A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 228: Face Breaking.

You Xi Wang and the others walked to the Arena Of Gods. Today You Zhichi was not wearing a mask as You Xi Wang purposefully to it away from her and then did not return it to her. A lot of young geniuses were attracted to her and the same could be said about girls who saw You Xi Wang wearing his black body-fitted battle armor. They entered inside after showing their ID tags. 

A young man wearing the golden battle armor suddenly walked up to You Xi Wang. He stood in front of him with a proud face. You Xi Wang raised his eyebrow. The boy spoke with a haughty manner, "You are the silica city captain, right?"

You Xi Wang was even more arrogant, who did this guy think he was to come over and make him talk? Was he worthy?" The boy in the black suit was pissed off from yesterday and this was a very good object to express his anger. But before he could do anything he felt a hand on his shoulder, it was You Zhichi. The heavenly maiden spoke, "Calm down, reign it in."

Her words were meant for him to control his wild battle lust. You Xi Wang nodded and took a deep breath. He replied to the boy with a poker face, "Yes, I am."

The man in the golden suit nodded and said, "I am Klaus Van Claude. Captain of Imperial City team. I challenge you for a fight." his tone was very impatient. This guy has been wanting to fight against You Xi Wang ever since the day he delivered the closing speech. Today finally he can be face to face with him. He could not hold on and Issued a challenge publically. You Xi Wang had a firm Martial Heart and his Martial Spirit. 

These two things did not allow him to back down or it may cause his cultivation to regress. He spoke with his eyebrow risen, "I accept. Let's go sign the agreement. If I by chance broke you to pieces, I don't want to be called in for." his tone was cold. He was raging to go at this guy right now. How dare he challenge him.

You Zhichi did not say anything but said to the team behind her, "Let's pray it is not too painful." late night after discussion You Xi Wang, You Zhichi, and Alexis Sanchez were pinned as the leaders. Although it was not official, they were all tied for first. You Zhichi and You Xi Wang did not fight with all their strength and mutually called a tie. But when they hear You Zhichi's words to Jack and Misty they thought she was asking them to pray for her brother.

After all the opponent was the captain of the imperial city. The Arena of gods allowed people to challenge each other and since the incident took place in the public it spread like wildfire. A staff attendant led the two people to a special ring. He told them, "Arena of God, allows people to challenge each other but you cannot main or cripple each other. Duel is a matter of honor so if you are found using and despicable methods. You will be rectified immediately."

The two people nodded and stepped into the ring. Their Holo-phones rang and they selected the agreement between each other. They made a pact for an all-out fight but no killing was allowed. Klaus said to the black-armored boy in front of him, "Are you ready?"

You Xi Wang only nodded and a holographic countdown started in front of him. As soon as the countdown finished, You Xi Wang jumped in the air and made a roundhouse kick. Klaus had already rushed at him when the bell sound originated. This was a nano-second advantage but it was a good advantage.

The kick connected and Klaus took back two steps, but You Xi Wang a person who would let him toy with him? Never, so his figure flicked, and next second a big BOOM sounded. You Xi Wang punched the daylight out of the retreating Klaus. The golden boy took another two steps back. Unfortunately, for the golden boy, they were allowed to use weapons. You Xi Wang took out his bow and shot a spirit marble. 

Suddenly, Klaus felt dizzy and the next thing he knew was pain. You Xi Wang rained his body with punches. He wore his jade brawler gloves and the barrage began. He used everything he could think of, uppercut, liver blows, one-two combination, hook. As if he was not content enough You Xi Wang started to mix in kicks with his blows. The audience was flabbergasted as they saw the Imperial City Captian getting thrashed that too without a chance of counter. 

You Xi Wang was suddenly the devil. 


In the Education Department Headquarter, Alester Book was drinking tea as he scrolled the MetroFrame. He suddenly saw an acquaintance broadcasting live. Out of curiosity, he clicked it open, and the next moment he sprayed the tea in his mouth with a puff. His colleague was an attendant in the Arena of Gods and right now he was displaying the golden boy being tortured by You Xi Wang. 

He was shocked because this golden boy was Achilles's grandson. This boy was a little haughty but his skills were not bad. He immediately dialed Achilles's number to tell him about the situation.


Meanwhile, The golden boy successfully distanced himself from You Xi Wang and roared. Lightning covered his body. Lightning is the most ferocious element. It can deal devastating damage. He took out a sword and rushed toward You Xi Wang. The phantom did not budge. His figure flashed all over the ring avoiding the attacks made by Klaus. You Xi Wang muttered, "Humph, so you learned thunder slashes."

You Xi Wang took out his spear and started to counter Klaus. The audience around the ring gasped, the wind around them turned turbulent all of a sudden. You Xi Wang waved his spear, he was dancing as he countered Klause's sword attacks.


They were unaware that high above in the sky two people were looking down at them. They were Achilles and Alester Book. Achilles spoke, "Fuck you old man, you tell me this young one is your disciple?"

Alester Book spoke with pride, "Yes."

Achilles spoke in a lamenting manner, "This boy saw through Thunder Swords. His battle prowess is insane and I can say that he is still holding back."

Alester Book replied, "Hmmm, young Klaus is also holding back but his means are not as layered as Wang'er's"

Achilles spoke, "Yes, You Xi Wang is accumulating aura. Klaus has never suffered a set back this is a good chance, but I just hope You Xi Wang is not too hard and breaks his martial heart."


Down in the ring, You Xi Wang stopped in his tracks and aimed his spear at Klaus who stood wrapped in lightning holding a sword. A 9 feet long lightning snake formed over his head. He spoke to You Xi Wang, "If you can take on this move then I will admit defeat."

You Xi Wang exhaled heavily, the wind started to gather above his head and a twenty feet big foggy white dragon formed over his head. Klaus was surprised but then nodded in appreciation. In this battle, he has found out that he is not invincible. A slight sword intent radiated from his sword. 

You Xi Wang raised his eyebrow and let loose his spear intent. The two people charged at each other and the audience backed away in advance. 


As soon as the two people collided Klaus's face changed. He was able to sense the aura radiated from You Xi Wang's spear intent, the dragon's head had increased by five times. He heard a voice, "Since you held back, I will also hold back. Yet still, you are a good opponent. You made me bright to 60% of this move."

Klaus roared, "Lightning Viper slash."

You Xi Wang spoke in a cold voice, "Five-Fold, piercing dragon."

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