A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 129: Aftermath.

The battle suddenly ended with leaving only half the bodies of the Dark Dwellers. The elders were confused as they did not understand this phenomenon. Mrs. Watson spoke, "It was just like a move of President Book. Infinite space pits."

Ushijima Choma subconsciously nodded to show agreement. She looked at her friend and was shocked. She spoke, "Cami, could it be President Alester is here in the vicinity?"

Camila was also lost in this situation. She shrugged her shoulders. They only put this matter aside when they heard Chen Qianbei's voice calling out for You Xi Wang. They looked down on the ground and saw Neo standing next to You Zhichi, who was anxiously looking around as she held her brother in her arms. They hurried down, the elders followed. You Naixin was the fastest to reach the kids. The whole family gathered. 

You Xi Wang's body was now controlled by the system his consciousness was injured. The Dark Dweller tried to control him by invading his soul sea. Although the system is strong and can prevent some damage, the opponent was two realms higher than him. The damage was significantly big this time. It may take some time to recover. 

You Naixin spoke hurriedly, grabbed his wrist, and her face changed. She spoke to Chen Qianbei, "He is inflicted with dark energy. The spiritual energy inside him is dry and cannot resist the attack."

Chen Qianbei spoke, "How about we try to suppress it for him?"

You Naixin spoke while shaking her head, "This will not work. His attributed elements are not something we can understand. Our attempt might make him suffer."

You Ziyou spoke, "Did you guys feed him any healing medicine?"

You Zhichi, who was in a stupor as she felt her brother's faint breathing, was shocked awake to this sentence. She hurriedly took out a level five healing pill in her hand and stuffed it inside her brother's mouth. The pill fell into his mouth and melted in an instant. The pills were made with ingredients containing high spiritual essence. As soon as the pill melted, the spiritual essence ran through You Xi Wang's body. The system could not let this opportunity go and started circulating the essence according to the five elemental sutras. 

You Xi Wang's body started gathering spiritual energy from the surroundings as well. During the circulation, the different attributes were gradually mixed and formed golden wisps of spiritual energy. The system issued a soul message to You Zhichi, "Take me inside, do not allow others to come near." Yes, for the first time the system spoke to someone other than You Xi Wang's primary consciousness. 

You Zhichi spoke, "He gave me a soul message."

Chen Qianbei asked, "What is it?"

You Zhichi responded, "He wanted to go inside and asked for the other to not approach him."

Everybody exchanged glances. You Qiangda spoke, "Shan Wang, pick up your brother and take him to the cultivation room used by your Uncle Liangxin and Aunty Limao. Hurry."

You Shan Wang appeared in an instant. He bent down and slowly picked up You Xi Wang in his arms. He spoke to You Zhichi, who was looking at all this anxiously, "Xiao Chi, come along."

Yuki spoke at this moment, "Big sis, please take Maya along with him. She is his spirit beast. She is also hurt and without his help, she will not survive. We all have equality contracts." her words made them all realize that You Xi Wang have a spirit beast. Maya was being carried in Yuki's arms. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was faint. This time the injury affected both the physical body and soul sea. 

You Zhichi carefully took Maya in her arms. She made haste towards the cultivation room of her parents. You Shan Wang followed with You Xi Wang in his arms. The two reached the room soon. You Shan Wang waited for his cousin sister to find a mat and place it on the floor. You Zhichi gently placed Maya in her hands on a cushion on the floor and opened a mat for You Xi Wang. You Shan Wang then laid You Xi Wang slowly on the mat. He stood up and said, "Xiao Chi, don't worry about him. He is strong and will recover, but you need to perform the duties of the guardian. The family just finished a big battle. The aftermath is yet to be dealt with."

You Zhichi took a deep breath and nodded. She gently kissed his unconscious brother's forehead and whispered in his ears, "Gougou, wake up soon okay. Big sister needs her hope back to support you."

She stood up and left the room reluctantly with You Shan Wang. While she was closing the door, her gaze was still set on her brother's face. The door closed, and You Zhichi left to deal with the family matters.


Inside the room, You Xi Wang's body gathered the spiritual energy from the surroundings and refined the dark energy slowly. The void near the gate twisted and Alester Book appeared inside the room. He came to You Xi Wang's side and spoke, "Good boy, gave master such a surprise. Thankfully, you are blessed. Your family is also good. They will surely become a pillar of Metropia in the future." his voice was calm and soft. he waved his hand and took out a level nine spirit rejuvenation pill and a level nine soul-nurturing pill. He fed the boy with two pills. With his level, he could see that the soul was hurt. 

After a few moments, he nodded and stood up. The medicine started working, it was now up to You Xi Wang himself to recover. Alester Book looked towards the gathering hall and vanished from the room.


The family and the guests were all now gathered inside the gathering hall. You Zhichi sat on her seat beside the throne while the elders sat in their chairs. The grandmothers and relatives sat behind them while the young people stood in the back. The atmosphere was very heavy. You Zhichi spoke, "The battle may have ended, but the war has just started. Today these scum dared to come and attack our home. I wonder what they will do next." her eyes were cold and domineering. She was not the princess of You Family at this moment but a general of an army. She paused and was about to speak when the void in the center of the hall twisted and an old man appeared. The elders stood up instantly while the other members also took out their weapons. 

The old man saw this and nodded with a smile on his face. Ushijima Choma and Camila Watson were shocked to the core. They hurriedly stepped forward and stood in front of the old man. They both spoke in unison, "Executioner Ushijima (Watson) greets President Book." they then bent their waist a full ninety degrees. The people were confused, but they did not put down their weapons. You Zhichi stood up from her seat and waved her hand as she spoke, "Junior You Zhichi has seen senior Book."

The old man nodded and said, "Are you not going to tell them to put down the weapons?"

You Zhichi spoke with a calm yet cold voice, "Despite the identity, anyone who enters the family gathering hall without permission is an intruder. This action is a deliberate insult to my family and my ancestors. I apologize, but we will not put down our weapons." she took out her own sword after she finished speaking these words. 

Alester Book was shocked at first, but then he started laughing out loud. After a few moments of maniacal laugh he spoke, "I finally understood why my disciple has this never back down attitude. It seems to flow in the veins of your You Family. Good family. I apologize to the members of You Family for barging in in such a rude manner." he then bowed down slightly. 

The elders exchanged a glance and nodded. They had inklings about this man's identity: asking him any further would humiliate him. You Chengxi spoke, "Sir, the grievance between us is now dissolved. Please tell us, how did our family attract your presence." a diplomatic sentence to ease up the situation.

Alester Book nodded and said, "I am You Xi Wang's master. My name is Alester Book, and I am the president of the educational department of the Council of Metropia. Also known as the fifth head of the Council. As for my purpose, here is to tell you all something."

You Chengxi asked again, "Sir, please continue."

Alester spoke in a calm voice, "I have set a defense array in the mansion. It will protect you from these raids. Also, You Xi Wang will recover, so do not worry. If possible, please do not tell anyone that You Xi Wang is my disciple because he would then attract many enemies."

The people in the hall nodded. President Book bade them farewell and left the mansion. Ushijima Choma and Camila Watson stayed. Soon after Susan was done taking care of the wounded people, such as working staff that were working inside the mansion. She left with her mother. They did not see each other much in the past few months. The battle was over and You Family won with no casualties. You Zhichi issued a gag order about You Xi Wang's injury and they would hold a meeting when he recovers. Ushijima Choma helped Snow to recover her parents from the place they were kept at by the Seedling Inc. too bad they were both dead.

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