A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 339: Arrivals.

You Xi Wang called in all of his phantom troupe and have them take over the control of the ship. He asked the rest of the nirvana rebirth realm practitioners to stay ready while he went out of the ship with two other war gods inside the ship. 

Before they exited the ship they were all asked to wear a spacesuit. It was no different from their battle armors. The three people dressed up and after touching each other's knuckles and checking communications they exited the ship. The ship was not a small one, but bigger than something You Xi Wang ever imagined. 

It was like five football fields combined together. He and the other two stood on top of the ship looking at the space filled with stars and rocks. Their suits had a magnetic locking system, that allowed them to walk on the metallic surface of the ship. Jackob said in the comms, "So what are we looking at here?" 

Aaron sighed and said, "The meteor belt up ahead." 

You Xi Wang did not say anything but walked to the nose of the ship and looked ahead at the sea of stars. He squinted his eyes and said, "Bridge, can you tell me what is our ETA with the meteor field at current speed?"

A voice sounded in his headset, "Commander, we have ten minutes."

You Xi Wang shook his head, "Aaron, looking at the cluster ahead, what do you think can we solve it before the ETA?" 

Aaron looked ahead and said, "They gotta be kidding. This belt is at least a kilometer long. Can you cover up this much distance with your arrays?" 

You Xi Wang shook his head, "Arrays cannot withstand the impact of these rocks." 


You Xi Wang's attack shocked and scared even the elders. As his punch landed on Achilles's chest the old man was made to take half a step back. You Xi Wang smirked. His expression triggered Achilles's battle intent to the peak. 

The old man punched at You Xi Wang. But surprisingly, his punch missed. You Xi Wang moved a few inches to avoid his punch and countered. His punches did not have much force now, yet he kept on fighting. Achilles could not help but attack the young man again and again with his fists. He did not know when he gave up on his sword. 

The two were embroiled in a heated exchange, Animo Albus said, "This duel, Wang'er wins." 

The rest of the elders nodded. The reason You Xi Wang won was nothing like he defeated Achilles. On the contrary, he lost miserably, yet, what counted was the spirit of War God. It has been such a long time for Achilles to have fought anyone with his bare hands. However, this young man could set his extinguishing ambition alight like a fire. 

This was his victory. The spirit of the war god displayed by You Xi Wang was twice as much stronger than even Achilles himself. Thus he was the winner. Achilles also heard these words and did not disagree. he was aware of his loss as soon as he was drawn into You Xi Wang's pace. The old man said, "Kid, stop. The sparring is over." 

You Xi Wang woke up and reined in his battle spirit. He took out a spirit pill from his space ring and consumed it. This time after he faced the tribulation, he realized how crucial spirit pills were for a cultivator. So, he hoarded up a space ring full of them. 

The wounds on his body healed at a speed visible to naked eyes. It was all skin trauma and nothing more. He put up his battle armor and You Zhichi undid her array. When she cast them it was five layers, but now she undid only two. Achilles noticed this, he realized that their battle did break through three barriers of level nine. 

He was aware that it was not his strength, but You Xi Wang. The boy had not mastered the focus application of the force in his attacks and thus the destruction. He said, "Xiao Wang, you have the most terrifying potential I have seen. I hope that you can bring your mental focus into your physical focus." 

You Xi Wang was aware of his meaning, how could he not know that his energy was high but it was all over the place ever since he began to fight Achilles? He nodded and said, "Thank you for your advice senior." Then he came down to stand among the two contenders earlier.

Elder Snipes smiled and spoke in a sonorous voice, "Now, people of metropia, have you seen how terrifying a War God can be? We are thankful that these brave warriors have been on our sides, and not the dark. So, would you all like to try and reach the level where these guys are?" 

The people below the raised stage yelled, "YES." 

They still had some years left. They were not the only ones, countless people of the world were yelling positively to show that they will chase the people. At You Family Mansion, Lily and Celestia were guiding the young kids their ages to get stronger. Teaching the martial arts and array science. While they were also guided by a senior member of the family. 

The two girls came into play where the kids cannot understand things. They were the smartest among the children and could easily help others solve problems. They were not watching the broadcast of the event and practicing. You Naixin came over and told them about the glory You Xi Wang earned. 

Celestia said in a loud voice, "If you all did not focus on training and kept awe-ing him. You will never surpass him. Do not live in his shadow. If you want to make him proud, then train and surpass him. That is when he will be able to walk ahead with his chin parallel to the ground."

Lily also said, "You all should listen to what Celes said. Do not think that he wants you to watch him. He wants you to become the best that you can be and always strive to be the best. Do you understand?" 

The children were able to understand what they said and nodded. You Naixin chuckled and mumbled, "Brat, your disciples will create a lot of competitors for you." 

The Chen Family. Chen Qianbei sat on her chair for the master of the family and the rest of the family elders and members all stood inside the gathering hall, watching the broadcast. 

Mu Qingling muttered, "Limao, your boy, has become a star as you always said he would be." her eyes were ruddy. 

Chen Qianbei said in a cold voice, "You Xi Wang is the youngest War God. Does anyone still want to severe relationship with them? Be my guest." 

There were people who always thought why You Xi Wang was preferred over them. This, however, came to an end today. They all watched how the boy did wonders.


Back at the Sky Event Square. 

Alester Book addressed the people, "You all are here to participate in the exam for the blessings and teachings of your ancestors. The real exam will be held on the abode of the ancestors. Even if you all did not pass the exam, you all must take time to pray and respect your ancestors." 

The people nodded and after a description, they all began to board a ship to the destination. It will take them a few months to reach the other planet, so, they all were asked to stay inside their rooms and practice if not needed to act. 

Back at the Sky Event Square. 

Alester Book addressed the people, "You all are here to participate in the exam for the blessings and teachings of your ancestors. The real exam will be held on the abode of the ancestors. Even if you all did not pass the exam, you all must take time to pray and respect your ancestors." 

The people nodded and after a description, they all began to board a ship to the destination. It will take them a few months to reach the other planet, so, they all were asked to stay inside their rooms and practice if not needed to act. 

The people had no problem with this. You Xi Wang was among these people as well. He had spent himself almost completely when fighting against the people on the spar demonstration. 


The ship traveled in the cosmos, steadily. You Xi Wang was lying inside his room with Gena and Yuki beside it. It has been three months since they had begun traveling and the two girls had embarked on their path to womanhood. 

The three of them looking at the stars scattered all over the void from a pothole. The two ladies did not know what was going through You Xi Wang's mind at the moment. As he looked at the stars, he was reminded that his old home also was lying somewhere among these places. He wondered if his brother was still alive and if he had a family of his own. 

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