A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 126: First Blood.

The battle plan was set, and now the You Family waited for the Dark Dwellers. The young generation was distributed in 16 teams of five people each. The teams were led by the young Core Formation realm talents of the team. In this stagnant world, reaching the third major realm is a good achievement. The team leaders all stood in two neat queues. They looked at the boy sitting on the throne. Some had affection and some had respect in their eyes. You Xi Wang sat on the throne with his legs crossed, wearing a black battle suit. Maya sat beside the throne with no intention to hide from the people present. 

You Xi Wang opened his eyes and smiled at the people in front of him. He spoke, "All of you have ear coms?"

The people nodded, You Xi Wang continued, "Keep it connected, we use push to talk mode. Use it to deliver messages and urgent information. Also, ask for support if you think the situation is unfavorable. Keep an eye out for the scum to use boost pills. Okay?"

They all nodded a girl stepped forward. She had two adorable bangs covering her dusky forehead. She spoke, "Xiao Wang, although we have all read the strategy and battle formation in school I still feel nervous. I know you have faced Dark Dwellers before, can you share something with us?" this girl is one year older than You Zhichi, her name is You Alisha. 

You Xi Wang nodded and spoke with a smile on his face, "Big sis Alisha, these dark dwellers are not that scary. They are just tricky. You know they rely on dark energy while we have five elements. Say if you think it is difficult to fight with them face to face. Use kiting. If you think the guy is fast, then contain him by launching some surprise attacks on his legs. Every person can be broken if you have a calm mind. Okay, tell me what is the biggest flaw of these dark dwellers?"

Everyone fell into thought and You Shan Wang spoke, "These guys are as fickle as a withered leaf. You blow and they fall apart."

You Xi Wang spoke in praise, "Correct, big bro Shan Wang is correct. So you all keep calm and tell the same to your teams. We will conquer this. Don't worry if you think it is getting difficult. The phantoms will be your support."

After giving them some advice and tips about the things to look out for, he sent them out. The elders were all briefed early on and they are all smart people, so it was unnecessary to tell them anything again. His Holo-Phone rang, the caller was Celestia. He connected the call, but the usually beautiful smiling face was looking at him with clouds of worry scattered all over her face. 

You Xi Wang knew this girl was worried about losing him. He smiled and said, "My little fairy, do not fret. You know your big brother is strong, right? He will beat the bad guys badly."

Celestia calmed a bit but still said, "Big brother, Celes will wait for you and big sis chichi. Please take care okay. I love you." her eyes were red by the time she was done speaking. You Xi Wang spoke, "Sweetheart if you cry like this. Big brother won't be able to concentrate. So please trust me and relax. I will take you to meet my grandparents after this. Okay, and I love you too." he coaxed her and finally hung up. 

The whole mansion was covered in the soul sense of Chen Qianbei, Ushijima Choma, and Camila Watson. But You Xi Wang had a range bigger than the three of them. The reason was that his soul was fused with two souls. He was the only entity who skipped steps and gained access to the soul sense. Although soul cultivators also have this advantage, their physique is trash. Also, Alester Book was present inside the house, so he was not worried. He had asked his master to monitor the situation and if he finds anyone in mortal danger, then his master should intervene.


You Xi Wang came to stand in the center of the training field of the mansion. This was the biggest part of the mansion and was likely to be the battlefield. Maya stood beside him silently, her ears twitching now and then. The other teams were also hiding. They were all wearing battle suits equipped with stealth skills. Yes, it was a piece of high-end equipment, but the You Family could afford them. Allan was to monitor the eastern part of the mansion with Shroud. Neo in the north with Luna. Yuki was in the western area with Shadow. Fenny was on the highest lookout point in the mansion with Snowflake. The little white furball was quite serious today for a change. Seems like beast instincts made him realize that a storm was coming.

