A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 121: Hot Chocolate.

The lightning flash in the sky, You Zhichi looked at her brother, who just made another life and death oath. She wanted to kick him inside the punishment hall, but she knew that it won't have any effect. He will offend anyone for her, and in all honesty, she herself was offended when the people saw her as a beautified vase made of porcelain. This Aries person, whom she did not even know, told her he would break her treasured brother. This statement made the ice beauty burn in anger. She spoke in a soft voice, "Gougou, make him roll away."

You Xi Wang was originally worried about his oath, but when he heard these words he was pumped up. At this moment, he could even fight the gods in heaven. Aries was so enraged that his entire face was shivering as if the muscles are having an earthquake. He took a large stride to the battle area. He wanted to speak but You Xi Wang interrupted him, "Shh... use your blows to talk."

"Humph," Aries only snorted. 

William shook his head. Even if this is the modern time martial artists all felt they were superior until they face an obstacle. He gestured, and the battle began. 

Aries moved in a flicker and punched his right fist at You Xi Wang, who was ready to intercept. Aries did not hold back at all. You Xi Wang also did not hold back. He wanted to beat this guy so bad. 


A loud sound erupted from the two of them. Aries was on par with You Xi Wang. They exchanged blows and after ten exchanges You Xi Wang suddenly opened his fist and grabbed Aries from his wrist. In his right hand, he held Aries's wrist, and in his left hand appeared a dagger. He held the dagger with a backhand grip. He stabbed the five times in a second. Aries had not even had the time to react when he suddenly heard a ripping sound. 

You Xi Wang stabbed the dagger along the arm's length from wrist to shoulder and after the last stab, he did not take the dagger out but dragged it done connecting all the stab marks forming a pattern like a blood worm. He carefully avoided the tendons and ligaments. The muscle fiber was torn by the dagger drag producing a ripping sound. This all was done in a second. You Xi Wang took back the dagger and retreated. It was only now the pain transmitted to Aries's brain, and he screamed in pain, "Argh..." 

The crowd heard the scream and felt a chill growing inside their hearts. Some people saw this and trembled. The scene was too gory. William saw this and realized that You Xi Wang was still calm, he just wanted to leave a shadow in Aries's mind and nothing else. Aries was also a man of will and rushed to You Xi Wang. He made a kick directly to You Xi Wang's chest. The latter caught the leg and stabbed the dagger. Then another ripping sound was heard, followed by a scream. You Xi Wang frowned and hit Aries throat with the hilt, making him choke a bit and the screams ended. 

Aries was still standing on the stage. He glared at You Xi Wang. He suddenly closed his eyes and in a slightly hoarse voice said, "You are cruel."

You Xi Wang did not explain and said, "You should have thought that before disrespecting me and my sister." with these words he appeared next to Aries and started punching him. the punches were like meteors falling from the sky and landing directly on his face. Blood flowers bloomed and teeth flew out. After five minutes, You Xi Wang said, "You better roll out of here. Or do you want more beating?"

Aries did not have any strength in himself, directly crawled out. William watched this and exclaimed in his heart, "Damn.. this kid is sassy."

He spoke, "You Xi Wang advance. He will now face the final contender and the strongest student of the school, You Zhichi."

You Zhichi walked forward. She bowed slightly to Willian, causing the latter to smile a bit. Willian nodded and said, "Begin."

You Xi Wang had a solemn face about this fight but he saw his sister smiling at him. She spoke, "Come, let's dance."

You Xi Wang couldn't help but chuckle a bit. He took out his jade gloves and said, "Let's dance."

They both disappeared and the next moment the entire stadium was vibrating with booming sounds. You Zhichi used palms and You Xi Wang used fists. The two did not hold back even a second, it was more like a spar. You Xi Wang was gradually enjoying the duel with his sister. After hundreds of exchanges, they both jumped back to create a distance between them. You Xi Wang waited for his sister to make a move. You Zhichi spoke, "Not bad brat, but I will use my sword." without waiting for a reply, she took out a sword and infused her ice attribute energy in it. The whole atmosphere turned cold. 

Some students in the crowd spoke, "Senior sister, is not going easy on her brother at all. Damn, this is getting exciting."

Another guy said, "It is precisely because it is her brother that senior sister is doing her best. This makes her different from us."

