His proficiency in taekwondo, Wing-Chun, Kalari, Muay-Thai, boxing, and other arts also grew in this sparring session. The culture of Metropia was like that of the earth. The martial skills here had some similarity with them, and thus he became proficient with the usage. 

After two hours all of them were down taking turns and now You Xi Wang was also tired. His clothes were soaked in sweat, but he was not panting. He enjoyed this session a lot. The others in the family also learned more about their weaknesses and resolved to grow strong. You Naixin was watching all this and finally could not hold back. She came forward and said, "Xiao Wang, how about having a round with your granny."

All the cousins were surprised, they all knew the horror of Granny Xin, as they all had sparred with her at least once when she guided them in cultivation. Her forte was speed, and she had a fire spiritual root. The destruction capability of this element was overwhelming under her control. You Xi Wang smiled and said, "Ready when you are granny."

You Naixin smiled, "Good." she pointed at him and turned to look at the children of the family and said, "You brats, look at this. Your younger brother never hesitates, that is why he is strong. Remember, cultivation is to defy the heavens. You all need to be decisive."

The crowd spoke, "Yes, granny Xin."

She took her stance, her soft palms in a halting pose. Her right hand in front of her left hand, while her left foot was in front of her right foot. Her left knee was slightly bent. You Xi Wang saw this stance, and he knew that his grandmother was serious. You Xi Wang took a deep breath. He put his fist up left in front of his right fist, he stood with his shoulders slightly facing to left. His legs were parted. The weight of his body was transferred to his toes. He was skipping on his feet.

The crowd did not know what battle style was this, but they could not find any weak spot. You Naixin was also surprised and her left eyebrow raised a bit. You Xi Wang said, "Granny, spare my face, your son needs to appear in public tomorrow. I rely on my face the most you know."

Granny Xin chuckled, and they both vanished, stirring up the dust. The crowd could only see an azure shadow and fire sparks flying around. Another thing was the thumping sounds. They could feel the shock wave but not find the two amidst the dust cloud. This continued for a minute and they came to a stop. You Xi Wang was panting, breathing was ragged. It showed that he gave his best to compete against You Naixin. There were red palm prints on his shirt. Evidently, he was burned by You Naixin's palms. You Naixin was not having a good time too. Her palms were red, the sleeves of her dress were also torn, and there were some blue marks. These marks were left by the kicks and punches.

You Naixin said, "Well Done, Xiao Wang." she smiled and used her spiritual energy to heal the bruise marks. You Xi Wang smiled and staggered, "Granny, you are getting old. Otherwise, my ass would be red now."

The whole crowd laughed. This kid still had the gall to tease granny. You Naixin shook her head and came to his side. She supported him and said, "Putting up a brave front, come you need to rest."

She looked at the others and said, "Go, eat something and deal with your affairs. You all need to rest and ponder over today's sparring too."

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