A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 132: Abolishing Walls.

You Xi Wang suggested using ancient ways of cultivation and everyone accepted it. The children were of the family were also present in the hall and one of them spoke up hesitantly. 

"Uncle Xi Wang, can you tell us what are the advantages of ancient ways?" everyone in the hall focused their gaze on the boy who just spoke. You Xi Wang also looked at him with a surprised expression. 

The seventh Elder reprimanded the boy in a light voice, "Jojo, do you not know one should not question the master of the family. Do you know how big is the punishment for this crime?" this boy was called Jojo. He was the grandson of the seventh elder. The boy's parents were also present in the hall they were scared that their child might be punished and the mother couldn't help but step in front of the boy and bowed to You Xi Wang. She spoke in a pleading tone, "Young Master, please forgive the child. I will take the punishment on his behalf. Please spare my son."

Before anyone else could even react, You Xi Wang spoke in a questioning tone, "Sister-in-law, is your son, not my nephew? What crime did he commit to be punished? He just asked me about the advantages of the ways I suggested. Also, Grandpa Shengyu (seventh elder) you guys need to be flexible about the rules. We live in the age of reasoning. So question if you do not understand my motive because it will help you grow. Only by questioning can you find the truth. Oh, my lords, sister-in-law stand up already. I swear I am not joking."

Everyone was surprised because they never thought that the family leader would allow them to ask questions. Jojo's mother Hailey stood up and looked at the young man in front of her. You Xi Wang sat down n front of the throne with his legs crossed. The elders stood up from their chairs. You Chengxi asked, "Young Master, why are you sitting on the ground?"

You Xi Wang shook his head and said, "It is such a boring thing to tell you all to be frank with me every time. I will talk to the kids now. Humph." he pursed his lips and beckoned the children with his hand to come to him. They all hesitated a bit. Celestia and Lily were the first to move and came in front of him. You Xi Wang saw them he smiled. The atmosphere eased a lot. You Xi Wang was blessed with a smile that could melt stones. He hugged both the girls in his arms. He spoke to the family while holding both the girls in his arms. 

"When I woke up this morning. I realized that I am actually a stranger to you all now. Right? When I used to fall sick in the past, I was looked out for by at least three people. Whether it was grandmothers, aunts, or cousins. After mom and dad left, things changed a lot. Of course, change is necessary, but this change kinda made me an outsider in this big mansion. I challenged the throne because I wanted to carry on the dreams my parents had and not because I wanted to have hegemony in the house. Though you all still love me. This halo of the family leader made me someone you all look at from a distance. My elders bow down to me, fearing I will punish my juniors. Is there anything more laughable? If I cannot be someone you can open up to, then I'd rather quit being the master of the family."

His tone was calm, yet the eyes were filled with sadness. He really did not like his family to isolate him because of this leader halo. He was the leader, but for whom? Was it not for the family itself? But if the family was going to see him as a sacred being, then fuck it. He would rather be a normal member of the family minding his own business. The people held themselves in contempt. Only now did they realize how they had isolated this boy unintentionally. Everyone started forming plans on who to ease up the situation when they all woke up to a scream. 

The source was You Xi Wang, whose ear was held and twisted by his sister, You Zhichi. The boy was screaming hysterically. Xia Xue spoke first, "Zhichi, why are you hurting Xiao Wang, quickly let go."

You Xi Wang talked between his screaming, "See grandma, this girl doesn't love me anymore. Oh, someone, help me."

You Zhichi squinted her eyes and twisted the ear harder. This time the pain was real and You Xi Wang begged, "Okay, I give up. I GIVE UP, CHICHI. LET GO, PLEASE. I DEPEND ON MY FACE TO EAT."

You Zhichi laughed out loud and said, "First Grandma, you see this. This brat was acting and pulling a prank on you all."

Everyone was more surprised. They wanted to beat this boy so much. Celestia spoke, "Everyone, how about we give him a tickle punishment. Hehe."

