A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 313: Fish.

You Xi Wang left the synchronization to the system and walked deep inside the tunnel. The thing inside the tunnel was not going to allow him to be distracted. The system synced the sutra moves in his mind. The boy could check the overwhelming inflow of knowledge in his mind and be surprised to see the extensivity of the moves created by the system. 

He instinctively reacted and started to circulate the spirit energy inside his body according to the sutra he had just learned. After ten cycles he sensed a significant qualitative change in his spirit energy. He thought of something and asked, "This sutra can work on my sister as well?" 

The system replied, "Ummm after some changes, yes. After all, she is a lady and her physique is different than yours." 

You Xi Wang nodded and said, "Very well, then. Alter it." as he continued walking inside the tunnels. He quickly came to the edge of the blockage and sensed that the darkness inside was too thick. The situation had worsened far more than before.

If they did not take any actions now, then the entity inside might actually wage chaos upon them. he took out a handheld Gatling gun and walked inside the barrier. The trigger was squeezed and the spirit rays started to fly and destroy the dark creatures. The process was not as unhappening as before. If not for the aid of the system, You Xi Wang would have suffered injuries twice or thrice before he could even reach the depth. 

The beasts had become crazy and more chaotic. They had not ordered and they were swarming toward him at a faster speed and rate as well. He had taken out his spear and sword to let them reap the lives of the dark beasts. Thankfully the weapons had spirits awakened and they could get stronger as they fought. As he went deeper inside the tunnel he released more of his weapons. 

For example, his bow, dagger, brawler gloves, and even war boots were released. The spirits were capable of killing the dark creatures as they attacked in groups. The charge forward became way too easy after this. The system was calmly directing the weapon spirits to attack the zones that needed more fire power while exerting the soul power to cast a barrier every five meters as they walked in. 

Suddenly a loud roar shook the tunnels. You Xi Wang said, "It is here. What shall we do?" 

The system said, "How about taking out the heavenly tribulation, firing a shot directly at the base of the tunnel, I can guide the aim. I can see the thing inside trying to break through the void crack." 

You Xi Wang was surprised and asked, "This thing is stuck inside a voice crack? That means it is an alien?" 

The system said, "Yes, so what do you think we should do. We have two options, just so you know." 

"Yes, I know. One is to help this thing break through the voice crack or to aim at the void crack to make it collapse within the crack and die. However, I think I will choose the first method. This thing will be able to temper the rookies nicely? What do you think?" said the boy.

The system also agreed with the first choice and they took out the infamous Heavenly tribulation cannon. The tunnel at the base was very big and opened enough for them to take this thing out and take a shot at the barrier in front of the beast. 

The canon was set up very quickly and then the boy held onto the trigger handles. He said, "Guide the aim," 

The system said, "Point on degrees to the left and declination by five degrees. Then you are cleared to take a shot." 

You Xi Wang followed the adjustment instructions and charged the canon. The beast seemed to have sensed their moment and began to roar loudly and struggled even more frantically. The system made a clicking sound and said, "These dark beasts sure are beasts disregarding their strength. Dumb shit does not even know that daddy is gonna help him train brothers. Such an annoying thing." 

The canon was charged. You Xi Wang sighed and let the charged shot fire away. The tunnels were lit up with a golden glow. The spirit beam grazed the opening of the void crack and made it big enough to let the beast out and then the void crack collapsed. 

You Xi Wang did not wait for the strong impact to follow, he stuffed in the cannon and ran out to the exit at his fastest speed. On the way, the spear on his back was grazing the ground and dislodging the array flags. The system said, "The fish has taken the bait, also, bastard raise your speed. The tunnels are collapsing." 

A huge tremor was set off inside the tunnels and the mountains began to shake. The people outside could see what was happening. 

Fenny cursed and said, "This maniac must have done something crazy again. ROOKIES, TAKE POSITIONS, ARMS AT READY." 

Her words had just fallen and You Xi Wang came rushing out of the tunnels, while the mountain behind him gave of low roar-like sounds. The whole megalith was caving in. Behind You Xi Wang appeared a dreadful creature. The beast was eight feet tall, the half body of a human but the head of the bull. This was the dark demon they had faced earlier so they were not afraid but what was different was this beast was far stronger than the ones they had faced. 

This beast had a flash contained in his eyes. This was not usual. The beast ran and he did come inside the spirit rune array formation zone, but it looked around at the people and said, "Humans? Was this place not infested by midget rats?" 

His words set off a wave of rage, surprise, and interest among the people. 

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