A girl from the seventh grade was also standing there. She chuckled and said, "This junior brother, big sister Zhichi, is doing this because she wants to push her brother to act seriously. Did you think this guy was serious for even one match? The hardest he fought until now was against that boy Jack."

This statement made them realize that You Zhichi was trying to see how strong her brother was. They all sighed, genius could never fit in normal standards. 

On the stage, You Xi Wang tilted his hand and said, "Big Sis, One move to decide? Then the winner treats with ice cream?"

Thousands of jaw dropped collectively. Some people even pinched themselves. How could they believe that this handsome demon would ask for an ice cream treat? He looked very adorable with his head tilted and an innocent facial expression. Some girls even shouted obscene things like, "Little brother, eat this big sister, she is no less tasty than ice cream."

Fenny was laughing while she clutched her stomach, and Yuki's forehead was full of black lines. Neo and Allan gave each other a wry smile. They can never predict what would this guy do.

You Zhichi on the stage said, "Only if you hit me with all you have." she smiled faintly. She did not want to fight with her brother too long as well. She just wanted to see his full strength. You Xi Wang nodded and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes, a spear appeared in his hands and the wind started revolving violently. His eyes were calm, vacant expression. William was startled. This was the first time he saw this kid in such a state. He was startled because he could not sense what his next action would be. He sucked in a cold breath and thought, "Damn this young generation."

You Zhichi raised her sword to her eye level, and the tip was pointed straight at You Xi Wang. The boy raised his spear, held it horizontally, and pointed the tip at his sister. There was not a shred of hesitation in the eyes of the two. You Zhichi focused and a big ice sword appeared above her head. The sword was exactly the same as the sword she held, and it emitted a blue glow. The giant sword made the crowd hold their breath. They could only imagine the strength of this sword. The temperature was freezing, people could see their breath as they exhaled.

You Xi Wang also focused, and above his head, a spear appeared. The spear was not as detailed as You Zhichi's sword, but they could with the strength hidden inside. They both inhaled and moved at the same time. You Zhichi let out a soft shout, "Stab of the Ice goddess."

You Xi Wang also called out, "Piercing the heavens" this was a move he came up with, this move contained the momentum equal to the dance of the ward god. But instead of a set of movements, it was a stab. 


The crowd heard a sharp sound and covered their ears as the two weapons came in contact with each other. In the sky, the two giant weapons also grinding against each other. The wind spear chipped at the ice sword, while the ice sword made the air heavy and disperse slowly. The whole arena was slowly filled with sharp snow chips. The students all used spiritual energy barriers to resist being scratched by the chips. 

The crowd could not see what happened on the stage and who won. William was very curious but could only wait for the fog to dissipate. The wind spear and the ice sword slowly vanished, and the fog also vanished. The people saw You Xi Wang was covered in frost while You Zhichi was standing, and behind her was a big ditch. It was caused by the attack You Xi Wang made. They were all shocked and then the shock changed into confusion about how You Zhichi avoided such a terrifying attack. 

You Zhichi put her sword back in the sheath waved her hand dispersing the frost on You Xi Wang and she said, "I admit defeat."

Before William could speak Misty who was sitting on the side spoke up, "Senior sister, you won, then why did you concede?"

Her words were followed by the crowd and soon chants sounded, "WHY? WHY? WHY?"

You Zhichi smiled and raised her hand. They all calmed down. She is not the school flower, but Goddess. She spoke in a soft voice, "I lost because this little brother of mine deliberately missed his attack, otherwise I might be hanging from the tip of his spear."

Everyone was still confused, William had no choice but to step in, "Yes, it is as she said, You Xi Wang deviated the tip of his spear when they were about to meet. The spear intent You Xi Wang displayed was so sharp that it left a 3 inches deep grove on the platform. I now announce, You Xi Wang as the captain of the battle fest team. You can challenge him after you are through with the internal selections. But for now, his strength is enough and justified."

The first-grade students joined up loud chants echoed, "MAESTRO, MAESTRO, MAESTRO." 

The subject of the chants was shivering in the embrace of his sister at this moment, who led him down. He spoke, "Forget ice cream, I want hot chocolate."

You Zhichi giggled and said, "Okay, you big baby."

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