You Zhichi spoke, "I agree. Come Celes, let's teach this big guy a lesson." she squatted down and started tickling You Xi Wang. Celestia and Lily also joined in. You Xi Wang started laughing and spoke, "Hahaha, I give up. Hahaha, let... hahaha... me go, Oh hahaha, my ribs hurt. Hahaha."

Everyone lady and child in the family tickled him at least once. This time he was not seen as the master of the family. This was the motive You Xi Wang had behind this act. He wanted the people to know that the family leader was also a human being like themselves and they can act normally. The respect and awe among one's own family members would isolate one, and an isolated person can never make the right decisions. To make your family grow, you must first become one with the family.

After the tickling session was over. Everyone stood neatly back to their places, leaving a soft-body You Xi Wang on the floor who was curled up like a dumpling. He was panting and his face was red. Hair was scattered. He shakily stood up and sat down on the throne. after catching his breath he asked, "What else did you all do in the past week?"

You Zhichi said, "We activated the intelligence and the assassination squads. They achieved good results with no casualties."

You Xi Wang sat up straight, "I want a full report about this."

You Naixin stood up and said, "A week ago we activated our people inside the dark side. Especially the people of the Colt family. These people were a group of children who topped the training session. They were all placed into the social circle of the dark dwellers of the colt family. The children were ordered to gain the trust of these people and wait for the order to execute and vanish. After the battle when you were injured, Master Alester Book set-up a formation around the mansion to stop these scums from invasion. Zhichi ordered that we should strike back. We should attack from the shadow so that these scums live in the fear of being hunted down constantly. Till today we have collected 21 of these scums. All of them are the younger generation of the Colt family and the people related to the dark side in the Mirai Group."

You Xi Wang was pleasantly surprised by this news. He turned to his sister and gave a big thumbs up. You Zhichi smiled. You Xi Wang asked a question, "What are the chances that this could lead them to our foundation?"

You Naixin spoke, "No chance at all. Our agents always changed their faces by disguises or transfiguration techniques. They also destroyed their fake identities. I have made sure this does not lead back to us. But just in case it does, we have collected all the evidence of these people being dark dwellers. The evidence is enough to kill some major big shots of the Miria Group."

You Xi Wang flashed a bright smile. His grin was so wide that his eyes turned into crescents. He spoke, "You are so awesomely sneaky granny Xin. I love you to death." although it was a compliment to You Naixin. This boy deliberately added the word 'Sneaky' to take a hidden jab at You Naixin. 

But too bad the jab was spotted by You Naixin. Her figure flickered, and she shot at You Xi Wang to teach him a lesson. You Xi Wang was also ready for this attack. He picked up Maya and ran away, leaving a loud shout, "THE MEETING IS ADJOURNED. GRANDMOTHERS, YOU ALL MAKE PANCAKES FOR US TONIGHT. BYE BYE." his speed was so fast that You Naixin could not catch up to him without getting serious. But this was all just their regular teasing and playing, so she could only come back to the gathering hall while shaking her head. She had a smile on her face.

Everyone else in the hall also smiled. At this moment, Xia Xue clapped her hands to gather the attention of everyone. She spoke after succeeding in her goal, "You all may think that what Xiao Wang said earlier about isolating him was just a prank, but I can feel that he really misses his parents and the love from the past. You all need to realize that he is not some old monster, but just a teenager. He is like a young plant that needs support and nourishment to grow into a big tree. Xiao Chi twisted his ear to save you all from guilt, and that silly boy also followed her lead. This pair of siblings is a gift to our family. So I ask you all not to objectify them into something sacred. They are children who need love." she paused and turned to face You Zhichi, who had her head bowed a little. She walked up to her and patted her head as she said, "Xiao Chi, you silly girl. You have grown so much. take a break and come with grandma. Learn some cooking. Okay?"

You Zhichi directly hugged her first grandmother and started sobbing into her bosom. The crowd only scattered when they all pampered You Zhichi a bit. You Xi Wang watched all this from a distance and smiled. He nodded and put on his helmet to go out of the house.

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