A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 231: Identity Revealed.

You Zhichi walked off the rind, but the barbarian lying in the blood pool flicked his finger. A silver needle flickered moving at a fast speed toward You Zhichi's neck. The referee was not prepared for someone to take such a step even after his warning. The first thing to do was to save You Zhichi.

The Heavenly Maiden was exhausted after the first time use of her Martial Spirit. Her guard was down, after all, who would dare to sneak up and attack in the Arena of gods? Well, she was wrong. In the sky, Animo Albus moved but the distance is too great. 

The lady screamed, "Chi'er, move." her voice was still faster to reach the maiden than her body. You Xi Wang moved, his soul sense was locked onto the ring from the moment the referee announced the start of the battle. The moment the barbarian's hateful gaze landed on the back of his sister. He had moved. 

His figure flickered and with an azure glow, he appeared behind You Zhichi and caught the needle accurately. The referee sighed in relief. He turned to the barbarian and spoke in a loud voice, "WHAT COURAGE? HOW DARE YOU COMMIT THIS BLASPHEMY IN THE ARENA OF GODS? YOU MONGREL!!!"

The barbarian trembled yet in his eyes the defiance prevailed. The referee waved his hand and two guards walked up. He roared, "Hold him in confinement. He will be dealt after the battles today finish."

You Xi Wang spoke at this moment, "Elder, may I say something?"

The referee nodded to him. You Xi Wang said, "Can you make him stay here and watch the rest of the battles? He attacked my sister. I want to exercise the right to punish. He must not leave my sight."

The referee has yet to answer when another barbarian clamored, "I would like to see, what color are your guts to speak like this. Do you think my barbarian clan will let this happen?"

The speaker was none other than contender number 38. The actual leader of their team. Usually, this person would have kept quiet. He would have even let the council deal with his teammate. But You Xi Wang dared to meddle. Unacceptable! 

You Xi Wang gave him a bland gaze and said, "I am counting on your attack to stop me. That would give me the reason to make you and your whole clan know, how blissful death can be." his calm appearance made people shudder. People would be calm only when they are sure of themself. 

The barbarian refuted, "Humph, you wish. I will tear you apart. Then I will visit your home and erase your family from existence." he was angry.

You Xi Wang became even calmer as he heard this. Terrifying killing intent radiated from him. The barbarian was surprised, this porcelain-faced kid, how could he reveal such a dense killing intent. You Xi Wang spoke to the referee in a cold voice, "Is it possible for us to fight right away? We are both contender number 38."

The referee shook his head, he said, "The rules are meant to be followed."

You Xi Wang spoke, "Strong make the rule." he paused and raised his head to the sky, "Esteemed seniors, would you not empower the rights given to us juniors by the council?"

Everyone thought that You Xi Wang was acting mysteriously. The barbarian sneered at this sight but suddenly the scolding of the judge, the humiliation by the crowd aimed at You Xi Wang, that he imagined did not come. His gaze was focused on You Xi Wang and did not glance around at anyone else. He shifted his eyes to look at the referee and found him glancing at the sky. 

He raised his head and was shocked by the sight. The 9 elders, who were recognized and revered by everyone, stood in the void. The sacred aura radiated from them. Everyone present sensed an impulse to bow down to them. The barbarian was shocked to see such a strong line-up. 

In his mind, a series of questions flashed, 'Why are they here? Is this normal for them to appear in such an event? This guy, who is he to make the elders of the council come forward."

No one knew, when they had appeared, Animo Albus's shout was isolated, could only be heard by the person she meant for it to be heard by. So nobody knew when they arrived. Ironically, even the elders except for Alester Book and Animo Albus were all shocked to see this youngster perceive their presence. 

You Xi Wang flew up in the sky, he stood in front of Alester Book and bowed down to him. He said, "The disciple calls to Master for a fair ruling."

His words and actions shocked everyone. They did not expect him to be a disciple of the elder of the council. Klaus in the crowd was equally surprised. He smiled bitterly as he shook his head, 'This guy hid too deep.'

Alester Book has not yet spoken when Animo Albus spoke in a high tone. She did not hide her voice anymore, "Wang'er, Martial aunt approves of your proposal. I ask the elders and the participants, does anyone has any objections?"

No one came forward. The barbarian's face changed. Alester Book heard the command of his senior sister and approved You Xi Wang to take action. The boy landed back on the ring. He bit his finger with his teeth. He spoke in a loud voice, "I swear upon my blood. In this battle, no one will intervene, no one will make it difficult for you if you win." he made a blood oath. He turned to face his sister and said, "Go down, I will deal with this, first. Don't worry" his tone was soft as silk. A lot of girls melted at this scene. 

A caring brother, fighting against a monster for the sake of his beloved sister. 

The barbarian instantly let go of any scrupulous in his heart. He did not expect You Xi Wang to be so upright. Although he is a barbarian, he was not honorable. All he believed was in strength. 

He raised his head and walked up in the ring. As soon as he stepped out he released his Primal Soul Realm cultivation, took out a relic epee. He was now as powerful as peak Primal Soul Realm. His confidence was good. He spoke to You Xi Wang, "Don't worry, I will keep your face clean so that the world can recognize you after death."

You Xi Wang did not react and took out his sword, both his arms were suddenly shrouded with a faint black fire. He spoke, "I will keep your soul so that the people can learn from your mistake and be more honest." 

Alester Book said a word, "Begin." the word echoed throughout the arena. You Xi Wang flickered and slashed, but the barbarian was stronger at this moment, he defended himself by blocking the slash with his epee. You Xi Wang did not back off, the black fire on his arms suddenly moved and formed thin vines of black fire. You Xi Wang smirked and said, "Hell Fire Vines."

The vines latched on to the barbarians relic, You Xi Wang shunned the barbarian away. The barbarian tried to control his epee but it was rejecting him. He roared at You Xi Wang, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?"

You Xi Wang smirked and said, "Welcome to hell." with the words, his eyes flashed with silver light and the barbarian was surrounded by lava lakes, the people became skeletons, the whole scenery was echoing with ghostly howls.

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