A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 222: The Bow Awakens.

You Xi Wang and You Zhichi spent some more time dealing with the business matters and then they left the office. Before going back home they stopped by the hospital to meet Maddison. Daina told them that the teacher woke up for a bit in the noon. She cried a lot and because of fatigue, she fell asleep a few minutes before the two arrived. 

You Xi Wang did not bother her again and after talking to Daina he left the hospital. The only difference was that Susan tagged along with them for the ride. She was living in the You Mansion. You naixin took her in because she was worried about her safety from the dark side. Also, her mother was a council employee which endangered her even more. So as one of the future daughters-in-law of the family how could they avoid the threat? 

The drive was quite merry as Susan and You Zhichi kept talking about the stuff that happened in the past month. You Xi wang wanted to interject but he was sidelined by the two many times so he just listened quietly like a good driver. He drove them home and went back to his room. Celestia and Lily had made his room their den in his absence. As usual when he returned the two girls were reading something while eating cakes. They hugged You Xi Wang for greeting and then went back to reading. 

You Xi Wang took a shower and said to the two little fairies, "You two will be my guards alongside Maya okay?"

The girls agreed instantly and sat down with rapt attention. Maya came out of You Xi Wang's shadow and stretched herself. She walked in front of the two girls and laid down on their laps. It was her way of saying, 'service me, peasants.' The two girls were very happy to have Maya in front of them and they stroked her soft fur gently. You Xi Wang shook his head and took out the beautiful white bow from his space ring. 

He activated an isolation array disk and a defensive spirit barrier array disk before he started meditating. Tonight, his goal was to interact with the bow and start refining it as one of his spirit weapons. His cultivation realm was okay and it was firm. But if he ran ahead like a fool then the foundation will collapse and it will be a disaster for him. So, he decided to awaken the spirit inside the bow or to comprehend the intent of the weapon. 

You Xi Wang put down the bow in his lap as he sat down cross-legged with his eyes closed. Spiritual energy circulated through his body and then even passed through the bow. You Xi Wang first focused on the intent of the weapon. What is the intent of the bow and arrow?

The bow will launch an arrow that can pierce throw blockades and pierce through the enemy. You Xi Wang recalled a tale from the earth where a clan of warriors won over half of the china with bows. With this idea as his base, he started comprehension of the intent of the bow. You Xi Wang was diligent when it came to cultivation and soon it was unknown when he entered the state of nothingness.

His mind kept comprehending the intent while his body was calm. The system did not interfere this time. In the past when You Xi Wang comprehended the intent of the weapons system gave him a hand to increase his mental strength but now that You Xi Wang was a full-fledged cultivator this help was not required. The system went on to read more about the computer science of Metropia using the Codex Hall account. 

Time passed very quickly and the two little girls fell asleep sprawled over Maya's soft fur. Maya at this moment had a confused expression on her face. She was thinking about how she, who asked for a massage suddenly became a pillow. But she was helpless, these girls were very cute to her. The mentality of a beast would evolve rapidly. They would become adults from a teen in a matter of hours. This all was the effect of the spirit energy. The beasts were blessed with superior physiques and rapid growth yet they lacked the power to comprehend.  The humans were quite reverse then beasts. They had a strong comprehension but they had weak physiques. 

It was past midnight when the bow in You Xi Wang's hand shivered slightly. You Xi Wang did not open his eyes but Maya raised her head slightly to look at him. The majestic white beast squinted her eyes as she felt a piercing sensation radiating from You Xi Wang. She grabbed the two children using the collar of their shirts. Then Maya walked a certain distance away from You Xi Wang. Maya was a smart spirit beast. She flickered through the shadows and appeared outside of the room. {IKR, she is so sneaky that security can't do anything to her} 

Maya used Shadow to step all the way to You Zhichi's bedroom. You Zhichi's scent trail led her there. At this moment the Heavenly Maiden was playing cards with Emily and Susan. Maya appeared next to her out of nothing. Maya waved her claws at her. You Zhichi was smart enough and she said, "Something happened to Gougou?"

Maya nodded and You Zhichi ran to You Xi Wang's room. Maya also used Shadow steps to follow. Susan and Emily were too slow to catch up but still, they hurried over. You Zhichi opened the door and walked in. She saw You Xi Wang holding a bow in his hand and radiating a strong piercing intent. Maya came over to the bedside and You Zhichi saw two girls sleeping carelessly. She shook her head. 

The intent was in the form of a seed and it will grow stronger. That strength was not something these children could face. Yet they were sleeping with even drool coming out of their mouths. You Zhichi picked them up and walked out of the room. She spoke to Emily and Susan who just came over, "Cordon off this area. This brat started comprehending the intent of bow and arrow without any notice. Also, these two girls are just the same as him. They were drooling in their sleep. If not for Maya being smart something bad could have happened."

Emily took the two girls in her arms and walked towards their rooms. Susan checked the two girls on the way and declared everything to be fine. You Zhichi stood at the door as a guard and Maya accompanied her. As You Zhichi cultivated at the door Maya sat with her vigilance high. It was just before dawn when You Zhichi sensed the door of the room giving off a dangerous feeling. She and Maya quickly moved away and the whole door was filled with holes as big as an adult's fist.

A loud eagle's call echoed throughout the whole mansion. A figure flashed out of the holed door. You Zhichi looked inside the room and found her brother nowhere. She spread out her soul sense and was shocked by what she witnessed. You Xi Wang was flying high in the sky. His speed was too fast and he was holding a glowing white bow in his hand. 

After a few minutes, You Xi Wang landed on the ground. You Xi Wang noticed a different pupil in his eyes. Her shock amplified. You Xi Wang blinked and his eyes returned to normal. You Xi Wang sensed the unrest of his elder sister and said, "Spirit augmentation. Perks of using the Bow Of Vandria. Swift eagle spirit enhances my speed in air and the extra pupil provides me a bird's eye view."

You Zhichi was surprised at this development, but she was very happy for her brother's improvement. She spoke, "Congratulations on comprehending the intent of the bow."

You Xi Wang gave her a sheepish grin. He replied, "I only sat down to meditate and had no idea this would happen. Celes and Lily are okay, right?"

YouZhichi nodded and said, "Yes, they are fine Maya came to me in time and I took the kids out. Though your room will need a make-over."

You Xi Wang sighed and nodded. This room was designed by his mother and thus he was slightly down as he caused damage to it. He spoke, "It's fine, You design the layout this time."

You Zhichi spoke, "Why me and not your pretty future wives?" her tone was teasing.

You Xi Wang smiled at said, "They can do it in the future big sis. What's the hurry? Also, you stayed here for the whole night? Go get some rest. I will also take a wash."

You Zhichi nodded and said, "We need to report at the academy. Do pack your gear and also, some medicines. I feel this time the battles won't be easy." her tone was solemn. She had a bad premonition regarding this battle fest solo competition. You Xi Wang nodded to her and after sending Maya along with her he walked to Emily's room to take a bath.

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