A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 182: Poor General.

You Xi Wang's remark shocked the whole court even the queen herself did not expect such an outburst from him. 

You Xi Wang stayed unaffected and asked, "I have always heard that elves are close to nature and would do nothing to destroy it, yet you guys went forward with the creation of an artificial earthen substance? Are you serious? This is blasphemy." he spoke as if he, himself was an elf. 

The team did not understand why the captain was so irritated and triggered. How were they to know that he was a traveler from another world, who grew up reading about the fantasy races? You Zhichi patted his back and said, " Calm down. Let her finish." 

She turned to the queen and spoke in a soft voice, "I apologize for my brother's rudeness, Your Majesty. He is a kid, I hope you will be generous."

The queen looked at the two in a daze, then she sighed, "No, what he said is right. It is our own doings that put us in such a situation. The four Elven races of Elfheim are now three."

You Xi Wang spoke, "What do you mean?" 

He did not make any wild guess this time. This whole event has made him realize the elves were not as he remembered them to be. The stories he read on earth had nothing to do with this world. 

The queen spoke in a somber tone, "The high elves, after failing the research, committed mass suicide. They were a proud race of people when they discovered the failure and realized how harmful it was for the world. They took penance and killed themselves."

You Xi Wang sneered as he spoke, "Penance? More like an easy way out. Humph, high elves." His voice was not loud, but it was dripped in strong disdain. A magic creature race like high elves became such a coward. Unacceptable.

The queen spoke, "Young friend You Xi Wang, we elves also want to return to our old ways but we cannot. The laboratory was developed around our holy tree you saw when you came inside. It was a representation of technology and nature. Now only the holy tree can save our race, but we cannot get inside that lab complex. We are hopeless."

You Xi Wang saw the queen was depressed. She had unconsciously put down her aura veil, revealing a face he could describe. Even beautiful itself could not justify her. 

The system spoke, [Ask them if you could help? In return, get a place near that spirit Lake. The whole team will have a chance of getting through the primal soul.]

You Xi Wang sighed, closed his eyes, and spoke, "What can you give me if my team solved it for you?"

Today he was on a surprising streak. It started with recognizing the elves, then threatening the guards, scolding the queen, and now this. You Zhichi and the others could understand the unstable emotional state, but this is too much. The phantoms even thought that You Xi Wang has been taken over by some alien species for a moment. 

The queen was also surprised when she heard this outlander help them. She got excited and if not for the temperament and manners of a queen, she would have embraced him. She took a deep breath and calmed down her emotions, then she spoke, "Elfheim will be forever grateful to you all. I promise to fulfill all the reasonable demands you have. Please speak freely."

You Xi Wang nodded and spoke, "If we successfully solved your problem, I and my team will get to practice in the spirit lake for the time we stay in this dimension."

The queen thought about it and spoke, "Agreed. The spirit lake will be open for you all."

You Xi Wang spoke, "I would like to have a copy of your computer technology from the research lab to study."

The queen agreed to this condition as well. The elves planned to stop developing technologies for the time being and knowing that You Xi Wang was an outlander, he posed no risk to them. If he made any malicious moves against them, then he will be dealt with by the three Elven races. 

You Xi Wang spoke, "Apart from our accommodations, please get us the scout and recon details of the defense system on the labs. I understand you might not trust me completely, so call over some high-ranking military officials for discussion. Before we try to raid, we need to develop a strategy. We cannot go in blindly."

The queen nodded with a calm face, but inside she was shocked. She guessed this handsome boy in front of him to be 18-19, in front of an elf that is just a toddler, yet You Xi Wang's way of thinking was that of a war veteran. She spoke in a sonorous voice, "Sasha, come to us."

Sasha was the queen's handmaid. She has been waiting outside the classroom, I mean the courtroom to attend to her needs. She heard the voice of the queen and walked inside the courtroom. The Queen spoke, "Call over, General Miles. Tell him the outlanders will help us in the matters of the lab."

Sasha was also surprised to hear it. She then spoke in a somewhat hesitant manner, "Your majesty, General Miles, he is difficult. Are you really sure?"

The queen nodded, Sasha understood the queen has decided. She bowed to the queen and left the courtroom to complete the task. You Xi Wang spoke, "Your majesty, what kind of person is General Miles?"

The queen sighed and said, "The leader of the warrior elf race. A man of outstanding strength. He is an upright man, but he only recognizes those who are stronger than him. So things might get a little difficult while you talk to him."

You Xi Wang was not surprised at all. He spoke with a sigh, "Huh, another brawns for the brain. It's fine, Your majesty. I know, how to deal with him."

Behind him, his team was already betting about who will win among the two. The queen was now numb to surprise and shocks. She calmly waited for the general to arrive. Soon a loud knock sounded on the courtroom door. Sasha spoke, "Your highness, the general asked the outlanders to see him in the training field."

The queen shook her head, an embarrassed smile surfaced on her face. She was about to speak to You Zhichi and the others when You Xi Wang stood up and said, "Come, let's go, the general is waiting." he glanced at the queen and shook his head in disappointment. You Xi Wang was master of the family, his majesty. His commands were not to be defied and challenged at any costs. If someone did it, he would have beaten that person half-inch to death. Yet now he saw THE QUEEN of a race reacting like this to a defiant general. He was disappointed. 

The queen sensed his gaze and bit her lower lip. She was a leader and despite being pushed around by the others, she could sense the loathing in You Xi Wang's gaze. She did not know how to match eyes with him. Without speaking a word, she led the others through the edifice and came to the big backyard. This backyard was a desolate area, known as the training field. This place was the domain of the general. You Xi Wang saw a stalwart figure with shining silver armor standing in the center of the field.

The man looked very handsome. His silver-white hair styled in a crew cut made him look even more awe aspiring. On his back hung a broad sword. He glanced towards the group and everyone sensed a strong battle aura radiating from the man training to suppress them. 

"Humph." a snort rang out and dispersed the aura. The snort was made by You Zhichi. Although she was the calm and generous Celestial Maiden. She hated arrogant men, except her brother obviously.

The general looked at the source of the snort and was surprised. His eyes were glued to You Zhichi. He spoke, "Outlanders can be beautiful. Hahaha, good. Lady, I have selected you to be my bride. I have never married, but you just made me fall in love with you. Haha haha... I am..." before he could finish his words, a cold aura radiated throughout the field. The general noticed the anomaly. 

He saw a handsome boy staring at him with dead, cold eyes. He smiled, "This beautiful boy is this lady your companion? Hahaha... don't worry, you will not suffer. I will let a beauty from my clan be with you."

Fenny raised her eyebrows and said in a low voice, "Okay, he just booked a ticket to ninth hell."

The others nodded. The team was shivering. Not because they were excited, but they were scared. They have seen You Xi Wang dealing with people who speak ill of her sister. Yuki spoke in a cold voice, "Crippled for sure."

Neo spoke, "Half an inch from death."

Allan spoke while he shook his head, "Poor Elf."

The queen heard all these remarks and asked, "What are you all talking about?"

Lena spoke, "Your general, just woke up a devil, he shouldn't have. Please inform your medical staff to be prepared."

The queen was confused, and she looked at You Xi Wang, who had a faint smile on his face. She then matched his eye level. The queen took three steps back when she sensed the chill in You Xi Wang's gaze. She was genuinely scared.

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