A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 124: Anger.

You Xi Wang and the others came back home but his face did not look too good. He was filled with rage. As soon as the vehicle stopped You Xi Wang made his way to the family training field. Today it was a bit desolate as people were busy preparing the action. In a corner of the training field, there was an array. It was known as the nine realm array. This array was very popular in the old days, but now people did not use it at all. They trained with VR modules, after all. Who would like to waste time and sweat when they can just lay down and practice in sleep? The arrays were treated as relics of forgotten times.

This array was placed inside a circular ring. There were nine stone puppets, each of them specialized in 9 different skills. Starting from fists, palms, kicks, staff, spear, sword, short swords, the spiritual spell caster, and soul spells. The puppets will mirror the strength one major level higher that of the practitioner who enters the array. So if You Xi Wang has a strength of the eighth level of spiritual formation. The puppet will have the strength of the eighth level of core formation. This way, practitioners were pushed to train harder.

You Xi Wang saw a stone plaque was erected, this stone described the method to trigger the array and the rules of the array. After a thorough read, he understood that it takes ten low-grade spirit crystals to power up this array. He scanned his space ring and found that he had nine spirit crystals. In a world where people use credits as a currency, spirit crystals were only used for cultivation and not carried on the body. You Xi Wang searched around and found that You Fengxian was also practicing today in the field. He approached her and called out, "Big sis Xian."

You Fengxian who was practicing her sword stopped. She smiled and spoke in a soft voice, "Xiao Wang, do you need something?"

You Xi Wang nodded and asked, "Are you carrying some spirit stones?"

You Fengxian scanned her space ring and took out twenty shiny crystals. She spoke, "These are fire elemental spirit stones. Will they be helpful?" she had a fire spirit root. You Xi Wang picked one and said, "I only need one." he waved at her and ran back to the array. You Fengxian's gaze was obviously locked on this guy. She saw him putting ten spirit crystals in the slot next to the stone plaque. The stone puppet's trembled and a dome of light formed around the circle. You Xi Wang took off his Holo-phone and stepped into the light dome. 

You Fengxian saw this, and she quickly informed the elders of the family. Shortly after they arrived, they could vaguely sense You Xi Wang inside the light dome. He was fighting. They instructed the juniors of the family to keep an eye on and inform them as soon as anything happens.


Inside the array, You Xi Wang was fighting with the stone puppet expert in fist arts. You Xi Wang was angry, but he was calm. He infused his fists with all element energy and clashed with the stone puppet. The stone puppet imitated a human. They looked as if baked of clay. Smooth surface, no details on the face. The craftsmanship was poor, but that is because, in the old days, people focused on practice rather than appearances. 

The rules stated that only after defeating the stone puppet in its specialty can you advance. You Xi Wang was here to vent and not to study, so he let go of everything and just mindlessly punched fiercely. 


Loud sounds were produced when the fists collided. The puppet did not back down even an inch. You Xi Wang was also stubbornly holding his ground. After hundreds of punches, You Xi Wang completely vented his anger. But then it clicked. In You Family, they worshipped the four ancient beasts. Azure Dragon, known for its righteousness and speed, Pheonix, known for benevolence and healing, White tiger, known for its ferociousness and tenacity. Black Turtle, known for its wisdom and defense. 

There was a skill set unique to the family, it was called, four beast manual. The first level was the minor practice of this manual required the practitioner to comprehend four skills to a small success stage. These four skills were Dragon step, Pheonix sword, Tiger Fist, Turtle shield. Dragon step is a footwork skill, You Xi Wang has already learned it long ago, Phoenix sword was also in small success. The next step was Tiger's fists. How do your fists become like a tiger? Harmonize a tiger (aura) into your fist. What is the tiger's aura?

Fearless, wild, ferocious, savage. This was the essence of the tiger. You Xi Wang kept punching and closed his eyes to imagine a tiger. After five punches, he was pushed back. He did not care but kept his eyes closed, his hands never stopped punching. Another five punches, another step back. You Xi Wang suddenly took a step back and opened his eyes. He looked at the stone puppet in front of him and gave out a low shout, "Wild Tiger fist."

A tiger's roar sounded in the field. It alerted the juniors who were asked to keep a watch. They hurriedly called the elders. Soon, You Qiangda and You Chengshi arrived. They hear the tiger roars and sensed that the source was You Xi Wang's fist. They both exchanged a glance and started laughing with joy. 

A teenage girl with short hair asked, "Say, first grandpa, why are you laughing like that? Is Xiao Wang okay?"

You Qiangda pinched her nose and said, "Our Xiao Wang, is very good. The brat broke through the third obstacle of the first layer of the family martial skill-set. You brats need to hurry and catch up to him. You all are the gems of our family."

The girl pouted and rubbed her cheeks. She spoke, "First Grandpa, you pinched so hard, wait let me tell granny xin that you bullied me."

You Qiangda immediately calmed down. He gave the girl a good amount of credits to coax her. These nine brothers were terrified of their sister, but that was just part of the reason, after all, they all loved the children in the family. 

You Xi Wang was practicing inside and roars kept sounding. After an hour, he successfully landed a punch and pushed back the puppet. This was the way to defeat the stone puppet. He wanted to advance but was tired and voluntarily came out of the array. He sat down on the ground. His clothes were dripping with sweat but a smile was blooming on his face. He picked up his Holo-Phone, tied it up, and went and interrogate the minion captured by the family. 

After resting a few minutes, he stood up greeted the first and the second elder. He spoke, "First grandpa, I suggest that the family revive these arrays and let everyone practice. These arrays are much better than those toys. Also, we should try to buy a few more arrays of different types to have a better training environment for the family." 

You Qiangda spoke, "Okay, I will get someone to set up a few arrays such as this one."

You Xi Wang nodded and asked, "Select some relatively smart candidates, and ask them if they want to learn arrays and pill making. Candidates can be selected from both the family and the foundation. It will be really helpful in the future. I think it is time to set up another business venture."

You Chengshi asked, "What business venture is it this time, Xiao Wang?"

You Xi Wang smiled and said, "How about a fitness center for the cultivators."

You Chengshi spoke, "Xiao Wang, cultivators are already better than normal humans in the aspect of fitness. Then what good would the fitness center do?"

You Xi Wang spoke, "They are fit but they lack combat experience. When dark dwellers raid they suffer because of this, so we open a fitness center with arrays like this one and help them gain combat experience. How much profit do you think we will get?"

You Qiangda and You Chengshi felt their world view collapse. They could not believe this guy was such business savvy. He could come up with such an idea just after spending a few hours inside a battle array. They imagined the vast amount of credits rolling in. But before they could start drooling, a bucket of cold water was splashed on them by the next words. 

"The entire world is a big piece of pie and people will try to snatch it from us so people get a grip and do not fly high. Our family will rise and lead the trend in the future and for that, we need to be calm. Let's go first to solve this seedling inc. and then we can look into this business idea." You Xi Wang spoke in a calm voice. Do not judge their age by the length of their beards, they all are sixty to fifty years old. Quite young for a cultivator. They use spiritual energy to make the hair look gray and beard grow long. 

They are quite an interesting bunch of people.

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