A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 213: Coming To A Closure.

You Xi Wang flew back to stand with his sister after Alester Book dealt with the last Nirvana Rebirth dark dweller. He glanced at his master and was about to say something when the space cracked and Achilles arrived on the spot. He glanced at Animo Albus and bowed slightly. The lady only nodded, stating that she was the senior here. Achilles then spoke to Alester Book directly, "What the fuck happened here?"

Alester Book spoke, "My disciple exercised revenge on some white-collared Dark Dwellers."

Achilles' gaze landed on You Xi Wang. The boy bowed and spoke, "The junior has seen Council Elder." his sister and all the phantom team members and You family forces bowed slightly. Despite the appearance, every one of these three people was a few centuries old. This respect was earned by sheding blood and sweat. The spiritual energy in the beginning was not abundant and the understanding of dao was shallow as well. You Xi Wang and the others could be said to have born in the era when the spirituality of Metropia was reviving. Yet this era was not chaotic as the revival of spirituality was not happening for the first time.

Throughout the history of the planet there has been resurgence in spirituality and dao understandings. It was this chain of high and low that made the ancestoral experts understand that if they kept fighting each other it will spell disaster for the world and the people in it. Thus established the council of metropia. 

Falling back to our story, Achilles asked You Xi Wang, "Child, why did you not call the council for support?" his tone was calm and still.

You Xi Wang replied, "Senior, this guy dared to take away my parents from me. Then he set eyes on my sister. I had to kill him and every single dark scum in his circle. The council code of law allows one to exercise revenge on the dark dwellers by themselves. Plus I did not want to move the gaint like the council to deal with this scum."

Achilles nodded and then he turned to Animo Albus, "Senior Animo, according to your information. We located this person's wife. How do you wish to deal with her?" this statement shocked You Xi Wang a lot. He glanced at te cold graceful figure standing beside him. Animo smiled faintly at him and said, "Achilles, hand over that insect to my disciple and her brother. It is a gift to them from me."

Achilles nodded and a cage appeared in front of everyone. Inside the cage laid a woman, she was unconscious, her black hair were scattered all over her face and she had a good figure. Expect for some wounds on her body she was definitely a beauty. You Xi Wang's gaze was fixed on her. You Zhichi patted on his shoulder and spoke, "Thank, master. Deal with her later."

You Xi Wang directly knelt down in front of the three council elders and banged his head nine times on the ground. The youth of the You family and four original phantoms followed his actions. You Xi Wang got up only after the rest of the people were done knocking their head. The three elders understood why the You family youths would bow down to them but the four from the phantom team doing the same made Alester Book ask, "Childdren, why do you kowtow to us?"

Neo nudged Allan, who spoke, "Senior, Xiao Wang, has done a lot for us. Sometimes he would brave dangers to save our lives or sometimes to just teach us something. It is because of him that we have achieved the strength we have today. His parents also, always treated us all as their own so in a way you have helped us too. Please accept our kowtow." his words immediately made the three understand that the children reacted this way because of the virtue of You Xi Wang's parents. They nodded and with a thought they made everyone stand up. 

You Xi Wang spoke, "Master, can we leave now?" he tried to hide but the chill in his voice was obvious. If it was left to him he would have started to torture this couple of bugs right here right now. Everyone sensed his killing intent boiling. Alester Book nodded and spoke, "Let us come along with you."

He waved his hands and Edward Colt was thrown inside the cage along with his wife as well. Then the cage closed and vanished in thin air. The space ring these three guys had were capable of storing living things. These rings were exclusive on to the elders of the council. Then the group of people boarded the vehicles. You Xi Wang drove his car with his sister sitting shotgun. The vehicle ran very fast. They were tired after the battle and You Xi Wang had no spiritual energy left to fly thus they chose to drive. 

It took them four hours to get back home. Inside You family mansion the whole family was standing to welcome them and everyone else. It was now noon. Celestia stood in front holding a big cake with You Fengxian's help. She spoke, "Big brother, see I made the cake. You won write?"

You Xi Wang glanced at You Fengxian who said while blinking at him, "You won the race right?"

The kids in the family were not told about the raid and thus they made the excuse of a race. You Xi Wang nodded and said, "Celes, sweetheart, how about we cut the cake after everyone has taken a bath? It will taste better then. Also, this red bean jelly looks very good." he praised her with a smile on his face. His words made all the children cheer. You Zhichi on the side told him with telepathy, "They all bought the ingredients with their own credits and they made it by themselves too. All the kids shared and contributed."

He was touched and spoke, "Okay, since you all made something for us, Big brother will cook something for you. Okay?"

The kids cheered again and then they took the cake inside with You Xi Wang. The elders went straight to the gathering hall. The kids were asked to go and rest while every single cultivator of the family was asked to be present in the gathering hall. You Xi Wang stepped inside the hall and spoke lightly, "Maya."

Ever since that moment in Edward Colt's place when You Xi Wang awakened his martial spirit, Maya has been hiding inside his shadow. Although at first she ran outside but when she thought about You Xi Wang facing the danger alone she came and hid inside the shadow. Now that the boy called her name she appeared by his side looking as graceful as ever. She walked up to the throne with You Xi Wang in the lead and sat down beside his feet. You Zhichi sat on the chair designated for the guardian of the family. 

Alester Book, Animo Albus, and Achilles were given a chair next to the elders of the family. The rest of the people all stood behind the elders. Achilles asked Alester Book in surprise, "This family follows the code of four mythical beasts?" he was communicating with telepathy. 

Alester Book nodded and replied, "Why else do you thing that boy is so capable? They posses the tome of four beasts it is within their bloodline. No one can snatch it away. Interesting no?"

Achilles nodded in agreement. Just when they were to continue their discussion You Xi Wang spoke, "Master, The cage please."

Alester Book nodded and threw the cage from his space ring out in the center of the hall. You Xi wang stood up and spoke to the family, "The sinners of You family have been caught. How do you suggest we punish them."

The hall descended in silence and a powerful aura radiated through out the room. This aura came from family members inside the hall. The elders from the council were shocked to see this. They have seen people hating the dark dwellers but this rage was something they have never felt. Chen Qianbei spoke, "Thunder lash, ice sense poison, do anything you want You Xi Wang. I want to here their cries. You are given a free reign on how you make them beg you for death. Do it."

The hall rang out with the cries of the same, "DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT!!!!!!"

You Xi Wang nodded and stood up from his chair. He walked up to the chair and half on to it. He spoke, "What happens here is not to be spoken outside, Understood?"

The primal soul realm people in the room all deployed a soul barrier of their own. You Xi Wang held the cage and used his lightning spiritual energy. A current ran through the cage material. It made the two bugs inside wake up with a scream. You Xi Wang did not hold back and used his whole strength. The bugs inside woke up with screams. 


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