Although Fenny was on the roof, she was not alone. She was guarded by You Zhichi, Snow, Tisha, Rafael, and Lina. This was the strongest team of the academy. They were asked only to take action when necessary and not before. They were emergency support. Fenny was the support and leader of all the snipers posted in the mansion. Her safety was important. She was also responsible for issuing commands if You Xi Wang is occupied at the moment. 

You Xi Wang stood with his eyes closed. Suddenly he spoke, "Everyone, they are here. We take the initiative."

His message was delivered to every team leader, and they all replied, "Roger."


A group of people infiltrated the mansion silently. This group was wearing black cloaks and a gloomy aura radiated from them. These were dark dwellers. They saw the mansion was scarce of lights, their eyes lit up. Thinking that the people in the mansion are asleep and they can catch them by surprise. what they did not know was that at least ten guns were trained at them at this moment. The snipers wanted to take a shot, but they were forbidden by Fenny. These shots will alert the big guys who are hiding at the moment. Yes, the three primal soul scums were hiding at this moment. They will only appear when the leading force suffers damage. They underestimated the You Family way too much.

The minions were about to scatter and raid when the core formation realm cultivator among them spoke, "Wait, I don't sense anyone" his words were loud enough in the silent night. The people were wrapped in the soul sense of the elders of the family. This man was the soul cultivator who communicated with the prisoner. He was the commander of the frontal forces. 

Before he could think of the reason behind why, he cannot sense anyone.


An arrow flew with a swishing sound and logged into his forehead. Every dark dweller was stunned by this sudden attack. The targeted person did not die, but he raised his hand and grasped the shaft of the arrow. Only now did a bad feeling surfaced in his heart. But it was too late. 


A mini shock grenade was equipped inside the arrowhead. When the man tried to pull out the shaft, he triggered the grenade and his head turned into pieces of meat by the shock wave inside his skull.

You Xi Wang spoke in his com, "Attack."

The young elites and the middle-aged group started the attack. The outer part of the mansion was filled with sounds of weapon clashing and shouts of people. Despite outnumbering the dark dwellers, they were not losing. The whole situation could be seen as a stalemate, but in the long run, the less experienced side will lose. To tip the scale in their favor, You Xi Wang engaged. The chain of command was transferred to Fenny.

Chen Qianbei was busy keeping an eye out for the Primal soul cultivators to appear. Otherwise, it would be her instead of Fenny. Plus this battle of the core formations realms and the spiritual formations were better handled by the young generation.

You Xi Wang saw that two spiritual formation dark dwellers were fighting with four of his cousins. The fifth member of their team was the sniper, hiding in the dark and waiting for a good shot. The fifth member spoke in Fenny's coms, "Fenny, this is the sniper of Team Five. I cannot find a good shot from this angle. The enemy will soon overwhelm the team. What to do?" he was very anxious.

Fenny said, "Chillax, You Xi Wang will handle it." she then relayed the message in a very lax manner, "Baby Wang, team five, close-range support required." a calm voice replied with only one word. Done."

You Xi Wang moved through the field quickly and appeared near team five just when a Dark Dweller escaped the siege of his cousins and was about to attack the team captain You Laila, who was busy facing another dark dweller with her lance, from behind. The two responsible for holding down this guy did not even have time to warn when the dark dweller raised his razor tooth blade, aiming for Laila's neck. 

The man raised his blade, covered in rotten blood stains, the blade curved in the air forming an arc it was about half a meter away from Laila's neck, the dark dweller ginned sinisterly. He thought to himself, 'Such a pretty toy will die. Pity, if only she could let me enjoy a bit before death. Oh, I miss the pleading eyes.'

He suddenly felt his hand go numb. The guy looked at his hand and found it falling down on the ground with a dull thump. Yes, he saw it right. His hand was detached from his shoulder. It was a clean-cut made by You Xi Wang's purgatory. Before he could even find what happened, he felt the world spinning, and he saw a headless figure as the world turned dark.

You Xi Wang slashed the second time and kill him directly by beheading him. The last thing he saw was his own body. Fenny on the roof spoke after a whistle, "First blood."

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