A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 318: Injured.

You Xi Wang sat in the corner meditating and alleviating his injuries slowly. The people did not disturb him and kept up with their tasks. You Zhichi kept a watch on him and also negotiated with the dwarfs. 

The negotiation was to ask for some resources. What she asked them for were weapons all cold and spirit weapons. The dwarves did not hesitate much, they opened up their coffers for the people. The people did not hesitate. After working with all diligence they all completed the work. 

In the morning, the people all stood at attention in front of him as he practiced in silence. They were ready to march any moment. However, their captain still sat on the floor mending his body. His soul force was exhausted and it was not easy to alleviate the soul. He had never used any treasures to deal with this sort of injury and neither had he kept such things. 

After waiting for an hour when he did not wake up, Yuki asked, "Gena, what do you see?" 

The latter stepped forward, her green eyes shined for a moment, and then she said, "His soul is heavily exhausted. He is trying to hold himself up but until he gets some aid of spiritual treasures. He will not be able to hold himself for a long time." 

As soon as her words dropped, a chuckled rang out. You Xi Wang said, "You underestimate me a lot, seer." 

The people were all surprised. You Xi Wang said, "My soul is hurt but it has not yet exhausted to the point where I cannot support myself. I will be guiding you rookies to take charge. If any single one of you made a mistake, I am still powerful enough to wipe the floor with you. Do you understand?" 

The people were immediately perked up. They all nodded and replied, "Hoo-ah." 

You Xi Wang walked to stand beside You Zhichi and sat on a horse beast the dwarves gave them as gifts. The celestial maiden could tell that his condition was very delicate. She held his hand with her soft jade palm. She asked in a low voice, "Can you still hold on?" 

Her brother nodded lightly with a weak smile on his face. The boy was really in a dire state. He said, "I did not expect that supressing him like this will cost me this much. Let me slack a bit?" his voice was very low. 

You Zhichi nodded and said, "I have your back." 

The rest of the phantoms did not say anything but they were already riding beside him. They did not say much but this showed that they were very concerned for him. The rest of the people also did not dare to slack off, even a little. If they did, the phantoms whipped at them with harsh remarks. 

Fenny almost shot a rookie with her sniper rifle. Yuki stopped her and said, "You people are just wastes. Should I get down and do all this myself?" her cold tongue froze everyone. The people were also ashamed because for the past few days they have not been doing much. They were slacking. When they thought with a calm mind, the tasks given to them were not as big as they thought. 

They all realized that they were just overstressing things and that was the reason for their mess-ups. When they realized the error they circulated this among each other and they all calmed down and their tasks became flawless. 

Neo told them that it was the result that mattered and nothing else. Thus the rookies began to achieve the goals better and much more smoothly than before. The pressure on them decreased a lot. 

On the way back to the elven nation they faced a lot of beasts and hordes, but they depended on themselves to solve them and not the phantoms. You Zhichi nodded and praised them for their performance. The two sides perfectly played good cop and bad cop. 

After traveling for three days, the entourage finally reached the elven nation. They were all welcomed warmly and came to their campsite. You Xi Wang was silent most of the way. As soon as they reached the captain's barracks, Celestia and Lily rushed over. 

Maya was kept inside the building for rest. The other hounds met with their companions. Celestia said, "You people, could you not help a big brother with anything. All of you are useless."

She was enraged by the fact that You Xi Wang was so severely injured. The people did not say anything. They did not dare to say anything. The pressure this little girl radiated was something too comparable to You Xi Wang when enraged. 

Lily beside her stepped forward and placed her hand over her shoulder as she said in a cold voice, "Leave them. They are not worth it. I can understand that Elder sister You Zhichi must not have been put forward to face the foe but she must have supported the fight with arrays and the other four would have directed them like little children they are. Treat Xixi first." 

They turned around with a snort and went inside the building. You Zhichi let out a sigh, she turned around to face everyone and said, "I apologize guys. You know, they can destroy the whole world for him. Please do not take their words to heart." 

The people all exchanged glances without replying. Suddenly one voice broke the silence, "Miss You, the two girls are not lying, in our anxiety we did not really help him much. Commander did nit say anything to us and was only hard when it was in our favor. We are at fault. We will not let such a thing happen again." 

Followed by his words, the crowd said, "YES." 

You Zhichi nodded and then asked them all to get back to rest, however the squad did not budge. They were all ready to stay standing till the young commander wakes up. This was their effort for him. Earlier words spoken by the two girls did not make them feel humiliated but acted like a fuel to the fire in their hearts. While they waited for the injured boy to be helped. 

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